

Ella, a young girl birthed by a single mum went through hell trying to raise money for her mum's treatment after she was diagnosed of kidney disease. Ella took a drastic decision to raise money for her mum's treatment. Read the mind-blowing story to decipher what her next line of action was and how she found love amidst the struggles

saturday_victoria · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs


A few minutes later, Bella sent her 500 dollars, she was so excited to run to the hospital and make a deposit but she had to finish preparing a meal for her mum. After everything, she boards a cab to the hospital to deposit the money before going to the doctor's office" 

She knocked gently before entering the office, the doctor was already expecting her so, he wasn't surprised. He already asked his secretary to ask her to see him whenever she visits. 

"Sit down Miss Ella" 

"Doctor, I already make some deposits. Please, could you now commence treatment of my mum?" She pleaded. 

"How much deposit did you make? "

"Five- hundred and seventy dollars but I promise you, I will run around to bring the rest of the money to you"

"I asked you to deposit at least a thousand dollars. Your mum needs a donor for this. What do you think five hundred and seventy dollars would do? Your mum's chances of survival are becoming slim, I want to help but it's against our practice. I can only sympathize with you not empathize"

"Did your profession steal your conscience? I already brought some money for God's sake, why can't you just have mercy and help?" She was already losing it 

"You won't speak to me that way in my office, I would ad...." Ella cuts in 

"You don't have to advise me on anything, it should be against your medical profession too" She stood up angrily and left for her mother's ward.

When she entered her mother's ward, the state she saw her mum in broke her heart. She was on life support with different connections attached to her body. The tears she had been holding back came flooding" She dropped the food she brought for her mum on the table as she was given anesthesia 

She gently squeezed her mum's hand. "Mum, you will get out of this state. I, Ella promise you" She cleaned her tears and left the ward to make a call outside. She picked up the card the strange man had given to her from her bag, she contemplated for a while before dialing his number. It rang a few times before he picked" 

" I'm in for the job," she said without any form of introduction

William on the other end was wise enough to decipher who was on the line. "Where are you?" 

"The Greenwich hospital where you met me" 

"I'm quite busy at the moment but I will be with you in a jiffy," He said before hanging up. He was about to sign another endorsement deal for a company that produces juice when the call came in"

 A few minutes later, William drove to the hospital in a clean Bentley, he had his bodyguard tailing behind him, and Ella immediately spotted him because she was waiting patiently for him outside. It was the first time she noticed how unearthly good-looking he was. The way he styled his hair, his outfit was on fleek and the poise. He was representing his career as a model. It only made her wonder why he would have the heart to kill someone and want to use her as his accomplice. 

William let his gaze sweep the hospital, he asked his guards to stay back because he didn't want to call attention before those paparazzi started intruding into his life. He had a mask on this time but Ella was still convinced it was him.

He walked up to the dazed Ella. "You know, if you keep staring like this, a fly mouth enter into your mouth. At least close it" he chuckled 

"I wasn't staring at anything. Can we go in now?"

"Sure, lead the way" As they moved, people couldn't stop staring at them... While they stared at William with so much admiration, they stared at Ella as if she was filth. 

"She doesn't even deserve him, she must be his mistress" Two girls who walked past them gossiped and laughed. Ella turned a deaf ear to everything they said. They walked straight to the secretary. 

"Miss Ella, you are here again, I hope you are not here to beg for...." Her words trailed off as she saw the man standing at her back. "Ermm, Hi! How may I be of help to you sir?" She started acting nice. 

Ella scoffed, such a cheap thing. She said in her mind.

William on the other hand didn't spare her a glance. She wasn't even up to his standard. The women he dated were classy, rich, and most importantly, very popular. 

"Where's the doctor in charge of her mother's case? 

"He is in the ICU but I would inform him that someone this dashing came to look for him" She winked at him as she tried to flirt.

"There won't be any need for that. Can I have the account number? " 

"Yes, sure" She handed over the little card that contained details of the hospital to him. 

He turned to Ella "Amount?

"2.5million, I already deposited 500 thousand"

He made the transfer immediately "Done, you can check now" the secretary confirmed the amount. "I have seen it. Miss Ella, thank your stars, he just ended your misery" 

"You should learn to mind your business, maybe, just maybe, he would cast a glance at you. Jerk" she lashed out at her. 

As they were about to leave, the doctor came out looking all stressed when he spotted Ella.

She walked up to him as soon as she sighted him "The payment has been made now, do your magic on my mum so, she can leave that sick bed" 

William couldn't help but like her guts, he was more convinced that she would deliver on the job he was going to assign to her

The doctor was speechless. He stared at William. His face looked familiar but he couldn't just decipher where he had seen the face he sure smelled like money. "How did you... " Ella cuts in 

"Your problem was money, right? You have it, so do the needful"She turned to William "Shall we?"

"Yeah, they walked to his car. As soon as his bodyguard saw him, they bowed slightly to let him in" 

"Why are you standing there Ella? Hop in" He commanded 

Ella creased her brows, it was the first time she had heard him call her "Where are we going now?"

"You should hop in else, I will ask my men to help you with that. I have been a gentleman for the past 2 hours. You are now my property and you will do as I have said" he declared authoritatively making her flinch.

"God, what have I gotten myself into" she gulped hard and she did as she was instructed.

She sat at the back of the car with him and stared out of the window. He didn't say a word to her as they drove to his mansion.