
Mean Old Man

We flew in silence mostly except for Janus and Rey were talking a bit in loric about who we were. I guess things hadn't gone very well in the apartment Rey kept them at gun point the only reason he had escaped with us is because Five came running yelling about what had happened downstairs. He decided to put a miniscule amount of trust and followed the escape route. Though we could tell he still didn't completely trust us as Rey kept shooting distrusting looks and looks at all of us.

Five's chest is on the helicopter with a couple of quickly packed bags. Fives chest and a few quickly packed bags were sitting in front of me. As Janus explained everything about S.H.I.E.L.D. I listened quietly I know just enough loric to understand them though I do miss a word here or there. MY uncle Simon is listening as well. He chimes in a word here and there and the mean old Man glares at him like he shouldn't be allowed to speak loric.

"You know our language Human" Rey asks. He looks at him with that mean old man glare.

"Yeah, I've been learning in my Leasure this last year since I found out about the loric and mogadorians also My name is Simon Swift CEO of Swift Co. and head of S.H.I.E.L.D." My Uncle replies with a smile and offers a handshake trying to ignore Rey's hostile attitude. after Rey just leaves it hanging, he slowly lowers it.

"From what I know you weren't one of the greeters how did you learn about the Loric or Mogadororians?" Rey asks in a rude tone.

"a year ago, I woke up with a bunch of images and facts in my head and the entity from Lorien told me bits and pieces of the future It told me that I was chosen to help the loric in the transition to this new world. I told my uncle And of course he didn't believe me but when I found Janus and your ship, He was forced to believe what I told him was the truth." I tell Rey. Have way through he let out a grunt and sent a glare my way. (I had chosen not to tell Rey that Uncle Simon had been given loric knowledge being my official cepan because he I wanted him to underestimate My Uncle because I Didn't trust him.)

"Children Should be Seen not heard" he said after I was done speaking Giving me a sneer. Maybe it was because of the thing with khione but I hated being talked down by this weak mean old man.

"Old people should just sit and sleep in their beds" I say while reaching my hand out to his knee. He looks like he going to blow up at me maybe try and take a swat at me some old school discipline. As soon as my hand touches his knees his anger seeps off his face as he goes to sleep. There are a lot of reactions around me as he does asleep. Uncle Simon seems mildly upset. Janus is angry at me for using my legacies in a non-combat situation. Five is looking at me with sparkles in his eyes. I bet he cares about the old man deep down but just from knowing him 20 minutes I can't imagine how much five wanted to take him down a peg.

I shoot him a smile and push my fist out for him to fist bump. He looks at it like it's an alien artefact (Which I guess in a way is true to him). He flinches back when I grab his hand, but I put up my hand up to say its ok. I then make his hand into a fist and tap his and then explode my fist while making the explosion sound. He laughs at my antics slightly.

I know that's super childish in my head but it's fun to play around with another kid my age plus he's so sheltered that everything is new to him we talk the whole way back to New York I tell him about New York And Ella and the second Ship. He is really looking forward to meeting the Chimera. The mean old man wakes up a little when we switch to the plane but almost immediately, he starts to yell at five to not to interact with me he calls me this Loric word that I have to ask Janus the definition of and he chuckles when I ask because he said it's an old loric word the best comparison in English is rapscallion. After he gets worked up trying to not get on the plane, I knock him out again.

I like five I'm not going to let this Old Man let him get indoctrinated because He has trust issues, when we are in the air, I Grab a sharpie and me and five take turns writing on his face. The usual stuff a mustache, A monocle, I wrote Rapscallion on his forehead. Janus is too busy Flying to notice Uncle Simon is on phone conference and Logan doesn't care at all. It was a very fun ride home. especially after I gave Five a DS. He looked at it like it was Holy Grail. I remember he had a thing for gaming in the books. I didn't know that he wanted to do it at a young age that island must have been really rough for him.

Five falls asleep after a half hour with his hand clutching the DS like it was his lifeline, I put a blanket over him and started reading the files over my uncle's shoulder. apparently, the board director who had made a play for our company before was still trying to build support behind the scenes. Though I know there is nothing that they can do we have controlling interest. I fall asleep on his shoulder reading the boring papers.


