

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs


"You should have come to me before you said that." Klhoe said camly to Lia. "But thanks for saving my ass from that shit. It's Crazy!" She added as she huge Lia.

"Itsy fine. I don't even know if we really did have anything to do before our graduation. I think we should visit school today. But I'll call my mom before that." She said bringing her phone from her bag.

"Hey baby. I've missed you. You don't want to come home right?" Catherine said calmly as she pick the call.

"No,mummy. I was just having fun here but will be back this weekend. I need cash,mom." She said in response.

"Alright hun. Stay good." She said as she cut the call.

Klhoe and Lia is about to take a cab when someone hit Klhoe beside her hardly that she fell down unconsciously. Lia was shock. She quickly carry her in the cap and yell to the cap man to zoom the cap to the nearest hospital. "Go!!" Lia exclaimed.

Few minutes after,they got to the hospital. lia quicky back her on her back and rush in the hospital center. The nurses at the reception office,took Klhoe from Lia and rush her to the hospital theatre room. Lia was tired. He couldn't say anything. Her face was wearing a worried face that seem very scary.

She begin walking from left to right of the hospital compound thinking about a lot of things. How's going to save Klhoe from this? What if she didn't survived it? What lies I'm I going to give Mrs. Hale? What if she already knew? What if she coincidentally come here?

Lia couldn't make an answer to all the rhetorical question she's asking herself. She's about to enter to hospital again when she mistakenly hit an handsome well glammed guy looking ravishing. She raise her head up and said to the guy "I'm so sorry sir. That was a mistake." She said merging her pams together.

She walk out of the guy's present as she finish apologizing but her face is still wearing a worried face. The guy isn't sure if he knows Lia but he sure knew he have seen Lia somewhere. He followed her from behind to stop her and see her face very well .

",Hey,pretty belle." The guy said smiling at her while using his hand to remove his face cap.

"Hey." Lia responded bending down to pick her pauce that fell from her. As she stood up,she look at who she responded to as to know the person. But to her surprise, it's the person she knows.

"Richard!" Her voice sounded more louder than she was before. She was surprised to see Richard here. Richard's expression isn't different too. He was surprised to see here but shocked too because she told him she travelled.

"You told me you travelled." He said camly but sounding like he's confused .

"Yeah. I'm back..."

Richard interrupted slowly. "you told me you are coming back this weekend. What was that for?" He ask changing his mood.

"It's a long story. I don't know how fi explain it to you. I just didn't know." She said sounding like a fustrated person.

"Okay. Calm down. Why are you in the hospital? Are you a patient here?" Richard ask as he muttered.

"I..no..I .." Her voice cracked as she doesn't know that to say to give Richard a legit lies to the questions.

"What are you doing there Richard?" She smile trying to get off Richard's question as she ask him..

"I'm here to heal through song." He said.

"Heal?" She ask as she exclaimed

"Yeah. I heal people through singing to them with my voice. I think it's just a mystery only God knows about." She said smiling at her.

"That's good. Nice. So, which ward are you visiting now?" She ask.

The doctor walk towards them looking indifferent. Immediately Lia sighted the doctor,she walks forward to meet him leaving Richard standing behind. He didn't understand what's going. He followed her from behind.

"Please can I see you in the office, Misses?" The doctor said to Lia.

"Sure." She said as she followed the doctor from behind.


The doctor entre his office with Lia jogging behind him. She doesn't know why the doctor wear such scary face. Different thoughts began running through mind. She can't wait to hear from the doctor and at the same life scared to hear what the doctor have to say because of different stories Klhoe have told her about her health and she's getting to believe it but still doubting at the same time. Although, she's already in the thoughts of negative ideal but she doesn't want believe in what she was thinking but the look of the doctor keep changing her mindset about it.

"Please,have your seat." The doctor said pointing at the seat opposite him .

"Alright." Her voice faded as she said that.

"You need to calm down. Listen, anything can happen to anybody. Including me. But,we just have to be praying that negative things shouldn't happen to us." He said trying to calm her nerves.

"You see,this life is full of mysteries. We just have to accept life as a Mystery. Because the way we keep trying to understand life,the more it becomes more blurry and deep to understand, literally." The doctor added.

Lia isn't surprised of that the doctor is saying because that's how they do behave anytime the want to tell any patient important message. But Lia isn't sure of what the doctor wants to say whether negative or positive. Through the way her body keep dancing weirdly on tr chair,it could be seen that she's very anxious to hear what the doctor wants to say.

"So, what happened doctor?" She interrupted as she ask the doctor.

"Misses,your sister,is very beautiful to face this. I don't know how she got to this point and I don't know what led her here but trust me,this life.."

The doctor is trying to use a persuasive speech to keen the word to her but he doesn't know how anxious Lia was and scared too,to hear what he wants to say. The doctor finally speak since nothing is new under the sun.

"We tried our best. Did our best,but,she lost the 3 weeks pregnancy."

The doctor trying not to be hurtfully with his words but it's beyond him since there's no other way he could reveal that to Lia that won't hurt her.

Lia was surprised because she has been with her for months lately and she didn't see any man with her. She became fustrated while trying to recall the days she spent with Klhoe but didn't see when Klhoe went out alone or did something like that. Then, she remembered what Klhoe told about her Mysterical love. Everything began flashing to her head. She doesn't know what to say nor how to react to this.

She then stood up from where all the display went earlier and ask the doctor while tears still streaming from her eyes which seem very emotional.

"I hope... Klhoe is fine?"

"She's very fine but ..."

Lia interrupted yelling while asking.

"But what? What?! Just tell me so that I can die with her too. But what?!"

The doctor felt her pain. He doesn't know how to control her emotion. The more he Kept trying to calm her down the more it kept on worst.

"Misses. Your sister is fine. She just needed three days rest. That's all."

The doctor said as he sit back on his chair.

"Three days rest?" She ask in disbelief.

Lia didn't believe this is happening to her friend. After many years of building their friendship. I can't just leave her alone in this situation. All of those thoughts keep running through her head. What I'm I going to tell her mom? Where will I say she is? How will I even face he to talk? How?!

She became fustrated. She doesn't know what to do.