
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

I'll also be posting chapters here https://www.royalroad.com/profile/553083/fictions and here lucrada.net In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Land of the Fae

After surviving a life-threatening fall,Rias and her friends found themselves surrounded by full-body armored soldiers. Unable to fight back, they're captured and taken away to the dungeon of the soldiers castle. Upon arriving in the dungeon, they witness the cruel torture and abuse done there. They've seen little people, blood running, begging for help. As they went deeper into the dungeon, They saw bloody wings in piles on the sides and heard many different sounds, such as crying and grunting. Their fear grew with every step they took. Suddenly, they stopped at a dungeon cell with a single girl in it. The guards opened the cell door, and pushed Yana and Rias in it. Across from the girls was a cell full of little boys that they threw the guys in it.

"Now, you fairies be good prisoners and behave yourselves, or you go into the torture room." One of the soldiers said before he walked off while laughing.

"You bastard" Yana thought to herself as she felt helpless and angry.

"Yuso, Esu na ye? (Excuse me, Who are you?)" The little girl asked.

Yana couldn't understand her, so she attempted to wake Rias up to see of she could. Sadly, She failed multiple times.

"Asu pase grangu? (What's wrong with her?)"the little girl asked worriedly.

"Are you worried about Rias? I think she's just resting. She used a lot of power earlier." Yana said slowly as she tried to reassure the girl.

"Staze Ba. (Stand back.)" she said as she gathered mana.

"O'fellon compards, eans hy poer, n heal pase. (oh fallen comrades, lend your power, and heal her.)"she chanted.

Suddenly, Rias glowed and woke up. As she rose up, she was tackled by Yana, was silently crying tears of happiness.

"Ow! Why did you jumped on me, Yana?" Rias asked.

"Because you suddenly passed out after landing and didn't wake up, I was really worried about you."

"Really? I had no idea."

"Yeah, and this girl was the one who helped yo-

The girl cries out in pain, interrupting her.

"What's wrong? What's happening to her, Yana?" Rias asked worriedly.

"I don't know."

Then, Rias noticed the iron collar around the girl's neck, and how it glowed.

"Yana, look at her collar. It's glowing." She said as she touched it.

"Yeah, it's glo... Ow."She said as she burnt herself on the collar.

"What's wrong?"

"I burned myself as soon as I touched the collar. I think the collar is burning her."

"Pease, hep yu. (Please, help me?)" the girl asked struggling to stay conscious. A second later, she passes out from the pain.

"Alright, I'll help you." RIas said with confidence and conviction.

"Rias, Do you understand her?"

"I'll explain later." Rias said as she transformed again. This time her transformation was distinguished with red hair with a sparkling, silver streak and silver eyes with cross-like shape in her eyes.

"Alright, let me break this collar." Rias said confidently. Then she touched it with one finger, and the collar started to fall apart into blocks.

"Rias, How?

Yana stops her comment as she saw Rias using heal magic. Suddenly, The girl jumped up, surprising them both.

"Thank you very much. My life is in your debt." She said as she bowed.

"Oh, don't worry about it. You helped me out, so it was only right to return the favor." Rias said modestly.

"No, As princess of the fae, I have a duty to repay all my debts." she said.

"Wait, Princess? Fae? What do you mean?" Yana asked confused.

"Well, let me start by introducing myself, I'm Raya, princess of the Fae, and daughter of Queen Titania and King Oberon."

"Fae?" Yana said as if nothing was processing.

"Fae, or faires in human terms, are beings that are capable of manipulating and utilizing elemental energy, and spirit energy." Raya said as she summoned energy to her hand.

"So, if you could've used this energy,why didn't you escape on you own?"

"Two reasons. The first is the iron collar that was around my neck. iron blocks our powers and burns us in the process. The second reason was because I didn't want to leave the other faes that are trapped here in this hell.I also my duty to protect all of the fae. I was not going to abandon them." She said with a serious look in her eyes.

"I get that you have a sense of duty to protect your kind, but how did you and your people get capture it the first place?" Rias asked.

"I don't know myself. I was just playing in the woods when I saw these human knights transporting some faes to their castle. I guess they had someone watching from the outside of they're caravan because I was planning to follow them back to their castle, but was captured in the process."

"That makes sense, but it seems they can't tell the difference between faes and humans. I mean they captured us, and we're human." Yana said.

"Yeah, but we are still a different from them. We more advanced and can use magic, not to mention our SP Powers. We aren't humans like they are here. We're unknowns to them and humans fear the unknown." Rias said with an intense look.

"Rias? Are you okay?" Yana asked worriedly.

"Hm, Of course, I'm okay. Just thinking out loud." She said smiling.

