
Lost Path

lazyape · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Cross evolution ll

The saving grace anna made for her reserve, was to create an entity which would help Hubert in his most dangerous moment.

This was the back up plan of which anna made when she decided something different towards her master's evolution. The third soul would help the second soul collect the piece's of the original soul, after that it would help the second soul refine the original soul making it the Origin Soul. By the way the third soul was a new entity made of the most powerful spirits in the most dangerous and different types dimensions. So even though it was a newly born spirit it could help a lot in forming the soul origin

In a few moments all of the scattered pieces of Hubert's soul inside his consciousness was collected, and it formed the shape of an ethereal spirit. The problem was, because of the explosion the original soul was reined full of cracks, fractures and fissures. But when the piece's was gathered together and was assembled, Hubert's recognition and awareness came back. It was something that gave him a new leash of life.

Now that the third phase was done, The last and final phase of the plan would be implemented. It was the refining process, with the help of the 2 souls residing inside Hubert, and with the help of the mantra written in the book of life. The final phase started.

Hubert's souls was now standing in the middle of his second and third soul, he mumbled a mantra written in the book of life, " Prin Toshipal Hifengo, I ilPas Kwafangi Zoei liste" which means, [ In destruction comes a new life, a new origin and a new path]. He needs repeat these words until the refining process would be concluded.

With the mantra being uttered came a spiritual fire, It was very pure and very holy.

The two souls also started their job, the saber mammoth started dancing and was moving in a very weird was, while the new entity was now producing hand gestures creating runes after runes after runes. In doing these, it produced a line of energy which connected both Hubert and the souls. Afterwards the energy circled around him making him the eye of the storm, then the energy also returned to both of the souls nourishing and fostering them towards a greater upgrade

The process was giving and taking, no one is at a disadvantage only benefit could be seen. It was like, the sun nurturing the plants, then the plants in return release oxygen, then the oxygen would be used by the different living things to survive, then the living things would then provide the plants a source of fertilizer for it to grow and development.

In this condition, the sun was equal to the energy in the surroundings, which aids them in their progress. While the plants was Hubert, supporting and assisting them in their development and advancement. While the living beings were the 2 different souls residing inside his conciseness, in return the souls would help Hubert during his most precarious moments making him strong and undefeated. This cycle of giving and taking will repeat itself until the refining process is done and when Hubert would perish.

Now that the process is being performed with no problems, it was the time to mend and heal the crack and injuries he had in his soul. Hubert made a set of hand gesture, then made the holy fire circle around him, afterwards he let the holy fire engulf him and burn him little by little. It started from both of his feet, then going up his lower body, then it went up until his soul.

The process of his soul being burned was too painful that he nearly passed out, but he did not give up, and next came a miracle.

The holy fire started to rejuvenate and repair the cracks and injuries of Hubert's soul. What happened next stunned Hubert. He can feel that his injuries were now healed, and he felt that his soul seems like a towering tree which is strong, firm and powerful. And it was looking down in the whole universe.

Another thing was that his soul gained some attributes, of which are; Destruction and creation and another one is an attribute made of holiness and verbosity of life. He decided to check on these qualities after he was done with his cross evolution.

Now that the refining process of his soul evolution was done, and he was completely healed and fully rejuvenated. He started to look, appreciate and respect the souls that were living inside of him even more. Hubert was also extremely grateful and thankful for the help that they provided for him during this time. At first he only knew that the souls would make him strong, but he did not know that it would help him in his problems during his most vulnerable moments. Today, it made his eyes open to a whole new world which gave him some new ideas, and it also made him more mature in his vision of life.

With these thoughts, he checked the saber mammoth and was stunned to see the changes that happened to it. Not only did hubert evolve, but also the creatures living inside of him. Specially the saber mammoth creature, it was now bigger and more ferocious than before. But it was also majestic and dignified. Its fur was now shining with the colors of earth and gold ,its tusk and fangs were now made of crystals, while its claws were as solid as diamonds. If it was then, it would only produce the aura of an emperor, but now with its appearance and style, it looked like a deity that was simply waving and traversing at life. He was very proud of the changes that happened to the very first soul he got (except his original soul) and was happy towards its upgrade.

Next he looked at the new creature that was in his consciousness , after that he tried to connect with that fellow and it was successful. Hubert heard everything that had happened when he was concentrating in his cross evolution, and this made him aghast to his core

The creature explained all of the things that happened when Hubert was focusing on his trial. He also told Hubert that he was a new creation and a new life form created by anna. At first he was an empty shell that only followed the instructions of his creator, but when he helped Hubert collect his soul his own consciousness stated forming. With each piece of the broken soul he collected, he saw the regrets, happiness, pains, and downfalls of hubert. It was like watching and experiencing a series of life pertaining to a certain individual.

These helped the creature form his own consciousness, and when they were helping Hubert refine his soul. The new creature was given a new breath of life, it connected him and hubert making him the third soul of his body.

With these, all of his questions were now cleared. It was time to fully integrate his soul with his body. In the process of Hubert's evolution, the growth of his physical body was separated with the growth of his soul. This made his control over his body sluggish and awkward, So the next step he needs to do was to fully integrate both his physical body and his spiritual soul.

A few minutes later, Hubert made his physical body and his spiritual soul utter another mantra that was coming from the book of life. Afterwards he started to mumble a very mysterious and ancient language. "Hilphal Di, Tihrks Ska Psuche Prmlipra Patse Tripiesta ZoOon Avatt Vaton Nuetre Soma"

Which means [Soul and spirit combine together, with the body as one, It will create something unique and something special. DESCEND AND BECOME ONE!!].

He repeated the incantation for about 20 minutes, later on his body was fully integrated with his original soul. These created an illusion where time and space was distorted and the void was breaking and twisting. Energy exploded, then it went back inside of Hubert. And all of this was done. He successful in crossing his evolution.