Four month's Time skip Damians 8th birthday 2004

A lot has happened in the last few months. S.H.I.E.L.D. has Grown a bit more but we had a slight issue two months ago one of the men who had moved the ships had run their mouths to a few buddies at a poker game luckily one of the other men from the crew was at that game. They didn't really believe him but I guess he had taken a picture when they had put the ship its hangar. We moved it cleared out the hanger but the video forced us into a bit of an ethical dilemma a couple whispers of some guy claiming he saw a spaceship is easy to handle but a photo that will alert the mogodorians and it wouldn't be too hard to find out that the man was an employee to swift co not if you had the right connections that the Mogs soon would have.

We Didn't kill him but we couldn't leave any loose ends i decided to put him it witness protection. It was very easy plus he doesn't think it has anything to with the ship we just staged a murder and he is the star witness he thinks that the murderer of the staged murder is after him he won't speak for a long time plus our agent that informed about him snapping a photo was rewarded and was excited to know we had found a nonviolent solution to a tricky situation. Though scaring him into silence isn't great its way better than killing him to preserve a secret even if that secret will save lives.

Five loves living in New York. He loves Ella and he really likes Rachel every time he's around her he can barely speak. He loves playing video games with me and he even loves training we've even made a pretty healthy rivalry going on think Kakashi and Gai not hashirama and Madara. He doesn't have legacies but if I don't use my godly gifts or magic he nearly gives me a run for my money. Well not at first after three weeks of getting his butt kicked during training he started to show tremendous growth.

I'm honestly looking forward to the day we can fight alongside each other in real combat. He can take down most of our regular level fours. The only human's that real stand a chance against him are Uncle Simon, The Old man, Logan and Richard I guess the Garde with physical enhancement can unlock it early if they work hard enough. Honestly makes some since Number 2 is the same age as most of the Garde but had mastered most of the Loric Martial arts before she got taken down in 2007.

In the past few months a few changes happen with the Garde. Number Nine and Sandor had gotten their penthouse in Chicago as soon as they moved in, We had a team ready to meet them Sandor was on edge he had just had an Event with a Mogodorian so he was a bit jumpy. I decided I didn't want to meet him just yet so Janus Lexa and the Old Man went to tell him about S.H.I.E.L.D. Gave Sandor his clearance emergency numbers, Emergency Escape routes and safe houses. He was happy to know that was someone looking out for the loric even if we were in the shadows.

Number Nine and Number three also had similar welcome teams except Number three's welcome party didn't go so well Number Three's cepan tried to escape as soon as he saw Janus believing that he was there because he was helping the mogs it took Janus three weeks to catch them and tell them they weren't in any danger But by the time they had They had made enough noise for someone else to hear them. Three's Cepan had stolen a cop Car to get to a next town. Three agents died and Janus lost a hand In a fire fight with two skimmers worth of mogs. We killed the mogs easily Janus had a pretty large force nearby we kind of had to use Number three as bait when the first mog was spotted but we lead the scouts to a field and decimated them.

I was worried that they would be able to connect my agents with the fire fight but There weren't any serious follow ups the agents had the smart idea to blow up the skimmers and burn the field where the fire fight happened it. It made the scene seem as if Number three's cepan was just really smart and drew the scouting ship out then blew them sky high. They eliminated most of the evidence that the mogs had fought a serious force. Very Risky but from the reports they were successful the mog scouting teams have been searching that area pretty heavily we were able to tell by the police reports of tall men dressed in all black.

The only Garde left are Number 2, Number 8 and number 7. Number 7 and number 8 will be the last I tell I've decided that I will be able to integrate number 8's army into shield sure he might be upset that I didn't save his save his cepan or his adopted father, but he would understand that those things made him who he was. Number 7 is the safest of all of us and with hector watching over her she will be fine plus her cepan needs time to come to her senses.

I'll go to England to save Number 2 next year before two years before I go to Hogwarts It'll give me the perfect opportunity to help Harry Potter,, I'll buy out His uncle's company and leverage that to treat him better. Plus I'll be able to gain access to diagon alley even if my magic isn't ridiculously powerful money is a form of power and those aristocrats they will understand money so i will maybe make swift a family name in the wizarding world.

