
Use My Given Name

Those were not the words but he would make do. Charles kissed her softly, testing and she replied accordingly. It satisfied the barbarian in him. She wanted him.

He kissed her face, her cheek, the side of her mouth and her neck. When she responded to each with a sigh, he bit his lips. He pushed her robe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor, pooling by their feet.

Charles's eyes travelled the length of her body. Her soft skin was heated underneath his touch and her heaving breasts threatened to undo the seam of her nightdress.

She shrugged her shoulders shyly. "The night garment is pretty."

His lips tugged. Did she think he cared for her night garment? "You are prettier." He held himself say. Her smile stole his breath. He kissed her again and carried her away from the door. Beth wrapped her legs around him, holding onto him.

Walking in the general direction of the table, Charles continued to kiss her until he sat her down on the table.