
Love At First Bite (OroKabu)

Orochimaru is all mighty and powerful. Kabuto is just a lowly servant. He's always focused on his work and doesn't have time for love and affairs. But Orochimaru has other ideas.

Edlemma21 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Kabuto woke up around 10 o'clock, in an unfamiliar room. No, it was familiar alright. However, it wasn't his. It was... Orochimaru's? Right, he brought me here. He carried me here... Kabuto blushed thinking back to what happened that morning. It was humiliating, honestly, and he hated himself for it. It was his job to care for his master, and it shouldn't be the other way around. Someone like Orochimaru shouldn't have to take time out of his day to worry about someone so insignificant. He has more important things to do.

He took a breath and got out of bed, then remade it. He grabbed his glasses off the nightstand and went down to the dining room. He scanned the table. It was clean, just like his master said it would be. He smiled slightly, then went to find the sanin.The silver haired man looked in one of the open rooms, usually used for Sasuke's training. He only found Sasuke doing one arm push-ups, who only paused to look up and give Kabuto a dirty look. Kabuto ignored it, and continued to look for Orochimaru.

He continued to scour the current hideout. Finally, he checked the lab. Orochimaru hadn't been there lately, as he had just switched bodies, and now had a new vessel lined up and in his possession. Kabuto walked in to find Orochimaru sitting at a small desk, head in his hands and long hair falling over his shoulders. To get the attention of the man, Kabuto knocked on the open door. Orochimaru looked back, somewhat startled.

"Oh, Kabuto. It's just you." He sighed.

"I'm sorry for startling you, Lord Orochimaru."

"It's Alright, Kabuto. How did you sleep? Do you feel better?"

"Yes, I feel better." Kabuto felt embarrassed. "That's actually what I came to talk about."

Orchimaru cocked his head in confusion. Kabuto took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to get off his chest. "Lord Orochimaru, I'm loyal to you and always will be. I need you to understand I am not a child, and I am fully capable of taking care of myself." He started to pace back and forth out of frustration, then continued. "I chose to serve you, and I assure you I can do that without anyone's help, even if that's you." Kabuto stopped pacing to look up, seeing an angry looking Orochimaru.

"Oh Kabuto, it seems like you don't understand." The sanin suddenly stood up, with an intense look in his eyes, catching the younger man off guard. He looked down to Kabuto, although barely. He then leaned down to whisper something in his ear. "I will do as I want. You will do as I say." The subordinate could feel his master's warm breath on his neck, sending chills down his back with every syllable. Instinctively, Kabuto took a step back. Opening his mouth to retaliate, Orochimaru cut him off.

"Turn around."

"W-what do-"

"Do as I say Kabuto. Or aren't you loyal?" He said seductively. Feeling defeated, the man began to turn around, keeping his dark eyes on the stone floor. Orochimaru walked behind him and grabbed his silky hair in his hand softly. Kabuto closed his eyes tightly. He felt two soft hands on the back and sides of his neck, and shuddered. Orochimaru worked his way down Kabuto's back gently, and when he got to his waist, he untucked his dark shirt. He used his sharp nails to tenderly traced the muscles on his toned back. Kabuto had to bite his lip to hold back a moan.

Orochimaru noticed that Kabuto was only getting more tense. He liked it. He liked that he was making him nervous. He stood in front of his right hand man, who had his eyes closed and his bottom lip between his teeth. It was almost too much for him. Almost. He gently ran his thumb down Kabuto's jawline. Once again, the serpent master whispered in his servant's ear.

"Next time you'll just do what I say. See you at lunch, Kabuto." And with that, he walked out of the laboratory, his footsteps echoing throughout the room and the stone hallway. Kabuto fell to his knees, his legs now weak. He had just witnessed so many thoughts and emotions. How was he supposed to act like nothing had just happened?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After the event that occurred that morning, Kabuto had done some of his chores. It always helps get his mind off of stuff. He grabbed the last of the clothes off the clothesline, and brought the basket inside. He then went to the kitchen to begin lunch. By now, he had forgotten all about his incidence with Orochimaru, and was happy in the kitchen making dinosaur chicken nuggies. He took a large baking tray out of the oven when it beeped, and organized the meal on a large platter.

He carried it to the large table, like he did every day for every meal. However today he was met with a strange new anxiety. As he set the table as normal, he thought about his day so far. In the span of less than six hours, he had seen Orochimaru naked, eaten with him, slept in his bed, yelled at him, and was then seduced by him. In all the time he had been with him, nothing quite like this had happened. Sure he had thought about him, but he pushed those thoughts and feelings down with the understanding that they wouldn't happen. But now he was just confused...

He was snapped out of his trance by a small Sasuke coming to the table and sitting by himself. He grabbed five nuggies, all t-rex shaped, and stared Kabuto dead in the eyes while eating the head off of one. Kabuto had no reaction except a somewhat confused annoyed look. He turned around to go eat his own food, and ran right into Orochimaru. I really can't catch a break today, Kabuto thought as he rubbed his forehead.

"Mmm." Orochimaru sat studying Kabuto, arms crossed unphased by what had just happened. In the background, Sasuke grabbed a few more chicken nuggets in his arms in addition to the one hanging out of his mouth, and slinked away to who knows where.

"Excuse me, Lord Orchimaru." Kabuto excused himself, never meeting the serpent master in the eyes.

"There's something we need to discuss." As soon as Orochimaru said it, Kabuto's heart dropped, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Kabuto," The man said. Kabuto turned around slowly, anxious to hear what he had to say. "you're overworked. I'm relieving you of your cooking duties."

"Y-you what?" Kabuto thought he was joking, but he looked too serious. "Am I being... fired?"

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it. I hired a chef is all. Don't get me wrong, you aren't half bad, but you need time to do... other things." Orochimaru reported, a sly grin on his face the whole time.

"Other things?" Kabuto's mind was racing.

"You really are clueless." Orochimaru sighed. "See the thing is, when I'm not with Sasuke, I don't have much to do. I get bored. I was hoping maybe you'd help me with that, Kabuto."