
Love With My Mysterious Wife

He is handsome and rich bachelor in B City. He has never touched a women though he is in his 30s. There is a rumour in City B that he is gay. She is beautiful person with mysterious identity. Although she lost her previous memory, she didn't forget his elegance. In a conspiracy, she broke into his hotel room but in the end she arrogantly threw down some money to him and left. However, he fell in love with her after that night and start to spoil and love her more. Everyone in B City think that she is not worthy of him. However her identity will expose one after one that shock everyone. Who would say she was not worthy?

Rafia_Rahman · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

First Meeting

On the eighth floor of the hotel, a handsome man walked out of VIP suite which was the place he stayed. Then he walked towards the elevator like sleeping lion king. He had an important meeting outside of the hotel. So, he brought his personal bodyguards with him. Because anything could happen in a new city and he didn't create troubles for himself.

That handsome man's face was perfect sculpture like he was God's perfect creation. His dark eyes had a sharp look that could pierce through anything. He had a noble aura around him and he was 195cm tall.

Behind him was his bodyguards in black colour suit who were half meter away from that handsome man. They were as expressionless & cold like their master.

When elevator reached second floor , door of elevator opened and a woman hurriedly entered the elevator. Sensing the situation, the handsome man's frowned his good looking eyebrows tightly. His face showed his impatientness and coldly gave his first look towards that woman. Because every-time he went anywhere , women threw themselves towards him. He hated those situation. So, he mistook this woman like those woman.

But the woman entered the elevator was God's another perfect creation. She was beautiful like elegant lady but had a slight of sexiness. She was mix-blooded woman. She had a long silky black hair up to her waist. Her loose hair made her whole look stunning and a slight blush on her delicate cheeks made her more more stunning.

The woman was half conscious half unconscious. Looked like someone drugged her. Because of the drug her two soft pink lips looked bright red. She was bitting her lips because of drug effect. This made her more alluring. Also her white colour slight loose dress made her fairy who just descended in the mortal world. This scene made emotionless bodyguards emotional and they stared at her like statue.

On the other side handsome man's breath came to a halt in an instant and his dark eyes showed a bright light that he himself didn't know. He saw many beauties till now but he didn't saw a beautiful woman like her who was in front him. And his body gave a reaction that he didn't feel for 30 years.

At this moment the beautiful woman was fighting against drug. So, she didn't know that her look could cause the whole world blind. Even she knew , she didn't care. With so much difficulty, she uttered some words that made handsome man's blood excited.

"Help! help me. I was drugged and can't control myself." after saying that she could not stand properly and slide down elevator floor.

Right at this moment few angry people stopped elevator door by switching a button and shouted at the beautiful woman.

" Bitch, where are you going? How could attack me? Don't you know that your family sold you to me." after saying those a fat ugly looking man came close to her.

But something happened that no-one could think in their brain. That beautiful woman waited for handsome man's response. Not getting any response, she thought she had to take action to save herself. So, when the fat man was about to touch her , she stood up with difficulty and kicked fat man's private part. When the fat man received a kick , he screamed like someone ripped apart something from him.

Then that fat man shouted more loudly and ordered other men to catch the beautiful woman. Before those pig men touched her, she attacked them one by one. On the other side the handsome man and his bodyguards were watching action moves of that woman with full interest. They never thought that a weak woman who was drugged attacked men like this. If she was her original mind , then those pig men would be crippled fully.

Because of the drug effect, that beautiful woman missed her attack and fall backwards. Her head hit on the wall heavily and drug in her body trigged more. Although fighting gave her some senses , drug's effect started to work more seriously. So, her vision got almost blank and felt dizzy on his head. That was reason of hitting her head on the wall. Seeing her weak situation those pig men were about to touch her, they heard a cold voice.

"Clear my path and handle those pigs. I can't breathe because of them." said the handsome man with cold tone.

Hearing cold voice, bodyguards mouths were twisted. Their boss was enjoying action drama few seconds ago but in a blink of his eyes he took action in his hands. Why did he involve in this situation? They never understood that their boss was already in the love world's entrance. Thus, they obeyed boss order and started to handle the situation.

Unfortunately, the fat man could take this anymore. So, he brought bad luck in his life by shouting at handsome man.

"Who are you, bastard? How can you take my woman in front of me? Do you know who I am?"

Hearing fat man's words, the handsome man narrowed his dangerously and gave another order without any emotions.

"Shut him up. I don't want to hear about him." after saying that he walked towards the beautiful woman who had already reached her limit.

Hearing boss's emotionless tone, they prayed for the fat man. How much bad deeds he do this life and faced boss's wrath. If anyone from City B's knew about this, they would come forward to shut him up. Then, two bodyguards started to clear the place.

When they saw their boss got closer that beautiful woman, they got a huge shock. Then their boss carried the beautiful woman and walked towards the elevator. After that he said something, that made those bodyguards questioned about their life.

"I'm going to my suite. Guard eighth floor properly. Talk to my secretary and cancel my meeting. Don't disturb me until I called you". After saying that handsome man closed the elevator door.

At this moment, he felt that the woman in his arms was rubbing her hot body with his body. When the man got closer to her earlier, she felt a cold air from coming from that man's body. So, she felt comfortable. After being in his arms, she became more greedy , so she did rubbing thing. After doing this, she felt more comfortable and let out a satisfactory moan. Hearing her moan, his blood froze.

Actually, the handsome man fall in love with the beautiful woman at the first sight. But he didn't know that. When he saw her action earlier, his interest grew more. After when he saw those pig men wanted to touch her, he felt uncomfortable on his whole body like something about to snatch away. Then he behaved like a possessive beast to catch his precious thing. Thus he didn't feel any his action were wrong. He also didn't know that in his 30 years of his life , he did something like for the first time.