
Lovers in time

Ruby rose and her husband Jaune arc were the last two people that survived the secret war between both Ozpin or Ozma and Salem as the world ended in a bright light they held themselves into eachothers arms knowing that this is their final goodbye and hoping to see eachother on the other side but when opening up their eyes they see that they were younger again and that Beacon was standing but then when they see eachothers younger selves THEY WERE SENT BACK IN TIME!?!?! read and find out how they will change their future will they succeed or shall it end in a far worse fate (I don't own anything related to RWBY that belongs to Monty Oum RIP)

Joyboy325 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Enlightenment of the Past Condones the Future?

The sun began to slowly rise as the rays of light hit the campus as the birds tweet a comforting song and the healthy green leaves rustle with the gentle warm breeze, It was now morning, both Jaune and Ruby began to get awake as they stretched as they had the best sleep of their entire lives, no one was threatening their lives, no constant major Grimm attacks or assasination attempts just one night of sleep was like a taste of heaven that they forgot feeling about from so long ago.

But then they looked at their surroundings as they were both confused for a few seconds but then the events from the day before came back to them as it felt like being by a speeding dump truck as a warm and cold sensation was felt within their chest as both felt a sense of hope that this is their change things but a small sense of dread can still be felt sure their elated to see their friends alive and well but nobody would blame them when a stabbing sensation was felt as guilt creeped within their chest but they could only squeeze each others hands as a small indication that this isn't some kind dark joke as they walk together to the mess hall still in their huntsman attire from the day prior, they were already use too sleeping in their attire from their past or from their future past that is.

As Ruby and Jaune hold hands fingers tightly intertwined not wanting to let each other go in order to give eachother comfort from the current inner turmoil that they going through just walk past students that were rolling up their sleep sacks and others just chatting about things that normal teens did when they just wanted to chat, or make conversation of whatever caught their fancy.

Both Jaune and Ruby could only see in shock and fascination that to what they are seeing in front of them seeing it was teens being teens, the young adolescents going on their way into adulthood but not knowing that their once thought heroic work or for others fame and fortune that their adulthood, their careers will lead them towards their deaths...there end, without their own knowledge they signed up for a war.

As both Ruby and Jaune begin to go in their own heads their surroundings start to glitch what once was a surrounding a laughter and joy was replaced by the screams of pain, anger and agony by people fighting grimm viciously, while also fighting other people both Humans and Faunus, those crying in despair as they pray for salvation as others can only laugh with pure madness overlaid on their features as the dark black clouds with a tint of red are covering the clouds with rain falling as it it ras raining blood on them they can only stand there catatonically not able to do anything.

But shaken by their dark episode from a single voice that caused both Jaune and Ruby's mouth to feel dry and a lump stuck in their throat.

" wakey wakey Renny~ it's morning~ it's morning~ wake up it's morning~" said the easily recognisable of the forever known cherry bomber and the man slowly picking himself up as he looks tired but yet already use to the antics of the energetic girl as she animatedly just talking around him but a small smile is easily seen on the black haired boys face as he hears the cherry just talking away as it was a sort of comfort for the boy.

Jaune can only see from a distance as tears can be felt wanting to fall but yet he forced himself not as he so desperately wanting to run towards them giving them the biggest bear hug even if Nora of capable of breaking his back he would gladly take it just to hug them both but he can't he forces himself to stay put as his hands grip tightens on Ruby's hands as aura lightly flares do to the strength of his grip of his hand on hers, she looks up at him worriedly she could only gently squeezes her hand in return to comfort him as best as she possibly could and seemed to work as his grip began to lighten as Ruby gently rubbed her thumb on her husband's hand in a soothing manner as it was taking its effect Jaune returned the sign of affection to her indicating that he had calmed down.

They both began to walk to the cafeteria just taking in their surroundings just trying to adapt which is odd because they both can easily adapt to most if not all situations but one of such of this peaceful magnitude they would think they were sent to a different world entirely.

