

Minhaj," Hey! Didn't expect to see you here at this time". "I usually come home earlier. Today I was waiting for my friend but she had some work so that's why I came alone". "Oh great. I am returning from my football practice. It ended early today so I got some free time. If you have time, we can hang out". Without thinking, Jessica said yes. They went to the park nearby and sat on a bench. Minhaj was close to her. She was feeling something strange inside her. Minhaj," Do you come here often? Whenever I feel down, I come here, sit down and clear my mind". "When I feel sad, I paint. It gives me a liberating feeling as no one can control me. I can do whatever I want". Minhaj," You got some strange deep thoughts!". Jessica smiled. He further asked," What else do you do other than painting?". "I love to watch movies and series". "Wow, me too. What do you like?" "I like murder, crime, mystery, and violent things". Minhaj," Woah! That's very unlikely of you. You seem like a sweet girl who will watch romantic stuff or a bibliophile". "Well, I don't like the romantic genre that much and I hate books". "But I heard you are a very bright student ". She is. Jessica always secures the top position. She prioritizes her career more than anything. Jessica, "I only study for good grades and that's all". "I don't even do that!", Minhaj, "What is your favorite movie or series character?". "Dr. Hannibal Lecter!". "I am in too much shock right now", Minhaj said laughingly," I like action and drama more". They were talking and Jessica was having a great time. The more she talked to Minhaj, the more she started to like him. While talking Jessica casually asked when he had last gone on a date. He said," Last Sunday". Jessica was shocked for a while like she didn't expect this answer. Minhaj said," I went to the movies with my girlfriend". Jessica," That's really cool. What's her name?". "Her name is Mindy. She goes to a different school". He took out his phone and showed her Mindy's picture. He said," We have been together for 5 years!". Jessica," She is really pretty". "Do you have a boyfriend?". "No, I have never experienced love before". "It's an amazing feeling. I am very lucky to have her". Jessica felt a sharp pain in her heart. She said," It's getting late. I should return now". "Yeah sure. I should also go home. I had a great time thanks to you. You are a very interesting person. I would love to hang out with you more. See you soon". Jessica didn't say anything. She smiled and started walking. She thought to herself," I don't know this guy so well. I met him yesterday. Why do I feel bad? I shouldn't care much". She went home and checked her phone. She saw a lot of texts from her friends. But she didn't feel like replying to them. She thought about asking him for his number. "What if I am being too bothersome?". She kept herself busy to divert her thoughts.

The next day Naomi said," I texted you so many times. Where were you? Why didn't you reply?". "I was busy", Jessica. "Is everything all right? Why do you look so sad?". "I am fine". Naomi," Will you please share with me what's wrong? I have known you since our childhood. I can tell when you are bothered about something. You always keep things within you. It will suffocate you eventually. Sharing will lessen your pain". "I was with Minhaj yesterday. We went to the park and talked for a while". "Did he do anything?". Jessica," No, I had a great time. We talked about our families, friends, movies, and other things"." Then?". Jessica," He told me about his girlfriend too". "Is that why you are upset? Do you like him?". "I have known him for only two days. Why would I develop such feelings for him? I don't know why this fact is bothering me so much". "Because you like him, dummy! It doesn't matter how long you know him. Love can happen at the very first sight". "I don't love him. Maybe I like him a bit. Don't worry it will pass".

But it didn't. The more she saw him, and interacted with him, Jessica fell for him more and more. She even met Mindy. She tried her best to keep her distance from him but couldn't. She usually does not go to hangouts that much but whenever she heard about him going, she felt the urge to go. He made her feel happy. Every time she sees him, she forgets all her problems. His smile, his weird jokes, and his eyes delude her. But in her heart, she knew she could never get him.

One day Naomi said," What do you see in that guy? I mean, he is nice but very different from you. You can get much better guys. Try to forget him". "I don't know…I am trying but I can't get rid of this feeling". "Maybe you should try dating someone". Jessica," No. I won't be able to focus on anyone else". Naomi," Then why don't you try talking to him about your feelings? he might reciprocate". "You are giving all the worst ideas, Naomi!".

Jessica is very optimistic, but deep inside, she wants something to happen that will bring Minhaj closer to her. One day Almighty finally listened to her. Something happened for which Jessica was waiting for a long time.