
Lovers in time

Ruby rose and her husband Jaune arc were the last two people that survived the secret war between both Ozpin or Ozma and Salem as the world ended in a bright light they held themselves into eachothers arms knowing that this is their final goodbye and hoping to see eachother on the other side but when opening up their eyes they see that they were younger again and that Beacon was standing but then when they see eachothers younger selves THEY WERE SENT BACK IN TIME!?!?! read and find out how they will change their future will they succeed or shall it end in a far worse fate (I don't own anything related to RWBY that belongs to Monty Oum RIP)

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The fear in the heart and doubt in the mind

As Jaune walked through the auditorium he looked around for a place to sit but couldn't find any so he decided to lean on a pillar away from the crowd as he surveys The crowd with then he sees Mrs.GoodWitch walk up to the mic she taps on the mic, as the sound of ringing was heard, suddenly the room changed in front of his eyes showing it as fire with the color of scarlet red the same shade of blood.

He could only stand their frozen not being able to move,like he was rooted to the ground his body felt rigid but as he let out An icy breath seeing his own breath as a shiver went down his spine and wasn't because of the cold as he could instinctively look around as he could feel eyes on him but not knowing where and it abruptly stopped, he keels over as he breathes heavily as he recoils at what he just experienced as profusely sweated as if he finished running a marathon but quickly composed himself and quickly took of the beads off sweat from his face.

'What in the world was that?' was the only thing that was going through his mind as he replays the feeling of unprecedented fear of someone watching him only shivering at the meer memory of the feeling that he experienced and to what felt like long torture hours, but as he looks he sees that, Ozpin's speech just ended as he walks off the stage and then hears a voice and he recognizes the voice.

"Oh yeah we can totally be the best of besties like paint our nails talk about boys like tall, blonde and scraggly " said a feminine voice as he turned around to see Weiss well younger Weiss pointing at his direction and now that he was no longer socially inept he now understood that was meant as an insult.

'Why did I have a crush on Weiss when I was younger?' he questioned

himself in what he saw in her when he first met her but he does admit that she mellowed out a lot during the secret war between the old fart and his ex hag, so he decided to walk over towards them.

-with Ozpin-

As he begins to walk down the stairs Ozpin for some reason feels like making things a bit more interesting for this batch of students.

-Somewhere in the grimlands-

A certain witch for some reason felt the urge to incinerate something she didn't know why though?

-Back at beacon-

" Look, I said that I was sorry. What else did you want me to say, oh I'm so sorry heiress please forgive me!? " said Ruby in a sassy tone which shocked Yang making an incredible imitation of a fish and on the other hand Weiss Is red with embarrassment and a hint of anger seen in her eyes " why i never-" she was cut off as Jaune walked up and talked to her.

"You know it was quite rude pointing at me, didn't anyone teach you any manners?" he asked her while hoping this could be used as a distraction from the argument that could happen and that could affect Weiss in a negative way, which he is trying to avoid and maybe converse with Ruby, ' why she is acting like this cause this isn't usually her, she's usually more calm then this, maybe seeing everyone alive and well in front of her is causing her to be emotional is probably causing her to say and doing things without thinking?' he thought.

When Weiss turned to him she was about to say something but stopped Herself as she saw who was talking to her and she glowered at him and opened her mouth about to speak but was cut off by the sound of the mic emitted which caught everyone's attention and turned to see goodwitch.

"The test shall start tomorrow at 10 in the morning and you all Shall sleep in the auditorium but there will be staff To monitor all of you so here's your warning,try anything and the last thing on your mind will be trying to find a way to be a huntsman or huntress" she informed all the teens and ended it coldly which made all feel a shiver go down their spine as she did her infamous Goodwitch Glare that the deputy is well known for.

-time skip-

Pov: Ruby Rose

I stepped out of the auditorium and went to the balcony. Luckily no one knows about it, only she and Jaune found it by accident when they were still at Beacon Academy mostly to play video games or technically when they get into beacon Academy?

'Ugh time travel stuff is so complicated!' Ruby inwardly yelled in annoyance but she then let out a tired sigh as she just learned

As it was beginning to get dark I see the sun setting in the distance, somberly the reality of what is actually happening in front of me, me and my husband somehow reverted back into the past in to our younger selves but I have this tinge of doubt All of this can't be real that all this is just me going through my memories like life flashing before my eyes and I'm living every memory without me knowing cause maybe the moment I close my eyes or blink for a second it would show that all this is just my mind playing with me and I would wake up back at the dark place…alone, i shake my head trying my best to stop the train of thoughts and flip them upside, but what if it isn't fake, what if this is all true that the impossibility was actually given to them and that they could Change things but should they do where do they begin I could only Let out a sigh tiredly.

