
Love and The Crown

A story of two completely different worlds colliding into one. ❤ "It doesn't matter how many hopes you have,or how many times my son shows affection towards you"the woman stepped forward placing a palm on the girls face. "Young girl,nothing but sorrows will come out of this"the woman added. The girl stood staring into her eyes,too frightened to say a word. "This is very simple to understand,you either leave my son and get the fuck out of this kingdom"the woman looked insane. "Or you die"she added like it nothing. Her knees had started visibly shaking, she hated this woman so much but she was too frightened to say a word. "My son is the king, and YOU ARE FILTH!"The woman suddenly shouted startling her. "What does he even see in you?!"She yelled,using her fingers to scratch the girls cheek,she could feel the warm blood flowing down. The girl fell to the floor,still staying mute. "Perhaps I'll pluck your eyes out" The girls heart started beating much faster "After that,I'll burn your face" the woman said chuckling "my son will never love you after that" This woman had lost her mind.She was a completely different person outside,was it all a facade? "You are wrong" the girl said,looking up at the angry eyes of her oppressor. "You will never understand how it feels to be in love" she added and the woman's eyes widened. "Your son that you care so much about hates you and doesn't give a shit about you,he will never love you" The woman was filled with rage,she was shocked at the audacity the girl had. "and you're jealous,so you want me out of the picture because you feel you'd loose him to me forever" The woman screeched,face like a feral animal,lifting her hand to claw But someone stopped her. She turned her head slowly to see her sons angry eyes staring at her with disgust and anger. "Didn't think you'd actually be foolish enough to place your filthy hands on what's mine" he said, eyes flashing dangerously. The girls eyes widened at his words.

indigoria8_ · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1

"the King is dead" the young servant girl said, her head bowed, she couldn't have possibly known she just delivered one of the best news I'd ever heard in my life. I was happy, joyous in fact 'finally' was all I could think of.

I had to feign sadness, he was my husband, I had to grieve his death, even if the thought of grieving that man made me want to gag in disgust.

We did have our very good moments, but with time I got to realize that I only enjoyed them because I had to.

I crumbled to the ground as dramatically as I could and sobbed loudly, it wasn't the first time I feigned grief, I was quite good at it.

"tell my son I want to see him" I said between sobs.

The girl scurried out to summon him.

Moments later, my son emerged in the doorway, his tall slender figure held an aura of sadness, jet black hair styled to perfection as usual, his handsome face held its normal bored appearance but his fairly thick brows were furrowed together, his very straight nose scrunched up a bit, his purplish red eyes stared directly into my eyes.

His eye colour was characteristic of the old royal family, somehow the eye colour was lost, no new royal born had it, but my son did, only him.

It gave me pride knowing I gave birth to him, even if it was with the help of that disgusting man.

My son disliked me, his attitude towards me started changing when he became a teenager and now he was 22 he completely disregarded me as his mother, if he could he would banish me from the kingdom forever... His father poisoned his mind about me, made him believe I was a monster, he was wrong, the monsters we're people who tried to ruin my family.

"Alden, I know how much you love him" I said cleaning my tears with the back of my palm as I walked towards him.

"cut the bullshit mother, I know you did this" he said looking down at me with hatred, I stopped on my tracks, my heart ached, I nearly slapped him but held myself back to prevent him from hating me even more.

"you're wrong" I said as honestly as I possibly could "I know your father and I were never on good terms, but I would never harm him" I added stepping towards him the look he gave me made me stop at my tracks.

"Lair" he said.

"I would never lie to you" I said fiercely "I don't know what your father told you about me but I would never bring any harm to you or your father or your sister" I sat down heavily on a nearby sofa and placed my fingers on my temples and closed my eyes

"I'm sorry for everything I might have done to make you hate me this much, I really am"

"You know... It doesn't matter how many times you say you're sorry, what's done is done and I will never forgive you" he said lazily still staring down at me, he looked emotionless, like the evil human his father turned him into.

"Alden, I did not kill your father!" I yelled at him as he walked out of the room slamming the door.

I sat back down on the chair again, psychology drained, I faced my full length mirror, I had jet black hair, the same colour as my son's, my hair was very long, it reached my waist, my eyes were dark grey, my nose was very straight and quite long, my lips were small, which complimented my fairly big eyes, my eyebrows were quite full and well groomed, my face was perfectly oval shaped, I was rather slender, just like my son, even if I was 52 I looked like a 20 year old, except for the tiny wrinkles around my eyes that were barely noticeable, I'd been told numerous times by numerous people that I had the kindest prettiest face they'd ever seen. I'd laugh in my mind whenever someone told me I looked kind.

I was the first born child of queen Aurora and king Zuk zabel of the kingdom of Yahr in the east, one of the most prosperous kingdoms in the world, because of the tremendous amount of natural resources it had hidden beneath its soil.

I was supposed to be the heir to the throne and rule as queen of Yahr when my father was no more.

But then, my parents decided to marry me off to the son of queen Madeline and king Wynn Irvin of the kingdom of Vettes in the west. I never got to know what drove them to make such a ridiculous decision.

Vettes was the most prosperous kingdom in the world, the most beautiful and it was well known for having the strongest willed people, if you see a stubborn person, it's very likely they're from Vettes.

When Wynn died, his son and my husband Vidal became king.

Vidal never loved me, we rarely even spoke to each other, Another woman had his heart, Avala.

As soon as he was crowned king he named her queen of Vettes, completely disregarding my existence.

I remember that day as one of the worse in my life, I had watched her take power that was meant to be mine rightfully, I saw Vidal give her that power, my title as Queen of Vettes... Because he was the king he could get away with such injustice.

He loved her more than anything, she literally got the whole world in the palm of her hands, she got whatever she wanted, the love of the people of the world belonged to her...

Meanwhile I was in the background watching with so much pain and sadness.

Avala also made it a point of duty to make me feel miserable, made me hate the fact that I was married to her beloved king, if she had her way, I'd be living in a crib in the woods.

She had clothes from the best designers and cloth labels, everything she had was styled to perfection. Anytime I thought about the fact that everything she had was rightfully mine, my heart ached.

And then she gave birth to a son,

That was the final straw that broke me. She named him Miur, he was a beautiful boy, he had his fathers bronze hair and his mother's beautiful blue eyes, I hated him, I hated her, I hated everyone.

The discrimination I faced, the insults, the pain, it was too much, I couldn't handle it.

It threw me into a state of depression, for three years I was depressed and no one noticed, nobody cared, I even contemplated suicide more than once but thought against it.

And then Avala conceived again, the doctors said it was another son, I wept loudly that night in my room on hearing the news, that same night, I plotted the murder of Avala and her son.

After my plotting and scheming, I put on my black hoodie and black shades and went outside to the garage and drove my black BMW to the farthest city I knew. Somewhere I wouldn't be noticed.

People threw a few glances here and there, just hoped they thought I was just the daughter of some rich noble man. Luckily, nobody recognized me.

I purchased a knife, the most plain ones I could find and a pair of gloves.

I got back to the palace that night and slept off, it was the first night I actually had a full sleep... I had everything figured out.

I could have hired an assassin to do the job for me, but I couldn't risk it, I couldn't trust anyone but myself to do this.