
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Chapter 2

Back at the Human Castle, the human king, King Arges, walked down to the dungeon with his children. The reason for this trip is an educational expedition. He wants to teach them not to fear the Fae but to crush them under their boot. However, there was also an unspoken reason for today's trip. Once they arrived, they saw the dirty, disgusting dungeon covered by wings and blood. The cells echoed with cries of the capture faes, in pain. Once they reached the end of the cells, they saw Rias, Raya, and Yana.

"Father, I made my choice. I want these three to entertain me." The Prince said,

"All right, in that case, I'll take the three of them." The Princess said as she pointed to Tyrell and the others.

"Sure thing. Guards, Release these faes into my children's custody." The king ordered.

"Yes Sir." the guards said as they made their way to the cells.

As the guards opened the cell doors, a loud boom came from above. The king and the guards ran outside to see what caused the sound, leaving the prince and the princess down in the safe dungeon. However, the didn't realize they left the cell wide open. Rias and the others ran out of the cell as soon as the guards left and released the other faes. However, the prince and princess blocked the only exit.

"Move out of the way!" Rias yelled.

"How dare a disgusting, filthy fae tell us what to do? You should be grateful we're letting you live for now." the princess said.

Rias sighed and thought "We don't have time for this."

Suddenly, Rias transformed, and attacked the prince with a punch to the stomach. He to his knees and puked.

"Whoops, I didn't mean to do that. Seems like I have to hold back on you, Princess," she said as she turned towards the princess. The princess, paralyzed by the fear, stands completely still while soiling her clothes.

"Wow, Rias is scary when she's angry," Raya said shaking.

"You think. I think she rather calm compared to her god-father and god-mother when they angry." Yana said.

"Really? Who are they?"

"Our weak cousin, Reo, and his slut girlfriend, Anko," Tyrell said

"Idiot! Don't say that about Reo and Anko, especially in front of Rias. Do you want her to get angry again? There's no one here to stop her this time."

Realizing the wise words that came from his twin, Tyrell felt a sense of danger and fear. He looked at Rias, hoping she didn't hear him. Luckily, she was more focused on the power outside.

"Let's go!" She said.

"I hope that's who I think that is... Papa... Mama... I need you two here."

As they rushed through the castle, they encounter soldiers, who were determined to stop them. After a few easy fights with the soldiers, Rias and the others rushed outside and saw it. A war between the human kingdom and the Faes.

"What's going on? Why is everybody fighting? What are these beings? I don't recognize them at all." Raya said.

"Human King!" Titania's voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

"Release my daughter and the others fae under capture and you, along with your people, shall live another three days."

"HELL NO! You have no right to threaten me, nor my people. We will fight you until the end." The human king responded angrily. The crowd yelled as if they already won the war.

"Foolish humans, indeed! Now they have to suffer for something their king decided." Leska said as she sat down somewhere on the battlefield.

"Well, they made their choice. Now we don't have to hold back against them. They can properly get punished for their sins." Jeanne said.

"Okay, but let's try not to injured the innocence," Sapphire said.

"Right." Leska and Jeanne said simultaneous.

Suddenly, the three of them sprung onto the battlefield. Each of them had a different purpose. Leska was to thin the numbers of the army. Jeanne was to handle the air weapons such as the cannons. Sapphire was to search and rescue for Raya and the others. Once the army is down to a certain number, the Fae will attack the castle. However, the plan didn't go like it was supposed too. The humans had a secret weapon for the revived Fae and their queen. Specialized iron dust made to destroy a fae with a touch. It attacks the cells of the faes that help convert elemental energy and once they're destroyed, the fae's body disintegrates into dust, leaving nothing. They called it BlackDeathX or BDX. Along with this problem, humans had people who were on par with Leska and Jeanne's power. It was the side effects of working with BDX. It mutated the humans' DNA which allowed them to access a massive amount of power and some even developed abnormalities. Thanks to this development, they had the confidence to start this war. Luckily, Titania noticed the escaped fae and landed in front of Rias and the other. Automatically, Rias raised her guard.

"Are you all alright?" Titania asked concernedly.

"Mom, What happened? Why is this happening?" Raya asked.

"We came to get you, and stop the humans' genocide plans for the fae."

"Genocide? Why would they do that?" Rias asked.

"I wasn't talking to you, human. Stay out of our business before I turn you into dust." Titania said as she gives off a strong, deadly aura.

"Mother, no. Don't... She was one of the people helped me and the others escape. I trust her with my life." Raya pleaded.

"Raya, are you sure you trust her?"

Raya nodded with a serious look. The look Raya gave Titania was so intense, it convinced Titania to trust Rias too. Suddenly, A dust cloud of BDX attacked Titania and the others while their guard was down. Wondering how it was possible, Titania erected a barrier to protect and purified the Raya and the other from the dust.

The human king laughed loudly and yelled "What now, You false queen? Once you touch the dust, you're dust."

Suddenly, the BDX cloud slowly retracted within itself. As seconds went by, the cloud consumed by Titania, surprising the king. Thanks to her heritage of a Jan-gu, the BDX doesn't affect her as it affects her subjects.

"What! Is she going to be okay? That stuff looked like it's deadly to you fae," Rias asked concerned.