The smile Rias gave seem like it stop Yana from asking anymore questions for now. However, the smile was only used to reassure Yana. Rias, being the genius she is, knew that their first priority was getting out of the prison with everybody. Sadly, there was a huge problem Rias couldn't access any of her power. It seems that she used most of her power to save and the other lives during that fall. Luckily, thanks to her god-grandmothers, Reiko and Asia, Rias felt that her powers we're recovering slowly, and by tomorrow morning she should be a full strength.

Meanwhile in the forest of the fae, A woman zooms through it leaving nothing but flatten trees as a trail. She seem to be worried about something. Then, she stops in front of a giant door, and places a hand on the door. The door shines and disappears, revealing a bustling city of Faes. From Spriggans to Dryads to Sprites, they're were many different kind of fae in this city, and as the woman walked through the gates, the guards stood at attention.

"Glad to see you okay, my queen." A man said as he approached the woman.

"Shouldn't you be locked up awaiting your punishment?"She said.

"I don't what your talking about. The king of Fae, Oberon, doesn't belong in prison." He said.

" Really, you don't belong in prison.You sold your own people to those humans for no reward, not mention your own daughter. Who knows what they're doing to her now."

"I did not do anything of the sort. Even if I did something like that, you wouldn't be able to prove it." He said with malicious smile.

Suddenly, a shockwave came from the woman, causing the people around her to tremble.

"You dare talk to your queen like that. You must be ready to die." She said.

"Come on, Titania. You won't kill your beloved king, will you?" He said arrogantly.

"Beloved king? No, but the man that killed his son and sold his daughter, along with the people he's supposed to protect, to the enemy. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now." She said.

"For one thing, our daughter would be upset, and your don't have your full power yet. Currently, your powers aren't enough to fight a human army, let alone me."

"Is that what you think?"

Suddenly, Glowing chains shot up out of the ground, and wrapped around Oberon tightly.

"What's going on? What is this?" He said while struggling to break free.

"These are a gift from my father. He thought I would need them at some point.They seal any type of magic of the person who it's wrapped around."

"That old man never liked me. Him and your siblings."

"Guards, Take him back to his cell and don't let him out again." She said as she released another shockwave.

"Yes, my queen." A guard said with fear in voice.

"You really shouldn't scare your people like that, Aunt Tania." A voice appears behind Titania.

She turns around and her mood changes.

"Leska, Sapphire, Jeanne! I so happy your here, but why are you here?"

"We came to give you the good news. We, the people of Eden, have received our rightful king, and his three wives." Sapphire said.

"So, Ryuuji finally came back. That's wonderful. He needs to take his fathers place as the leader of the Lucrada Clan."

"No,not Ryuuji. It's the son of the second daughter, Reo Amagiri." Jeanne said.

"What! They finally awoken to there powers again. This is wonderful news. Too bad it came to me on a horrible day."

"You mean your daughter being kidnapped by the humans." Leska said.

"Yeah, and I see you're still away watching."

"Of Course. We protect family, even if you don't need it." the three of them said simultaneously.

"Good to know." Titania said while smiling.

"So, shall we begin." Leska said as she summoned a magic circle.

Out of the circle, was a pack of wolves form Hikojima, the hellbeast(she was using as a pillow),and Tsuki, the leader of the Oni."

"Is there a reason why you summoned me to the place, Lady Leska." Tsuki asked.

"You're helping us search for Reo's cousin. Plus, we might need you help getting in undetected."

"Yes Milady."

"Wait, Leska! We can't go just yet." Titania said.

"Why not?" Leska said with disappointed tone.

"Because I just woke up, and I don't have my full powers yet."Titania said.

"Oh right, I forgot about your condition." Leska said.

"Huh, What condition?" Sapphire asked.

"Well, Sapphire, as you know Aunt Titania not an ordinary fairy or fae, She's a fae with Jan-gu powers. However, like Reo and Anko, she has problem control her powers when she sleeps. Even though there's no need for her to sleep like other beings, she still prefers it every once in while. So, she made a special kind of magic to temporarily seals her from the dimensional energy every month she sleeps, but it takes a long time for her to recover her power after she uses it." Jeanne explained.

"How long?" Sapphire said.

"Three days." Titania said.

"How long you have left?" Leska asked.

"My powers should return tonight, or in the morning."

"Okay, we'll wait, but we first have to find the princess and her friend before anything else." Jeanne said.

"Princess?" Titania said with a surprised look.

"Reo's and Anko's goddaughter, Rias. That's the original reason for us being here. Grandpa sent her and her friends here to help you, but they was taken by the humans when they landed. So, we came to give them back up."

"If they were taken by the humans, they probably think she's a fae."

Suddenly, Sapphire hears screams and moaning from far away. She turn towards the sound, and uses her dimension sight to see the problem. However, She wasn't expecting to see this. Elves men hung on the cross, slowly dying as they watch their wives get rape and there kids killed by the humans.

