
Waves Of Passion

Charles pulled his shirt over his head and Beth was privy to his bare body. He was well-built and she again was reminded of how much his clothes hid away.. Her hands lifted of their own accord and came to rest on his chest.

Beth had seen him before but she had been under the influence of alcohol, she was not sure she had studied him so intently. He was so masculine and firm.

Her hands travelled his body and he waited, standing evenly still as her gaze moved slowly over him and her hands did the same. She touched the square of his muscles and tendons of his stomach, surprised he had no fat to spare.

Beth was admiring him as he had admired her. She was completely mesmerized by him and was unashamed. His chest was broad and dusted with dark hair. Her trip ended by the tip of his trousers and returned to his chest. She dared herself and kissed him on his left breast.

He moaned.