Pov change: no one

'Jaune was right We should have thought of a plan but no I was just not thinking ahead AND I got into an argument with Weiss of all people Ugh why do i mess up so much?' Ruby was scolding herself with then she hears footsteps going her way and she was hugged from behind as warmth was felt and she could only blush lightly and lean back comfortably with feeling her worries just melt away the comforting warmth that was comforting her, she raised her head and beautiful kind sapphire orbs looked down at her's filled with so much love and worry mixed in those beautiful ocean blues it pained her to make her love worry about her she felt guilt begin to rise up her chest as she tried to push aside the emotion.

"You know you could get in a lot of trouble right~" Ruby tried to act coy with Jaune hoping to distract herself and push away her emotions but Jaune just looked at her, the worry still evident on his face.

"Ruby? Are you ok?" he asked softly.

"Uh yeah never better, why do you ask?" she said nonchalantly but Jaune could only cutely look at her, and she imagined Jaune with wolf ears and his ears cutely drooping in worry, an anime arrow was shot and hit her heart which made her smile sadly.

"Sorry it's just i feel so confused right now" she said genuinely as she looks at the kingdom of vale in the distance with Jaune he looks off at the distance in the same direction.

"Sorry for what?" he asked, genuinely confused for what she's apologizing for.

"Because I screwed up I wasn't thinking and had an argument with Weiss and that possibly screwed things up for the future and these emotions I'm feeling just by seeing my old friends, teams, Beacon, seeing them in front of me i could feel , angry, happy, sad, relife, fear, doubt, I just feel so many sets of emotions I just feel so… i don't know, i don't feel so overwhelmed but more like… it feels like i'm being embezzled you know?" she tried her best to explain to him but she just quickly gave up on explaining, seriously embezzled? Yeah right like anyone would understand they would probably think she was a complete weirdo as she just let out a tired sigh.

"I know what you mean" he said earnestly which got a surprised look from Ruby as she turned around to look at him.

"Because one moment we are ready for our death prepared for our end and to see the people we called brothers and sisters in arms and even our family, that we saw dead, we weren't able to mourn them properly we were just trying to enjoy our final moments together… just waiting but then instead of the afterlife we woke up to the past, a possibility of changing the future but we in a way woke up in a place with strangers like they have the faces of the dead and we're just walking among them, as if they are alive and well but …they're not the family we know with what we went through together, elation, hardships, despair, hope, and now that we are here in a relaxed environment all emotion that held back that we were pushing to the trying our best to ignore it is crashing down on us all at once almost suffocating us and we don't know how to react cause in a way that was robbed from us when seeing our once dead comrades walk amongst the living almost saying like there sacrifices were spat on and meant nothing" said Jaune with a tear threatening to fall as he tightens his fist anger at the thought, but then looks in to the distance with great determination burned in his eyes within his calm features.

"Yet I can't help but be grateful for a chance like this we can save people from a worse fate but…even I have doubts too Ruby" he said as he looks back at ruby with sincerity and fear now replaced the determination in his eyes as this surprised Ruby she knows that Jaune has his fears and doubts but he didn't seem to want to admit it.

"To be honest with you I'm scared, no…terrified really but I don't let it stop me because if I do I won't be able to do what needs to be done because If I don't do it…who will?" he said as Ruby could only sit and take in to what she was hearing and let out a mirthful chuckle which confused Jaune greatly.

"What is it?" he kindly asked her as she can only shake her head sadly.

"It's Just, here I thought you taking it like a fish to water like it doesn't bother you much but after listening to you carefully as you speak, you actually affected by this greatly aren't you?" she softly asked with worry mixed in her voice that was easily heard, Jaune didn't trust his voice so he only nodded in response.

"Why do you think I've been avoiding Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora the whole time we were in the auditorium I… I can't face them, it just feels like I'm reminded of the failure of a leader that I turned out to be" he said as he looked up at the broken moon as his mind was haunted by the memory.


Jaune gets out of a locker as he quickly pulls out his scroll and calls anyone and without thinking pressed on Ruby.

"Ruby?! Ruby!! Are you there!?"

"Jaune?! Jaune!! Where are you!?"

"Don't worry about that, go help Pyrrha, she's in danger!"

"What Jaune I… in't… ear… that?"


But then white noise could only be heard.