"So what's our next move?" Ruby whispered loud enough only for Jaune to hear as he was in thought as Ruby was making to a table for them to talk as Jaune followed suit without a second thought as they both sat she sat down to listen tentatively she trusts Jaunes decisions he's tactician prodigy even if some ideas were a gamble he was able to get them victories almost all the time at worst times if it doesn't work he can improvise on the spot which is really praise worthy in the work of a huntsman while she can also improvise like other people but not to the extent that Jaune is capable of like using an avalanche as a means of escape which was a really risky gamble but it thankfully worked and helped them extremely in the war.

"In all honesty i could say that we should try to get the same teams or try to change things up but what i'm truly worried about is that if we change some important parts that made them who they are it might become worse and we might not be able to do anything about i don't mind us trying to change the timeline cause it's the whole point why we're trying to change the future so all i can truly say that it's a luck of the draw but either way it won't matter cause we will change the future and it all starts here and now" he whispered towards her with small speech to end it with, she could only smile as Jaune was really good at delivering speeches but there was one problem.

"True but who can we trust right now at the moment not Ozpin cause he'll try to guilt trip us to say the whole truth and then blackmail us with our expulsion to beacon well yours more likely cause we both know i'm safe cause of 'that' " she said putting more emphasis at the end, Jaune could only nod in agreement if they even try to give him a small sense of info he would use physiological tactics or blatantly black mail him no both of them but both Yang and Ruby would safe but right now he would become a pawn of the given illusion of having been given a choice but really no choice has been given.

"We'll come up with something we always do, but we should focus right now on who we'll team up with. Should we try to get the same or should we change things?" he said as he looks to Ruby to see what she thinks and wants her opinion to see what the best action is they should take.

Ruby was thinking 'we can try to do the same teams but there might be unknown variables but i bet Jaune knew already' she thought as she looked at Jaune as she then had an answer as she began to open her mouth to speak but.



They both jumped surprise as they turned to see Yang with a plate full of food and next to her plate full of food was a plate full of cookies as she pushed the plate towards her sister which confused Ruby at first but the train the thought was instantly forgotten instantly an enchanting Aroma that was once forgotten from so long that of an old friend that she hasn't seen in such a long time as mouth began to water as a waterfall began to be made from her mouth as Jaune could only laugh at her reaction with Yang though.

"Ew! Ruby! You're drooling!" she yelped as she somewhat scolded her little sister as Ruby stopped herself from drooling and as she grabbed one cookie and chomped down with a satisfying crunch she instantly began to chomp down on the delicious delicacies as Jaune can only lay his head on his hand as he sees Ruby eating cookies as he thought it was adorable seeing Ruby like this as he sometimes forgot that Ruby use to be a little cookie monster and Ruby noticed him looking at her with warm and kind smile as she stops eating.

"Is something wrong Jaune" she said as there was a crumb on her lips Yang noticed and was about to get a napkin take off the crumbs, but a hand beat her to it as it cleaned of some of the crumbs from her lips as he cleaned them then licked his thumb clean with a clear sound from the smack of his lips as he licks his lips once more he side glances at Ruby as a smirk rises "delicious" he simply said as he stood up and walked towards the locker room leaving a malfunctioning Ruby as she is as red as her hood and visible smoke coming out of her ears and a very much bewildered Yang who is doing a spot on impression of a fish.

As Jaune makes it to the locker room he lightly leans backwards as his back lays on a metal locker as he lets himself fall he then instantly hides his face behind his hands as his ears become as red as a tomato with a sense of pure embarrassment at what he did as he all he could do is inwardly scream at the action he took without thinking as picked himself back up he can only think of one thing and that was Ruby stuffing her cheek full of cookies and it reminded him of a cute chipmunk but then when he cleaned her beautiful cherry pink lips.




The sound of metal being hit was heard in the lockers as people turned to see a boy smash his head multiple times on the metal frame of the door as aura flared as well as smoke can be seen emanating from his head they all just turn the other way thinking nothing more then the jitters for the test.

'Come on Jaune get your head out of the gutter you shouldn't think of this now even though she's so damn adorable when teasing her!' Jaune was inwardly scolding himself trying to focus on what's in front of him but then the image of a flustered Ruby was stuck on his mind, he could only let out a sigh "damnit Ruby" he muttered to himself.

