
Love At First Bite (OroKabu)

Orochimaru is all mighty and powerful. Kabuto is just a lowly servant. He's always focused on his work and doesn't have time for love and affairs. But Orochimaru has other ideas.

Edlemma21 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

For You; 1

6:00 a.m. It was at this time every day that Kabuto was up getting his master's tea ready. He brings it to him in his room and whatever else he needs. Then he prepares breakfast for his master, himself and to his desperation sometimes Sasuke too.

Professionally Kabuto didn't mind Sasuke, he was what was going to keep his master alive and happy, and that's all he wanted. Personally, he thought Sasuke was stuck up and didn't deserve all the attention he got simply because of a surname.

The tea kettle whistles and Kabuto poured the hot water into a pot with a green tea bag already in it. He then set the kettle on a tray with 4 small plates, 4 tea cups and another small plate with earl gray cookies on it. He carried it to Orochimaru's room. He usually doesn't wait for a response after he knocks, so like any day he tapped on the door twice and then opened it.

"Lord Orochimaru I have your-" his eyes widened at the sight of his master, his bare backside facing the now open door. Orochimaru swiveled his head to face his subordinate.

"Oh Kabuto, good morning. Seems I got up a little later than usual. Thank you for the tea."

"Y-yeah I'll just, um h-here, My Lord." Kabuto stuttered as he set the tray down on the foot of Orochimaru's freshly made bed. He then turned around quickly, crossing his arms behind his back.

"Anything else I can get you, Lord?" Kabuto asked, a deep shade of red visible on his face.

"That's all. Have you prepared breakfast?"

"N-no sir, I was just about to." Kabuto answered.

"Hmm." Orochimaru was preoccupied with tying his belt around his waist.

"I'll get on that, Master." Kabuto bowed and then exited the room quickly. Hmm what's with him? The sanin thought to himself.

Kabuto went back down to the kitchen and put both hands on the counter top. Why was he feeling this way? His heart was beating fast and he was breathing heavily. Focus on the task at hand, Kabuto. You always have, why the sudden distraction?

He continued to make eggs, bacon and toast simultaneously. It wasn't unusual to multitask, usually he's doing more than three things at the same time anyway. He set out two plates on the stone refectory table, at the two ends, and in the middle he set the freshly made toast, eggs, bacon and a variety of fruits he had just washed and cut. He then set out condiments for the meal. Finally, he put glasses out and a pitcher of orange juice.

Not long after Orochimaru came out and sat at the head of the table, and began to fill his plate with food. Kabuto was doing what he usually did, eating in the kitchen. That's why he was startled when his master called for him out of nowhere. He was forced to put down his food before even taking one bite.


"Y-yes Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto said, stumbling to the table. He stood stiffly next to the snake master.

"Is everything alright my Lord?" Orochimaru just sighed in response.

"Oh Kabuto. Just sit down." Kabuto shifted uncomfortably, and remained standing.


"Now Kabuto."

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru." He said in defeat, sitting down in the chair closest to the head of the table.

Orochimaru continued to eat in peace and Sasuke eventually made his was to the table as well. He looked at Kabuto weird, and then walked into the kitchen. Moments later he came back out holding a glass of water. He grabbed a single piece of toast and walked right back out of the dining room without a word.

Kabuto kept sitting in awkward silence while his master indulged himself. Moments later his stomach growled softly, and his efforts to silence it were futile.

"Kabuto, won't you eat? Sasuke isn't going to use his plate."

"I'm alright Lord-" he was cut off by Orochimaru's glowing yellow eyes glaring at him with an unsettling intensity.

"I mean, of course Lord Orochimaru."

He got up and walked to the opposite side where he had previously set Sasuke's plate and began to sit down. He stopped and jumped when Orochimaru banged his fists on his end of the table.

"Y-yes my Lord?" Kabuto asked nervously.

"You are starting to bug me today, Kabuto," Orochimaru hissed. "Bring the plate here, sit by me."

The medical ninja did as he was told, now silent due to recent events. He sat down to the left of Orochimaru, and began to place food on his plate with unwavering hands. He wasn't going to show that he was somewhat frightened. Orochimaru sighed and placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"Kabuto. You seem tense today. Is everything alright?"

"I'm... I'm alright. Just tired I think." To be honest he really didn't know what was wrong with him, but then again he wasn't lying. He was tired. It had been days since he got a good nights rest. And a decent meal.

"Alright then. After you eat go get some rest. I'll pick up breakfast." Kabuto looked shocked at his masters words.

"Please, it's my job to take care of you, and I don't need sleep to do that." As soon as it came out, Kabuto noticed how sexual it sounded, especially with the stern tone of voice he used. Clearly Orochimaru noticed too.

"Oh really? Well I know you can, Kabby. But let me take care of you for once." Now the ninja's face was a light pink.

"N-no no that's alright," he laughed nervously stuttering on his words. "I'm alright, really." He began to push his chair backwards, but he was too shaky to stand up straight and began to collapse to the ground. That's when Orochimaru had somehow already stood up and was standing next to his ally, catching him.

Kabuto looked up Orochimaru's face with a soft expression and hints of pink on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Lord Orochimaru. I can take myself to my room."

"Kabuto don't be silly. Let me." He was then lifted from the ground and being carried to his room. Normally he would insist to be put down, but he was tired as is, and was falling asleep.

Orochimaru's POV~

I decided to take Kabuto to my room, because it was closer. I set him on the bed that was newly made, and grabbed an extra blanket to put on top of him, then took his glasses off and set them on my side table. I sat down in a chair that faced the bed. I couldn't help but admire him... he was strange. All work and no play. I could change that though... I sighed. I got up and left to find the baby Uchiha, wherever he had run off to. Before closing the door, I took one last look at my silver haired servant. He looked peaceful. A smile spread across my face as I closed the door softly behind me.