He threw the scroll in frustration as sees the beacon academy in the distance he picked himself up and grabbed crocea and ran towards the direction as fast as he possibly could.

but then a wyvern grimm screeched out causing Jaune and every human and Faunus stop in fear but as Jaune saw the grimm fly to the direction of the tower he felt like his heart dropped and without thinking twice ran as fast as he pushed himself further than he ever did slicing and dicing grimms on the way.

but then a blue light glow showed up on a tv screen nearby as he sees Pyrrha fight the cinder women it seemed as if she was winning but then gradually started to begin to lose and then she was shot in the chest with an arrow and then burnt into nothing but ash he could only watch in numb silence in the screen seeing nothing but the face of the woman that killed his partner as a prideful smirk was easily seen and walks away with a pep on her step.

A boiling sensation was felt within him like hot boiling lava flowed through his body as he saw the bitch struts away as Jaune could only punch straight through the screen and scream in righteous fury.

And then another memory plays out in which a man with a metal scorpion tail and insane smile on his face looks down at him with insane glee but walks past the downed Jaune as he was held down by multiple clones of another man with gray hair holding him down.

"Wait?! What !? Where are you going!?" Jaune yelled out and struggled but was pushed down by the man with gray hair as he smirked and then looked as another one of his clones brings dragging out a unconscious ginger right behind him Jaunes eyes widen in horror as the insane man's smile grew as his metal scorpion tail came to life.

"No Don't! Let her go! Let. Her. go.!" Jaune yelled out in panic as he struggled on the gray hairs grip and was pushed down once more.

As the scorpion stinger was raised up in the air with the other clone smirking as he held out unconscious Nora Valkyrie.

"NO!" Jaune wailed in plea

and then the scorpion striked.

-Flashback end-

Jaune was taken out of his dark memories as he felt a soft hand on his cheek, as he looked to see that Ruby was crying in front of him which confused him.

"Ruby, why are you crying?" he asked as he tried to clean of her tears

"I *sniff* should be the one asking that to you" she said as she sniffed between some words as then Jaune put his hand to his face as he just noticed that he was crying. How didn't he notice that?

But then Ruby went in and hugged him " don't worry *sniff* you're not alone in this" she reassured Jaune which made the tears begin to heavily fall as he silently began to cry on her shoulder as Ruby was just there hugging him embracing him not letting him go but joining him in grieving for their lost family.

They began to calm down a few minutes later as they lay their back's on the railing sitting down on the floor, hands intertwined with one another.

"Ruby" Jaune called to her.

"Hmm?" she answered back

"I'm sorry you had to see like that, you shouldn't have seen me like that," he said feeling ashamed as he looked away from her but she scooted herself closer to him.

"Why?" she asked with genuine curiosity 

"I don't mind whenever you cry, because to it shows me that you have enough trust in me to be vulnerable to be able to let things out in front of me and to be honest I have never once saw you cry I mostly saw you furious but seeing you cry it made me feel like i got to know another side of you, to be closer to your heart and for that i feel grateful" she endearingly told him as she raises her head to look at him looking back at her his eyes looking like he's looking endearingly at her eyes softening as pure unadulterated love is easily seen within them, he raises his hand that's still intertwined with hers and gently kisses the back of her hand.

The action caught Ruby off guard but sweetly smiled and accepted the loving action.

"Ruby i'm happy that we were both sent back in time together because if i was sent back in time alone gods only know what would've happened I would go insane if you weren't here with me, cause your my anchor Ruby" he said as he puts her hand over his heart and smiles lovingly at her as she returns the same loving smile at him as they lean in to each as their foreheads touch as they both close their eyes with the stars in the background with the full broken moon being their only source of light.


Both Jaune and Ruby lay next to each other cuddling and asleep, light footsteps are heard as then two figures walk up to the two.

"So this where they were" whispered a male voice said as he lightly chuckles at the cute scene

"*sigh* the are in big trouble when they wake up" said another voice sounding female 

"Now Glynda it's their first day, why don't you let this one go" the male voice asked nicely as she fixed her glasses as a response, he lets out a sigh and walks towards the sleeping duo put his cup of cocoa in the rail and takes out a big blanket and puts it over the two love birds, when he was done he grabbed hi cup and smiled at Glynda nodded in acknowledgement and calmly walked past her and said a quick goodnight.

As she was about to follow suit she noticed blanket began to fall off of Jaune and he began to shiver slightly as she looked around to see no one was there and since the coast was clear she used her semblance and tucked both Jaune and Ruby in the blanket, as she then fixed her glasses and began to walk away and she let a ghost of a smile appear on her face " I suppose i could let it slide this once as she walks away to continue her rounds.

NA: that's all for this chapter hope you guys enjoyed and have an increadibly happy new year