"Sorry if i intrude but what has that locker done to you to have such a reaction"said a voice which made Jaune jump in surprise from the sudden voice he turned around to be face to face with someone that shocked him.

"Ah my apologies to startle you it wasn't my intent to startel you, it's just that you are blocking my locker" he said as he pointed behind Jaune with the locker that now has a dent on it Jaune looked back and quickly stepped aside.

"Sorry about that" Jaune quickly apologized with the man nodding in accepting the apology, Jaune could only look back at the guy as a memory quickly surfaced to the front of his eyes.

A man with dark long hair turned away from Jaune as he was on his knees holding on to something.

"Ren?" Jaune Called out to his friend, his Brother only to receive silence in return.

"Ren i'm-"

"You're sorry? keep your apologies it won't be able to return Nora back to me" he Cut off Jaune in a dangerously cold tone as Ren held on to the cold dead corpse of his love as a pale peacefully slumbering Nora, as small pieces of her skin began to fall and fly in to the dry air as dark Magenta Look on in longing as his eyelids pink in showing he has been crying quietly as dark bags under his eyes also indicate that he hasn't slept in days.

Jaune decided to stay quiet and to slowly walk up next to his friend.

"You know Jaune after your mission it would've been the last one right?" said Ren to his friend which slightly Surprised Jaune but really it wasn't that surprising both of them were talking about trying to find a way to get out of this war even maybe find a way out of this war and maybe hide if possible and in all honesty he couldn't blame them he would too if he wasn't the general of the united kingdoms alliance or what's left of both human and faunus kind.

"After that we would have left the battlefield and tried to live a life in the fields, have a farm and..." he couldn't finish as tears began to re new and fall " our future" he could only let out in a broken whisper as puts his hand over her stomach when saw this the pieces were easily seen which shocked him as it made sense as to why Ren has been so attentive for her to go on the mission with him as Jaune can only Tighten his grip to the point where blood spilled. 

With that said Ren picked himself up carrying Nora like a Bride but sadly she in a forever peaceful slumber as Ren was about to walk away he said something that would forever haunt Jaune.

"You know Jaune there are times when i wish i didn't know you" he said in a dead tone as he walked away leaving Jaune alone with the pent up emotions as Jaunes knuckles start to turn white but then went slack as blood freely flowed to the floor, when was at the distance Jaune couldn't help but mutter about himself.

"Yeah me too"

But was shaken from his memories by another voice he heard.

"So Renny, who's the new friend he seems nice?" said the voice of the well known Nora Valkyrie as she gets near him as he steps back as she looks into his Eyes.

And then a giant infectious smile is easily seen as she then inwardly agrees on something "it's decided I want you as my leader don't you think Renny?, he could be our fearless leader!" She said as she turned to her friend with Ren adorning a soft smile at her and nodding in agreement with her he then turned to him but he was gone before they knew.


Nora was confused as she looked around for him but then Ren tapped her on her shoulder as she turned to him.

"We should Hurry and get ready besides I believe that this won't be last time we meet when he gets in to beacon we could get to meet him soon" he said confidently with Nora tilting her head cutely towards him with curiosity.

"How do you know? She asked him and he shrugs in response.

"I just got a feeling," he said as they walk away.

As Jaune was walking away from the duo he was trying to avoid as the guilt doubled now by seeing and meeting them again this time he shakes his head feeling disappointed with himself with what he did leaving them behind he hopes that they don't become offended for what he did, he then walked towards his locker with Crocea Mors.

When he made it to the locker he opened it and the locker was empty. He was confused but then figured that he made the same mistake as before and facepalmed at the rookie mistake.

'I probably wasn't in the right headspace to focus where I put my weapons but where did I leave them?' he thought to himself as someone tapped his shoulder he turned and was once again surprised by seeing Pyrrha Nikos in front of him as she shyly waves at him.

"Hello" she said kindly "I believe this belongs to you" she said as she held Crocea mors towards him as he looked at it in a confused manner.