"Yeah, She's fine. My mother is a hybrid, and the strongest fae in the entire universe."

"Hybrid?" Rias and the others asked.

"Right, human. You don't know about our legends. Well, my mother is a part of a Clan called the Lucrada Clan."

"Lucrada!" Rias said excitedly.

"You don't know about them. They're legends known across the Universe. Every race should know stories of their deeds." Raya said shocked.

"Who's the leader of this Clan?" Yana asked.

"My uncle, Vlad Lucrada. He's a part of the all-powerful race, Jan-gu."

"What? Grandpa Vlad." Rias said excitedly.

"Wait... You know about Uncle Vlad. Do you know about his wife... Auntie Meliona?" Raya asked curiously.

Rias nodded. Raya looked at Rias with a confused look. "Who are you, Rias?" she asked instinctively.

"What do you mean? I'm Rias Mashiro, Princess of the Jan-gu," she replied.

"Impossible! You don't give off an aura similar to my uncle." Raya replied.

"That's because she's the god-daughter of the new king and queen of the Jan-gu," Titania said.

Raya, shocked by the news, instantly got on a knee and held her head down.

"Forgive me, milady. I didn't know of your status," she said.

"Stop it! There's no need for formalities now. Besides, we're basically family." Rias said.

They each looked at each other and laughed. Suddenly, a cannonball flew towards Rias and the others. Unfortunately, none of them noticed the cannonball until it crashed.

"Miss. Rias, Please remember that you're on a battlefield. Please be aware of your surroundings." a familiar voice said.

Rias looked at the barrier around them and noticed the person's voice. It was the dryad that was her father's familiar. Happy to see a familiar face, Rias jumped onto her as she yelled "Jade!".

"I'm happy to see you too, Rias," she said as she put her hand on Rias' head.

"I missed you so much," Rias said.

"I did too. Master Ezra hasn't been calling me in a while. Now that I mention it, I think the connection between us has been sev-

Jade's face went blue with fear.

"Rias, what happened to your father?" She asked.

Yana looked Rias and hoped she was okay to answer the questions by the strange person. Rias had an intense look on her face, scared to tell Jade the horrible news about Takayama. Suddenly, she felt three hands on her. She turned around and saw the three astral projections. It was two grandmothers and a strange person she didn't recognize. They all looked at her giving her a feeling of reassurance.

"The WAA(World's Army Association) murdered my father." Rias said.

"Murdered." Jade said fearful and confused.

Rias nodded.

"Grandpa Vlad said that the WAA have became corrupted by the Rebel Gods."

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck Rias, nearly killing her. Jade looked at Rias' body with a cold, dark look. It was a look of fear and sorrow. Titania looked up, wondering where that lightning coming from because there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Then, she saw him. Thor, the Norse god of lightning and the guardian of the human sans on Alfheim.

"Raya, I want you to take everybody and run back to the forest."Titania telepathically said. However, Raya didn't respond because she was paralyzed by the sight of Rias.

"Raya!" Titania yelled. Sadly, it was no good. Raya sat there.

"Auntie, What happened?" Jeanne said.

"What is he doing here?" Leska asked with disgust.

"Rias!" Sapphire yelled with a worried expression.

"You three, I need you to retreat with everybody back into the forest." Titania said as she kept her eyes on Thor.

" No Auntie, Thor is one of the strongest gods of their entire race.You can't fight him alone." Jeanne said.

"Did you forget? I'm the Queen of the Fae, daughter of Ira Lucrada. A Fae/ Jan-gu hybrid. Even, if I'm just a half-breed(an experiment), I'm still one of the most powerful race." Titania said just before she took off into the sky towards Thor, striking a flame of strong hope, morale in Jeanne, Sapphire, and Leska.

At that moment, Sapphire teleported everybody, except Titania and Thor, back to the city. Once there, the three of them healed the injured, starting with Rias. Back at the battlefield, Titania and Thor faces off.

"You don't belong here, Thor. Leave now!" Titania said with an overwhelming aura.

"The queen of flies dares to order me around.You must have a death wish." Thor responded with his own aura.

The sky slowly turned dark as the clouds gathered. Then, the thunder roared as each bolt of lightning crashed down, hitting the surrounding area, and scaring the humans back into their castle for safety.

"You're really not going to give up." Thor said with a smug expression on his face.

"No," She replied just before charged at Thor.

As they clashed, lightning flew everywhere. However, Titania was the only who was knocked back, and the reason for this was Thor's weapon, Mjolnir. A mighty hammer craft by the Jan-you as a gift to the gods as a symbol of peace between two races. Only those who has true honor, and worth may wield this weapon. The hammer itself is composed of condense Caleaxium, which can only be found in Caleaxia, making it the heaviest strongest, and most durable weapon in the universe. Also, it can act as a conduit when channeling elemental magic. It was supposed to be used as the Human's world savior. However, the gods had other plans for it. They only use Mjolnir as a weapon of mass destruction. They destroyed multiple of super-intelligent civilizations, and used it as they saw fit.

"Enough, I didn't come here to play." Thor said as Titania got ready to charge again He raised his hammer over his head.Suddenly,holes formed in the sky, and out of them cam a ship of soldiers from the earth dimension.

"How unfortunate?" Titania said as she sighed.