
Luna Plenum University: A Shifter Romance

นักเขียน: R. B. Taylor
Fantasy Romance
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What is Luna Plenum University: A Shifter Romance

อ่านนิยาย Luna Plenum University: A Shifter Romance โดย ผู้เขียน R. B. Taylor ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel."The faculty and staff of Luna Plenum University would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to this prestigious program. Please use the enclosed supply list to prepare for the upcoming semester...


"The faculty and staff of Luna Plenum University would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to this prestigious program. Please use the enclosed supply list to prepare for the upcoming semester. Your dorm assignment will be displayed at Frasier Hall on move in day. We look forward to seeing you beginning June 7th of this year." *** Thrust into a strange new world, Ophelia Roberts is forced to navigate the strange halls of Luna Plenum University, and the secrets its halls keep. Meeting Sam Teague, the mysterious gamekeeper with secrets of his own, Ophelia feels drawn to this dark and handsome man, their bond growing, revealing not only his true identity. But also who Ophelia truly is. *** "You know I can't kiss you here in this library," Sam warned, breath warm against her bare neck. "And if I kiss you and take all the blame?" Ophelia asked. Luna Plenum University is created by R.B. Taylor, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.


Big Boss Nerdy Assistant

Grey's P.O.V Boss. You have a meeting in 5 minutes with the other investors and talk about the big project that your brother talk to you about. I said while walking and catching the things that he throw to me. I want to scold him everyday to his playful attitude even in work even if I'm just his secretary... At the same time I want to pull his cheeks so that I can stare to his handsome face... Gosh! Im blushing! Concentrate you idiot! Here I am again battling with my own brain....well I start to inform him his schedule and the papers that needed his signature and I'm off to go... Well, thank you. My Little nerdy, I'm on it. Gosh here we go again his flirting words... But wait I'm blushing again... Ah! I hate my self, i think a little push and I'm gonna devour him alive "sigh".... So, being me myself I ignore him even though i want to pull him and kiss him possessively... My God, why is he so playful and yet so sexy, can he consider that he is a boss of a big company and a successor of a multi billion business!? Well what do I expect to a playboy...sigh. After I run away from David, well as you notice i didn't call him as my boss in my mind cause he is a husband in my fantasy so that's it we are first name basis in my world. Walking along the corridor i notice a weird looking woman standing in front of my office. She look crazy standing in front of my office while playing in the scissors. Omg!!!! Whats happennnnnningg!!! I think i saw this girl the other day with david, my god i have a bad feeling about this."gulp" I walk into the woman and asked. Ahmmm, miss can I help you? If you want to visit Boss you have to make an appointment. She's not moving, maybe i should asked her again loudly. Miss how do I hel---wtf!!!!! Well, splash me with a f*cking coffee! It so hot, I felt that my skin is burning!!!(Arrrrrgh) Why did you do that!? Huh!!! little wh*re, how dare you to be my david's girlfriend. Your such a sl*t who seduces your boss in work!!! (Ok shes psycho) Who told you that and what do you mean by seducing my boss!!! Miss please get out before i call a security for slandering and making a scene!!! (Ahhhh for f*ck sake) Miss, without due respect your in a hundred fifty that making a scene for my boss attention, so back off ang go back to your sl*tty place you'd came from. Security!!!!!!!!! And that's the last string to have my day broken( argh, my boss is such a pain in the a*s).

heleina · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

The Adventures and Misadventures of Little Pink in the Human World

In a world of fantasy, mystery, technology and magic, so many stories could be told, that of the princess who ran away with the court magician, the son of the baron who controls from the shadows the whole south side of the empire, that of the servant who fell in love with a spirit of the lake or even the Emperor who is just a teenager who has reincarnated in a world different from his own. However, this is not the story about mere humans, but about a spirit that differs from the others, while they represent animals, plants or even the 4 elements, she represents nothing, and nothing like the void spirits, just nothing. Then the Spirit King, ordered her to join the protection spirits of the physical kingdom, after failing to protect no less than 8 cows, 3 mice, 5 panthers and 274 different insects she was expelled from the spirit kingdom until further notice. Now trapped in the world of humans, without any spiritual power or even being able to sign a contract with a summoner, she has to find a way to prove herself worthy to return to the spirit world. With her unique ability to transform into anything, our heroine goes through a series of misadventures, finds what can be love, finds out more about herself and about matters that can affect the balance of all worlds ... --- "Hahahaha. Little spirit, no human can see you" Mocked a summoner of the beast people. "Didn't they teach you anything at the spiritual academy? To communicate with intelligent beings you need to use the energy of a summoner." The small, shapeless pink bubble that floated in front of the silver-haired man squirmed as if she pouted. "I have no problem talking with the plants ... or with mices ..." A fluid female voice came out of the bubble. "Is your intelligence similar to a mice? So can you hear me?" "What the fu ..." "Hey ... hey ... Mister Fox ... could you help me? I have a lot of skills ..." ---- What used to be a small pink bubble was shocked when looking in the mirror, in front of her a woman with a slightly pink skin and red hair and eyes stared at her, her hair floated in the same way that her body used to float. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHH" "Little pink, whats the problem?" The fox man ran into the room and his pale skin turned completely red. "Wear some clothes !!!" "I ... I ... I became a pouch of meat like you! Look !!" The woman tore off the tail that the man put in front of his face. "We want to infiltrate the human city, while I just have to hide my tail and ears you have to change the color of your skin. It is very pink, Little One, you can pass for a fairy .... not a human" ----- "This is the Fennec Territory, be quiet and don't talk to anyone. These things are the reason why everyone hates foxes." "But ... they are so cute! Look at those ears, they are bigger than their little heads! And he is so nice, he said that for just 120 gold he lets us through. I don't understand the coin system yet, but Joe this wonderful fenec said it is very cheap. " Smiled Little pink hugging and squeezing the cheeks of what looked like a child fox from the beast people. The little boy had big cheeks with baby flesh, big, totally black eyes and extremely big fox ears. "For another 1000 golds, I can go with you, and bless you with my enormous ability to be beautiful." The little Fennec smiled. "We cannot separate children from their parents." Said Rose as Austin pulled her away from what he considered a little demon. "Oh." His smile widened "I'm already 100 years old." --- "Rose, don't leave me," Said Austin as he hugged her. And for the first time since they met, little pink saw tears falling down the arctic fox's face.

CSena · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs
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