"If you wonder why I have your weapon it's because it was in my locker when I opened it and also you're the only one that had a regular sword and a mechashift shield in the auditorium" she answered his silent question as if she were reading his mind as he nodded in accepting that as the explanation not pushing for anymore.

He took hold of Crocea mors in his grasp as it was comfortably held in his hands.

"Thank you Pyrrha" he said nonchalantly as he noticed that Pyrrha flinched as her name was said as he inwardly cursed at the slip up that he did seriously. What is going on with him today?

"You know who I am?" she asked with a sense of insecurity.

"Yeah mostly because your on pumpkin pete's cereal my younger sisters are obsessed with that cereal *chuckles*, oh and my name is Jaune Arc huntsman in training, nice to meet you" he said and chuckled at himself at the memory when both him and his younger sister were eating pumpkin pete to get the current hoodie he's wearing, as he then introduced himself to her as he raised a hand for her to shake she looks at his hand then back at him with caution, he could only smile warmly at her holding no deception or malice and so she then with a nervous smile introduced herself.

"Pleasure to meet you Jaune, my name is Pyrrha Nikos Mistr-Huntress in training" she said to him in a kind manner as she shook his hand for the mannerisms for the introductions as they began to speak to one another just making conversation like dislikes, likes why they chose the huntsman profession and somethings that have their interest and they both were enjoying the conversation that they are having as they chuckle with some jokes that Jaune throws in there, but it was sadly interrupted by someone taping at Jaune's shoulder.

"Um excuse me" said the voice in an annoyed high pitch tone he turned around and saw Weiss as she glared at him in annoyance, a tick mark appeared on his forehead but still held the mask of a strained smile.

"Yeah, can I help you with anything?" He simply asked as he let go a frustrated sigh as she gave him a look of discrimination.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?" she asked rhetorically to him as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah I do my friend Pyrrha" he said nonchalantly which surprised Weiss and Pyrrha for different reasons.

"Wait, we're...friends?" asked Pyrrha not in doubt but more in a sense of disbelief, as Jaune turned around to her.

"Uh yeah well if you want to be friends I don't want to force you if you don't want to!"he said as he animatedly waved his hand around trying not to force anything that would make Pyrrha uncomfortable when Pyrrha was about to speak someone else did.

"Why of course she wouldn't want to be friends with you, why would Pyrrha Nikos Mistral, champion of a four year winning streak, want to be friends with the likes of you." Weiss said in a crude manner as then Jaune slightly turned to her then turned back to Pyrrha as he blatantly ignored her which made her angry, a pair of golden orbs with a hint of satisfaction seeing what was happening she decided to make herself

"That is really rude to say for the heiress of the SDC" said the feminine voice with Jaune, Pyrrha, and Weiss turned to the girl who has a black bow at the top of her head as scrutinizing glare by Weiss obviously.

"And who are you?" asked an obviously annoyed Weiss.

"That's none of your business just like it's none of your business to say who she can be friends with or have company with she can do whatever she wants to do so why don't you buzz of your highness" she said the last word with easily identifiable venom in her voice which made both weiss and Jaune flinch But luckily Jaune's was less miner and not as noticeable since the attention was on Weiss, with the white themed girl shaking in what seems to be in anger as her body seemed tense for a few moments as her hair over shadowed her eyes as the shaking stopped and the muscles went loose as she then turned to Jaune and Pyrrha and slightly bowed to them both.

"I would like to apologize for my rude behavior towards you and miss Nikos. I hope this doesn't make things worse between us" she said in a serious matter which shocked Jaune and Pyrrha as he was to get out of the shock.

"Its ok seriously at least you acknowledge your mistake that's a good first step for self betterment so instead why don't we first re-introduce ourselves, hi my name is Jaune Arc, short sweet rolls of the tongue ladies love it *snorts**chuckles*"he said earnestly as he re-introduced himself with then hearing both a soft snort and chuckle as he then noticed Ruby of to the side of his eye with Crescent Rose behind her with her trying to hide her smile behind her hands as she looks at him knowing what he just said to Weiss who gave him a blank and unamused look.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself just trying to break the Weiss you know" he said as someone in the background laughed at the pun and another chuckle escaped Ruby but Weiss did her best to ignore it.

