

Ella, a young girl birthed by a single mum went through hell trying to raise money for her mum's treatment after she was diagnosed of kidney disease. Ella took a drastic decision to raise money for her mum's treatment. Read the mind-blowing story to decipher what her next line of action was and how she found love amidst the struggles

saturday_victoria · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs


They finally got to the restaurant, Ella hung her mouth agape as her eyes feasted on the beauty of the restaurant, the ambiance looked lovely and some beautiful decorations made it appear topnotch. Now, she became more worried about who she was with. The restaurant looks like where all these billionaires wine and dine. 

They were welcomed warmly, and the waiters took their orders. She didn't fail to notice the preferential treatment given to them and to top it all, they were sitting in the VIP spot. 

She couldn't hold back her curiosity anymore. "Ermm, who are you?" She bit on her nails nervously avoiding his gaze. Something was intimidating about his aura.

He chuckled seeing her acting like a kid. "You will get to know that later but first, let's eat".

The waiter brought their order in a few minutes and they started digging in. Ella was uncomfortable in her seat, she kept stealing glances at him and she couldn't help but notice his table etiquette. It was nothing short of perfect. Thankfully, the little videos she watched on YouTube about table etiquette saved her face from embarrassment. 

When they finished eating, there was this deafening silence and he had to start the conversation because the wait was killing Ella already. 

"You must be wondering who this man is right?"

She nods her head in anticipation

"Well, I'm William Brandy" he let the name sink in

Ella's eyes widened in shock, that name sure rang a bell. "The brandy's Fashion line" is the biggest in their country. She blinked twice to be sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Please, could you pinch me? I want to be sure I'm not seeing things"

William wanted to laugh out his heart because he found her action amusing but he maintained a poker face. "Look, I'm here for business and I don't have all the time in the world "

Ella readjusted in her seat as she tried to maintain her composure " I'm sorry sir but you can't blame me. Even my friends wouldn't believe me if I told them I met you"

"That's none of my business. I just want something from you and I will pay you back by paying for your mother's surgery"

"What will I do in return?" She squinted 

"Take a chill pill girl, are you willing to do my bidding? "

What is this man up to, she pondered in her mind but she accepted anyway. 

"Yes, I'm ready. I am ready to do anything to get my mum out of the condition she is in. She is all I have"

"You are going to kill someone. Can you do that?" 

"What? Kill someone. I know I need money but I won't do anything as condescending as that" 

"Then watch your mum die in pain and regret that her daughter could not do anything to save her" 

Ella arched her brow, did he say he was from the Brandy family again? Is this how all these rich brats behave? She has a lot going through her mind. She wouldn't deny that she needed money but what she would do for that money matters. 

"This is my card" he placed it on the table "Call me if you change your mind about it. Remember, your mum needs the money to stay alive," he said before dashing out of the restaurant leaving Ella in utter disbelief. Ella picked up the card from the table and left the restaurant. 

Brandy Williams, is a 26-year-old model and the second son of the Brandy Family. He had appeared many times in Vogue, one of the top fashion magazines, he had different ladies swooning over him but he was still jealous of one person. His elder brother " Graham Brandy" was The heir to Brandy's empire and the real MVP, he wanted everything his brother had including his position as the heir of Brandy's riches. He has tried everything he could to bring him down but nothing worked and now he has come up with a new plan to kill him slowly. 

He was just returning from his friend's ward when he saw Ella begging the doctor, he was going to leave but for some certain reason, he had to stay back and observe. "She was beautiful, elegant and sexy. The criteria he felt his brother would like so he decided to speak to her.