
First Meeting

After school, Jessica and her friends went to watch movies. Linda said, "We need to hurry! It's already 5". Maria," hey! We are yet to meet my friends. Wait a bit. Let's go to that new place on the old city lane. I'll call them to meet us there". Naomi, "I have been waiting to try that place out".

They went to that new place. Naomi," This place is so cool! I will definitely come here on a date next time". Maria, "They are here!". All of them looked around and saw a girl and two boys. They walked up to them and the girl said, "Hey!". Maria introduced them to her best friends, "This is Teresa, this is Sandy and Minhaj". All of them sat down together. Naomi, "I know Teresa for a long time. I did not know she was your friend". "How do you know her?", Linda. Naomi, "We live in the same neighborhood. Jessica, haven't you seen her before?". Jessica was feeling a little bit uncomfortable around new people. She said,'' Yeah…I've seen her a couple of times". '' It is so nice to see you guys. Minhaj also lives nearby. Sandy is his best friend." They chatted for a couple of hours. Teresa, "It's late. Let's walk home together". Naomi, Jessica, Minhaj, and Teresa started for their home. Teresa and Naomi caught up in talking and Jessica was feeling bored. Minhaj approached her. "We did not talk that much in the restaurant. Where do you live?". Jessica, "I live down the park street". "Oh, my home is in the next block. How come we live so near and never met?". "I don't go out that much. I'd rather stay in my room than go out". Minhaj, "What do you do all day then?". "I like to paint. What do you do?". "I love to play football. I'd play football all day if I could!". They talked for a long time. Minhaj was a funny guy. She came to know they go to the same school. He is senior to her. He told her about his family, friends, hobbies, and so on.

Jessica said, "It was really nice talking to you. My home is nearby. I can go there by myself". Minhaj, "I hope I will see you around. I would like to see your paintings sometime. Drop by the football practice ground whenever you find time". Jessica smiled and nodded. She met a lot of guys. But this time it felt a bit different.

The next day she was waiting at school for Naomi. It was a sunny day. Naomi came and smirkingly said," Last night you had a lot of fun with Minhaj, I see". Jessica," Stop smirking. I had a good time with everyone." "Come on, I saw you giggling around him. You were so lost in him that you even forgot to say goodbye to us". Jessica remembered now. "Do you have a crush on him?". "I literally saw that guy for the first time yesterday. Why would I have a crush on him?", Jessica blushingly said. "He is not that bad, you know. He is tall, has a nice smile, and plays football. He is one of the popular guys". "I did not notice him well. But he has nice eyes". "Someone has a crush I guess", Naomi smiled and joked about this with her other friends. Jessica rolled her eyes. She thought "I don't have a crush. Do I?". She was perplexed and then dismissed the thought.

After school, she was going home alone. Usually, Naomi goes with her but today Naomi had some work to do. She got down from the bus and started walking. She was thinking, "Today I gotta study for the test. I also need to arrange my stuff. I have been slacking off too much lately. Gotta get back on track". Suddenly she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and saw Minhaj. He probably was returning from his football practice. He had a nice smile on his face. A gentle breeze brushed around his hair and he was waving at her. She felt a strange tingling in her heart seeing him. She never felt like this before. She wondered, "What is this feeling?". Meanwhile, Minhaj walked towards her.