"My name is Weiss Schnee. Pleased to meet you Jaune Arc" she said as she nodded in acknowledgement.

Then the speakers screamed alive.

"The people that shall be named out please go to the cliff side of the emerald forest"

As the voice said the names of people this confused both Jaune and Ruby as they looked at each other, both having the same thought 'the change is happening already?' as both Jaune and Ruby excused themselves and then they both met up near the exit of the locker as names were still being called.

"The change is already happening but why? Do you have any theories about it, Jaune?" asked Ruby to Jaune as he can only shrug "I don't know but we probably did a change somehow but they can't think of anything" they both can only wonder what caused the change but nothing came to mind, but then both their names were called.

"I guess that's our queue" said Jaune as he was about to walk away but felt a light tug on his sleeve he turned to Ruby whole was looking at him with a warm sense of unbridled love he can only return it in a warm caring smile but unexpectedly was pulled forward with then Ruby and Jaunes lips smack with Jaune being frozen for a second but then reciprocated the innocent passionate kiss as then they slowly separated the warmth of her lips now making it feel a bit disappointed that they had to end the session so quickly but then pecked his cheek.

"For good luck, Darling~" assured Ruby said in a husky tone which made Jaune blush a tint of pink she walked of with a pep in her step she then glances back at Jaune as a mischievous smile arose and playfully stuck out her tongue at him as he finally figured out that this was her way of getting him back for what he did in the cafeteria he couldn't help but let a smirk surge up his face and he shook his head in amusement.

"You cheeky little minx" he could only murmur playfully to himself as he walked towards the designated area.

With then they both made it to the cliff side and saw both miss Goodwitch and Ozpin standing as all the Students stood on the spring loaded platforms as Ozpin began to make a speech but both Jaune and Ruby tuned him out until the very end of the speech after explaining on how Teams will be made.

"Since you are All wondering when we make teams we are making them right now as the moment you make eye contact with another person they will be your partner for the next four years when you attend Beacon academy." He informed all the teens as a "I told you" was heard in the background.

" Any questions?" he asked as then Weiss raised her hand as Ozpin pointed at her. "Miss Schnee".

"Headmaster Ozpin, how are we supposed to get down the cliff if you didn't hand out any parachutes?" asked Weiss as Ozpin nodded his head as he acknowledged the question but one of Jaune's eyes can only twitch in great annoyance that he was ignored the first time asking this question originally but when someone else did the question gets answered talk about choosing favorites.

"Good question Miss Schnee" Ozpin commended her as she stood a bit straighter and with pride easily seen, Yang leaned to Ruby and whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

"Not even in the school and there's already a teachers pet" she whispered in which got Ruby to snort which was in Yang Shocked but she couldn't help but smile as she was finally able to get Ruby to laugh At a joke but still it wasn't at one of her puns but a win is a win and she'll gladly Take that win. 


A cracking noise was then heard which quickly caught everyone's attention as they turned to the secretary as the riding crop cracked the air as she glared at all of them one by one as they all felt a shiver going down their spines as she then spoke with fervor and ice coldness mixed in.

"I recommend you all to carefully pay close attention"Glynda stated coldly i n which made everyone stand straight in attention, yes even Jaune and Ruby even if they went through literal war they rather not risk being on miss Goodwitch's bad side there's a reason she's been given the title the witch of calamity in their times in the great war, both Jaune and Ruby shuddered in the mere memory at the gruesome slaughter that she demonstrated single handedly.

"Thank you Glynda" Ozpin thanked her as she nodded back at him.

"And for your question Miss Schnee that would be a landing strategy" he answered her question.

"But what does that meaaaaaaaaaaaa!" as she was going to ask for more information she was unexpectedly launched into the air to the emerald forest, which shocked most if not all except Jaune and Ruby with Jaune only smirking and Ruby silently giggling at what happened to Weiss.

"Does anyone else have any questions?" He asked while looking around all were silent and no one wanted to experience the same thing as the heiress so he could only nod.

