
Love You Mr. Arrogant

Disha knew even before getting married that after tying the knot, she would get everything except the love from her husband, Disha, gentle as a soft feather Aryan, as solid as a hard rock Disha Mehra, a lively 22-year-old who'd wrapped up her graduation and joined the IT company to build the career and support her family. Aryan Singhania, the CEO of Singhania Group at the age of 29, had ascended to become the wealthiest CEO in town, marking his journey toward the pinnacle of corporate success. Betrayed by a seven-year love, he'd grown skeptical of love, erecting emotional barriers that kept others at bay. Polar opposites with personalities that clashed, Disha and Aryan harbored mutual disdain. However, destiny took center stage when Aryan's family sent a marriage proposal to Disha. Aryan, believing she'd reject it outright, and was still on cloud nine. In his wildest imagination, he never anticipated Disha accepting the proposal. Let's discover what unfolds when Aryan's ex, Payal Dutta, re-enters his life. Will Disha accept the path ahead, or will she strive for a place in Aryan's heart, despite the lingering presence of his past love? The story explores the complexities of relationships, loyalty, and the strength within, prompting us to ponder whether the characters will surrender to fate or forge their own destinies.

AuthorRups · สมัยใหม่
35 Chs

Chapter 1

On Disha's first day at the IT firm, the morning was crisp, and the city awoke to soft hues in the sky. Dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit, a mix of nerves and excitement followed her steps into the bustling office building.

The scent of coffee wafted through the air as Disha navigated through the corridors, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she settled at her desk, adorned with a potted plant and a family photo, the sounds of keyboards and friendly laughter surrounded her.

With a deep breath, she powered up her computer, ready to dive into this new chapter. Little did she know, the day held surprises that would shape the beginning of her career journey.

On the other side of the city, Aryan Singhania landed at the airport after concluding foreign deals. Dressed in a sharp suit, he navigated the airport's hustle. Seeking a moment of calm, Aryan headed to a quaint café, drawn by the rich aroma of black coffee.

As he sipped the robust brew, the complexities of his global dealings momentarily gave way to the simple pleasure of solitude and the bitter warmth of the black elixir. Aryan, immersed in his thoughts, prepared for the day ahead, unaware that across town, Disha was embarking on her own journey, setting the stage for an unforeseen intersection of lives.

On Disha's first day, the plot took an unexpected turn as two new characters, Vishal and Aditi, entered the scene. During a team-building exercise, they quickly formed a connection, sharing laughter and discovering common interests that turned a routine workday into a lively tale.

Throughout the day, Vishal and Aditi became Disha's anchors in the bustling office. They engaged in conversations during coffee breaks, exchanged stories, and provided valuable tips for navigating the workplace. The camaraderie they built felt like a pleasant surprise, adding a layer of enjoyment to Disha's day.

As time passed, the connection between them deepened, forming a foundation of support and shared experiences. Unbeknownst to Disha, these newfound friendships would become a significant aspect of her unfolding journey at the IT firm, making her first day not just ordinary but the start of something special.

After saying bye to her office friends, Disha thought about getting some fruits for her family. She walked to the nearby supermarket, enjoying the city lights along the way. As she picked out the best fruits, memories of the day's laughter lingered, making this ordinary trip feel special. With a basket full of fresh fruits, Disha headed to the checkout, ending her day with a simple yet satisfying task.

Disha eagerly entered her home, ready to spill the details of her first office day. Excitedly, she shared, "Mom, Dad, today was amazing!"

Her mother, smiling, replied, "Tell us all about it, sweetheart."

After freshening up, they gathered at the dinner table. Disha, feeling content, said, "Work is great, and I met some fantastic people. It's a good start."

Her father, proud, added, "That's our girl. Have some more of your favorite dish."

They chatted about the day, and Disha couldn't help but appreciate the simple joy of sharing these moments with her family. It was a good day, made even better by the comfort of home.

Completing his work by 11 pm, Aryan headed home, the gates of the mansion swinging open as his car approached. The grandeur of the mansion loomed in front of him, its imposing structure a testament to his family's status.

Entering the living room, the warm glow of lights welcomed him, but so did the concerned expressions of his parents.

Nita, with a mix of affection and worry, scolded, "Aryan, you're working too hard. It's not healthy."

Raj added, "Son, you need to take a break. Your health comes first."

Aryan, with a reassuring smile, responded, "I know, Mom, Dad. It's just a busy time, but I'll manage."

Greeting them all, Aryan moved to the dining room for dinner. Amidst the clatter of cutlery and the aroma of home-cooked food, his brother, Abhi, indulged in non-stop chatter. Aryan, usually quiet in front of his family, listened attentively.

As they wrapped up dinner, Aryan bid goodnight. The soft glow of the hallway lights accompanied him to his room. In the quietude, he reflected on the dichotomy of his public image and the genuine connections within the walls of his home.

Before retiring for the night, Aryan's father, Raj, paused and said, "Take care, son. We worry because we care." Aryan, appreciating the sentiment, nodded, and the family dispersed to their respective bedrooms, bidding each other goodnight.

Aryan entered his room, a smile on his face as he opened the cupboard. Taking out a wooden box, he revealed a photo of him happily holding hands with a beautiful lady. The smiles in the photo, however, triggered a shift in Aryan's mood. With a firm motion, he closed the box, the smile replaced by an undercurrent of anger.

Placing the box back in the cupboard, Aryan left the room, heading to the shower for some respite. The mansion, with its grandeur, became a silent witness to the complex emotions that Aryan grappled with in the quiet moments of solitude.

In another room, Nita and Raj, Aryan's parents, exchanged concerned glances as they discussed his workaholic behavior. The grandeur of the mansion seemed to fade away in the shadows of their worries. Nita, with furrowed brows, expressed, "Raj, I'm really worried about Aryan. This constant work and that smile... it hides so much pain."

Raj, reflecting the concern in his wife's eyes, sighed and replied, "I know, Nita. It's been tough on him, especially after... you know."

Nita, with a determined look, suggested, "Maybe it's time we think about his happiness. What if we consider finding the right girl for him? Marriage might bring a positive change in his life."

Raj, contemplating the idea, responded, "You might be right. Aryan needs someone who can bring joy back into his life. Let's think about this carefully."

The worry in their voices painted a poignant picture of parents concerned for their son's well-being, eager to bring light back into his world.

Hey there, folks! Just wanted to drop a quick note and say thanks for diving into these stories with me. Your company in this literary adventure truly makes it special. So, here's to more words, more tales, and more shared moments. Cheers!

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