
Loving Is Difficult

Jennifer Morgans is a successful 26 year old woman who had gotten her heartbroken in three previous relationships. She was about celebrating her third year anniversary with her current boyfriend Dave, when her heart got broken for the fourth time and that was when she concluded that love wasn't for her and decided to give up on love. She became very cold and rebuilt her walls, vowing never to let any man into her heart again. Andrews Zander is a multi-billionaire and well known notorious playboy . He happens to run into Jennifer at a night club and had a bad encounter with her. After that night he strikes a deal with his friends to get even with her by getting her to date him and then dump her when she least expects it. What will happen between them? Will Andrews plan work? Will Jennifer ever open her heart for love again? Find out in Andrews and Jennifer's story.

Blackberry1234_ · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

I Need You To Pretend As My Boyfriend

Days passed since I got that text and since then, I haven't gotten a text like that so I considered it to be a spam.

My main problem now was getting Andrews to play the role of my boyfriend as the dinner my mom scheduled for was in two days time.

In fucking two days and I haven't had the courage to give Andrews a call.

'What exactly am I going to do?'

I just can't call him and say 'Hey Andrew, do you mind becoming my boyfriend?' Or I'd say...

'Hey Andrew, I want you to be my boyfriend'

Geez! Just the thought of making such phone call is enough to make me puke and I can already imagine the arrogant smirk that will be plastered on his face the moment I make such a proposal.

'I am doomed.'


"There's a gentleman outside seeking for your attention" Mary, the assistant secretary to the director came into my office bearing the news.

Jane had taken the day off to go see her cousin who was rushed to the hospital yesterday so I was borrowing Mary for the day.

"Did he give a name?"

"Yes, he said his name was Andrew. Andrews Zander."

My heart almost flew out of my chest immediately I heard his name. How? Why? What the hell is he doing here! I don't remember having any appointment with him.

"Okay, let him in."

I adjusted my self on the chair, dusted my skirt and put on a very big smile on my face. Since he was here, I might as well just use the opportunity to make my proposal and if I wanted to do that, I needed to act friendly for him to accept.

The moment he stepped into my office, my breathe seized.

I don't know if it was because I haven't seen him in a while, but he was drop dead gorgeous. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, the three buttons of his white shirt was left open giving a glimpse of his hairy chest. His hair was gelled back making it shiny and his lips were pink making me think if anything was applied to it.

He looked as if he had just stepped out of the vouge magazine.

I licked my lips and imagined us making out right here in this office. I could feel my panties wet with need.


I suddenly jerked at the sound he made making come back to reality. He looked at me with a dirty smirk across his face, taunting me as if he knew I almost tore him apart in my head.

I coughed awkwardly and directed him to sit across me.

"So what brings you to my office. I don't remember having any appointment with you today." I sat pressing my legs together tightly because of the way I was feeling.

"Are you okay? You look a little flushed" He had this look of worry in his eyes.

"No, yes, y..es, I'm fine" he didn't have to know what I was going through down there. I was already embarrassed enough.

"So back to my question. Why are you here?"

"Well, we've looked over the contract you sent and there was no loopholes. We've signed it so I brought the duplicate over" he brought out the documents from a bag that I didn't even noticed he came with.

"How kind of you to do the errand job. Why didn't you just fax it to me or send an email. You didn't have to come all the way here."

"There are technologies that makes life easier these days or do you now live under a rock?" This wasn't the way I planned on talking to him, but I was already becoming irritated at the way I was feeling because of him.

"Easy there tiger. Inasmuch as I'd like you to eat me, I wouldn't want it to be now" he teased me, smiling slightly.

"I'm also here to remind you of my offer to be friends. You turned me down before so I decided to give you time to think it over again. Maybe I was too forward."

I seriously didn't know if this was the heavens way of helping me but I was really grateful to them for making him ask me again.

"Why exactly do you want us to become friends. You tried to hit on me at the club sometime ago, so what changed"

Even though I was happy about this, I still wouldn't give in easily.

"Because you are different. To be honest, I'm really sorry for the other time at the club. Girls usually fall for me all the time but you turning me down that night made me think that maybe all girls are really not the same."

"I'm not asking to be friends because I have none, but I like you and I want to know your type of person."

Well that was something. Seems like he's not so bad after all.

"Okay, fine. We can become friends" I stretched out my hand for a handshake.

"Since we are now friends and all, I have a request for you."

"I need you to pretend as my boyfriend."