
Chapter 3

With nothing substantial to do while Flora waited for Adam, she strolled around the hospital, going to the children's ward, Going to the NICU.

She watched the babies through the screen glass, so tiny and so precious. A nurse was in there, going over any fussing child.

Her baby kicked, she placed a hand on her belly and smiled, she couldn't wait to hold their child in her arms and watch Adam spoil the child with love and attention.

Her mind strayed to Adam again, smiling as she thought of how they met and how he had turned her life around since they've been together.

They had met at a restaurant where she worked as a waitress. She had been at a particularly rough time and had been working two jobs just to settle the bills.

Adam and his friends had come to the restaurant for a quick food and to discuss business.

Flora took two trays in hand trying to settle all the tables, she had just dropped a tray on a table, when she turned around and bumped into Adam, spilling food on his meticulous cloth.

She had been horrified, her boss wasn't a particularly nice person and she had just committed a grave offence.

She had apologised profusely, dropping the tray and what remained in it on a near by table and tried to clean his suit using a kerchief.

Adam had assured her that it was okay but she just apologizing. Her boss had come out of his office, demanding to know what was going on.

Flora thought that would be the end of her job. Her face flamed and she had dropped her face, stuttering.

Adam, like the hero he was, explained to the manager that he had been the one not looking and had bumped into her.

Her boss had seemed pacified by that fact and apologised to Adam, before going back to his office. Flora thanked Adam profusely, shaken from coming close to losing her job.

She had directed Adam and his friends to their table and took their orders. She offered to pay for his dry cleaning and he even though he refused at first, he later gave in when he saw she wouldn't budge on the matter.

They had exchanged numbers and got talking. They became closer, and finally went on a date. And from there, their relationship blossomed.