"Jeanne, Leska, I'll be right back. I going to wipe out the trash of this world." Sapphire said as she slowly transforms into her adult form. Then, she releases an immense amount of energy, just before she takes off into the skies, to blow back her sister and Titania.

"Oh, no you don't sister. I won't allow you to have all the fun." Leska said as she tied Sapphire up with her strings, but they broke instantly.

"Sister, You know you can't hold me with your string."

"I know. This is a distraction."

Jeanne appeared behind Sapphire, and attempted to knock her out with a chop to the neck, but Sapphire activated her Armor body almost instantly.

"Sorry, but you can't stop me." she said as she threw her sister into the ground.

Few minutes later, Jeanne wakes up with Sapphire, standing in front of her, in front of a village. She hears screaming and crying from the village. Jeanne got up and started to run into the blazing town, but she was stopped by Sapphire.

"Why are you stopping me, Phi." Jeanne asked

"It's too late. They're already gone. " Sapphire said as she extended her arm. The image of the village burning disappeared, showed its ruin.

"What happened?" Jeanne asked as she fell to her knees.

"The humans of this dimension are on a war path against the fae. They're planning to wipe out every living fae here." Sapphire said.

"That's why you said that stuff earlier." Leska said.

"Yeah, but I was too late. This happened last night."

"So, what will you three do? Call the Lucrada or the archangels of Jan-gu." Titania said.

"Why should we call anyone for an army of humans? We're strong enough to handle a couple of them. Like really, We're the strongest people on Eden." Leska said confidently.

"Yeah, besides we have to do this ourselves. If Reo finds out about Rias being kidnapped, he would immediately come here to help. He's the definition of a helicopter parent when it comes to Rias." Sapphire said.

Leska and Jeanne nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's head back to prepare for the upcoming war.

Disappearing instantly, they all went back to the city. Once there, they saw something horrid. The city was set ablaze by the humans, leaving no survivors. In the mess of it all was a single message with a small blade through it. It read "This world is no longer yours to rule." Titania fell to knees and cried out for her people.

"Auntie Titania, I'm sorry. If you didn't come after me during my temper tantr-

"No, Phi, We all know it's not your fault. If anything, you saved me." Titania said as she stop crying.

"Seems like I'm too late." Ira said as he appeared above them all.

Titania looked up and saw him.

"Father, Why are you here?" Titania asked.

"Well, I was on Eden to get the Jan-gu to take them back to Caleaxia to welcome two new Jan-gu the multiverse."

"What! Reo and Anko had kids!" Jeanne said with excitement.

"Damn, That kid works fast." Leska said.

"No, they had to be reborn in order to withstand their true potential. I think they'll be the birth of a new race once they awaken."

"Why would you say that, Gramps?" Leska asked.

"They're far stronger than anyone of us. But, anyway we can solve that later, for now, let me fix your problem." He said as he stretched out his arms.

"What are you trying to do, Grandpa?" Sapphire asked.

"Right, You're still young, so you probably don't know about our ultimate ability, Resurrection."

"What? We can bring the dead back to life?"

"Yes, We just need to prepare new bodies, and retrieve the fallen souls from the afterlife. The only downside is we have to rest for ten days to recover." He said.

"I never knew that we possessed such an ability." Sapphire said excitedly.

"Well, you never been around death to actually learn it, but, if you ask me, that's a good thing."

"Sorry, for interrupting father, but why would you do something so great for your daughter you abandoned?" Titania asked.

"First, I didn't intend on leaving you and your siblings, but there was something I had to do. Hopefully, this would be enough for you to forgive me. Be right back." Ira said as his body fell to the ground.

"What the h-

"Don't worry. He went to the afterlife, but why leave his body here?" Titania said.

"Don't know, but I think we put out the fires before they arrive." Jeanne said.

"You're right, Let me see if my powers came back." Titania said as she gotten up.

She closed her eyes and concentrated own her surroundings.

"Feel it. The elemental energy that make up this world. No, I need to conjure all the power I can to improve this once great city, and bring it into a new age. For my people, I need to access the Jan-gu powers I possess. Please." Titania thought to herself.

Suddenly, She shined brightly, and slowly transformed into a form similar to Omega Form that the Jan-gu use. As time passed, Titania regained more and more of her power. She opened her eyes, and released a strong gust of wind, which destroyed the flaming buildings easily.

"Holy shit! That's a lot of p-power from her. I can't even produce this much of power." Sapphire said with excitement in her voice, as her natural fighting instinct took over.

Titania snapped her fingers, and formed buildings made of trees, instantly.

"Now, let's continue." Titania said with an overwhelming look in her eyes.

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