
Lover's Choice

"I'm most handsome man " Nobody can resist my charm!! ^_^ You pervert!! Stay away from me.. " Jenny shouted " Ssssh!!Hey girl,..."I know you know me" Please shut up,...Lower your voice. (He grabs her hands and shuts her mouth with his other hand) . I know you want my autograph but Isn't this new trend to pretend not to know your idol to catch our attention...I'll give my autograph so please leave.. who are you??why are you in girls toilet??? You pervert!!! You!!Don't you know me???.. I'm the most famous and handsome singer "Alex" Are you pretending not to know me??? I'm Alex!! Haven't you heard my song???.. Autograph my ass..!!I don't even know you ( she bites his hands and stepping on his foot she ran away from there) How dare she ignore me??€ Am I some kind of bugs or what? I'm the nation star, I'm star of the music but how can she just ignore me and embarrass me on public.. I'll get my revenge on you my little girl.. Its gonna be too much fun my lilltle wild cat.. >_< I'll be waiting forward for our next encounter☆☆☆☆▪︎▪︎ #Will they get chance to encounter again ?? #will there relation get further closer or will they get to be an enemy.??what will their fate will be?? Read this story to get to know how they will meet and how their life takes twists and turns between them. Please read my book and show your love and support..

Lit_devil · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
3 Chs


(after finishing her work Jenny went back to her home..she was in very grumpy mood and her face was full of anger and she couldn't forget her encounter with the Alex in ladies washroom so she become absent minded for a short time)

Meanwhile Mico was watching her favourite yaoi series(Tharn Type >_<) and when she saw Jenny in aggressive and angry mood then she rushed to her ....

Jenny!!! What happened?..Why are you so angry??Did someone bully you in your worksite..??? Tell me,. Mico asked her in a eagerly tone...

Mico..!!Today my day was the worst day of my life...!!

Arrrrghhhhhhh!!! I hate that pervert... Jenny answered her in aggressive tone..

Huh?What?? What are you talking about??Pervert???Who???

please tell me properly jenny@!!.. ¿¿

Mico!!Today I met a pervert in a ladies washroom..He was soo much of full of himself..He said he was some Alex or whatever then he asked if I wanted his autograph...

What do he think of himself?? He shuts my mouth up in a washroom...then I kicked his foot then I ran away..!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!Wooooooooooooooaaaaaaah!!! (her screams to be noted) >_< >_< .....you met whom???Alex???? My God!!! Jenny you are soo lucky to him....He is the ideal of all the youngster girls.. I wish I could be in the place of you.. 😏 lucky girl hmmm...

Look!!!! He has 10M follower in his Instagram... You should have asked for his autograph to him.. :-(

Ugggggh!! you girl are all being fooled by his appearance...

I'm sure He is a pervert!!! Otherwise Why would he be in ladies washroom.....!!! He is just a pervert for me..

(after this conversation Jenny and Mico goes to bed for sleep and early in the morning when the sun sets wishing a beautiful day ahead Jenny goes to her work thinking of a beautiful day rosing ahead )

Jenny !!!Jenny why are you late??Boss has been asking about you since the morning.. He asked you to go to his office... ,One of the co-worker of Jenny said her.. in panic way .. ><

Then she went to his office,

Boss!! Did you call for me??

Yes I have called for you...Jenny!! why are you always late for your work ??Did I hire you here for nothing??I have heard many complain about you from our costumer.... I even heard you were absent minded yesterday....

Is it right??Should I fire you???? Her boss screamed in a furious voice....

No Boss!! I'll do my job in best way .. I had some problem so I was absent minded ...I'm sorry sir .. I'll never repeat this mistake again...

Jenny replied in soft voice..

(after that she was given a last chance and she was sent back to work)

Jenny!!! Please take the order from table no 2.... one of her coworker asked her

(there were group of bunch of boys)

Sir! What can I order for you???Order please!!

"Hey beautiful!! Want some fun with us.. I'll give you more money..!!

Come to me baby.!!!".....one of the costumer speaks in rude tone..!!

(then he tries to sexually harass her and he tries to touch her butt and takes his hands on her body ...Jenny tries to deny but he doesn't stop his act so she slapped on his face)

Who the hell are you to slap me??? That boy shouts..

You stupid pig!! How dare you touch me??I'm not your things I'm a human beings.. Jenny shouts angerly...

Then the boy calls for manager ...

Manager!! Where is you manager???? Call him fast...

Then the manager appears ..

I'm so sorry sir Please calm down..!! I'll make her apologise to you...manger replied in small voice..

Jenny !@ Ask for forgiveness fast...

Apologies to him.....

Why should I apologise he should be the one who should apologise to me....

( she refuses to apologise so the manager fired her from her )

Ugggh!! nothings seems right after I met that pervert..

Jenny screamed in a loud voice.. ><

I hate that MAN.... Aaaaaaaaah.....!!!!!!!!!!


This much for today chapters 📖

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