"I can only wish you all good luck." he said to all as he then launched all one by one,Yang then put on sunglasses and was then launched, Ruby turned to Jaune and blew him a kiss and was then launched, Jaune smiled brightly and like everyone else was launched.

Ruby was using the original Crescent Rose to propel herself even further and then decided to let Gravity do its thing and as she was beginning to fall she then closed her eyes as she was starting to gain speed As Glynda looked at her scroll in worry as the young girl was starting to gain great speed she then looks at Ozpin who seems like normal but if looked closely his stature seems slightly apprehensive but he is able hide it well as he calmly sips from his mug she then looks back at her scroll a sense of unease washed over her.

As the young huntress still hadn't opened her eyes and then crashed into the floor as red could only be seen and Glynda could only let out a gasp of horror as she covered her mouth with one hand as Ozpin went rigid, his grip tightening on his cane a creaking sound is heard as it bends in pressure being put on it.

As then little bit of a gentle breeze picked up a little bit of red red then slowly began to float in which caught Ozpin's eye as then he leaned closer to the scroll focus on the screen as more red began to float and began to spin around as if a strong wind began to be to muster as then a silhouette with her hood over her head began to rise from the puddle of red but then as it seems that Ozpin finally noticed it was actually just red rose petals and then when he saw the look in the eyes of the young girl he was in shock as her eyes dimly glow as the shadow of her hood makes it seen more easily and the image itself makes her look threatening as if death itself has stepped into the mortal plain.

Glynda and Ozpin were shocked greatly and they both sighed in relief upon seeing that she was unharmed but for them having a minnie heart attack, but unknown to them a sly smile secretly crept on the young huntress' features.

'hehe a little bit of payback while doing it in style wouldn't hurt' thought Ruby to herself.

As the sound of leaves rustling she gracefully took out Crescent Rose in its rifle mode and pointed it at the bush of leaves that let out a light groan.

"Whoever's there I recommend you come out with your hands up cause if you wanna do this the hard way I can shoot half your brains out!" Ruby threatened whoever was there and then they took one step out and who they saw Ruby was incredibly shocked.


The sound of rushing wind that was going passed his ears. Jaune could only think on how to get safely on land.

"I really wish I had my glider to make this easier but no this the past of course i'll only have my sword and shield, ugh such a pain" Jaune said to no one in particular as he crossed his arms still in the air as he then thought of an idea.

"Well it's the best i have at the moment so it's all or nothing" he said out loud 'please by Oum himself I hope Qrow's luck isn't hereditary' as he also thought to himself hoping that luck isn't against him and when he was about to unsheath his instinct kicked in as he rotated in mid air using Crocea to counter whatever it was that attacked him with then a tink sound was heard as he figured that he was able to redirect the item as he then saw the item that was sent towards him and surprise was evident on his face.

"Pyrrha's spear !?" he said as he then began to get close to a tree and then without much thought as he then went into a reversed grip with Crocea as he looked at a big tree and stabbed it into the trunk and is using as a way to gain traction as he goes around in a spiral motion on the tree and as he was about to get to the floor he then safety rolled as he was still kneeling and then reached out his arm and clenched it as a he a cold metal feeling was felt on his hand he looks up to see Milo in his hand.

then growls were heard, he swiftly spun the spear and pressed the the trigger on Milo as a loud bang was heard as he chucked the spear towards one grimm as it pierced through the grimm's head and without looking threw his sword to the left with great precision as it pierced through the grimm as it showed itself on the back of its neck.

He did this all in clean swift motion he then got Crocea Mors out of the bea wolfs disintegrating corpse as he did the same action to gain Milo from trying to get it unstuck from the tree but do to having low strength it was wedged well in the tree as he then slipped backwards on a bush with a light groan escaping his lips but then he heard a gun armed and ready to use he was trying to think as multiple plans crossed his mind but nothing being helpful but then remembered that this was a test but just to show that he wasn't a threat he'll keep his hands up and then did so as he walked out calmly who he saw in front of him surprised him greatly.