I had been thinking how I'd manage to be a part of the Garde's lives while I'm at Hogwarts especially if I spend summers at camp half blood. I need to be a part of each world to know if there are major changes in the knowledge I have of the world. I have been thinking how I'd do it sure the ships are fast but it's I'm a demigod even with the blessing of Hecate traveling the ocean 4 times a year to get back to New York is very risky.

Each of the books have different versions of long-range teleportation. The magical have portkey's They are hard to get and have to be approved by the ministry even if i am filthy rich it will be hard to get them because I'm not a pure blood and right now the ministry is a tool for purebloods. There is the loralite stones, but they are ridiculously Inaccurate That would be a last resort for me to be honest because of its inaccuracy it is honestly a wild card if it'll take less time than flying with the ship.

The other way is the one I have the most hope for. I had already proven my talent for umbra kinesis and with umbra kinesis there is shadow travel. Shadow travel is fast Nico di Angelo is a perfect example of its capabilities. In the book about the children of Hecate it told the tale of a demigod that was said to be the most powerful demigod only next to Hercules he could combine void walking shadow traveling and umbra shifting to the point he could appear anywhere. I know that i have the capability for Umbra shifting because of the fight with Khione.

I haven't had success in void walking well There was this one time I managed to enter my pointer finger into my shadow but almost immediately my hand should out like it had been on a bungee cord.

I would need to improve but if i took all my training into mastering I bet I could do it. I'm sure I could. The only other new development is that mean old man. He's tried to convince the loric to betray S.H.I.E.L.D. like half a dozen times he tried to control five at first but I kept knocking him out which made him have like a nugget of fear of me but that didn't stop him from yelling loric obscenities at me.

When Five started taking his training seriously that's when he loosened his grip a bit he knew I had his best interest at heart. I had a doctor take a look at him he was in the early stages of lung cancer I told him that we'd help with his treatment and he looked upset by my offer but after a week of mean mugs he accepted. I hated that is he took time to decide if he'd accept my help I mean sure he doesn't like me or S.H.I.E.L.D. but is his hate really stronger than his survival instinct. I mean I could practically taste how close to death he is and he is walking the line or irrep ably sick like a tight rope.

If he hates me so much that he nearly rejected me trying to save his life he defiantly isn't someone I want to trust. The level Nines have a video conference every week to discuss big decisions. I had told everyone that I wanted to put him on mandatory observation. It was a unanimous decision in support Even Lexa approved that request because she didn't trust the old grump either his anger made him to irrational. At that meeting I also told them even bigger news.

"Next year I will be moving to England where I will be Attending a boarding school when I turn 11 I will spend half of my time there half of my time in New York when I go and Get number two and help protect her from the mogodorians. I know what you are thinking why would I need to go to a boarding school with my increased intelligence but this school has certain advantages I am not at liberty to discuss but it is vital to the future." I told the makeshift Council. I want to make a war room and give them all holograms and make it exactly like the avengers but that would be a huge waste of time money and resources so a bunch of faces on a screen is fine.


Name: Damien Swift Age=8

level: 280 (overall combat level)

str:223 agi:217 vit:226

Int:300 charm: 500

Powers and Abilities=

Increased Intelligence-Super Big brain Stark Who?

Increased learning/training speed-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Smarter?

Devilishly Handsome- women want you, men want to be you(beware some men will want to be with you as well)

Billionaire: Money is Power-Throw money at small problems it goes away

Great Hand-eye coordination- can catch and throw a ball

Advanced Earthly Martial Arts- Anybody under twelve should fear you

Advanced Lorien Martial Arts- Twelve-year-old Mogadorians Beware

Common sense- Don't walk into traffic

Advanced Lorien Technology- Put a Lorien cord into a tablet

Intermediate Earthly Technology- I can take apart the tv remote.

Advanced Piano- I run to the rock, Please hide me

Devil's secret gift- Bridge between Worlds The First Hybrid of Loric, Greek gods, and Wizard.

Son Of Nyx- Legacy of Hekate- Demigod Abilities

Intermediate- Circadian Control: Control one's circadian rhythm. Be able to fall asleep or wake from sleep at will, as well as control the depth of sleep. Provides resistance to other sleep-related abilities, as well as substances that would influence sleep or wakefulness.

Intermediate-Death Sense: Sense when death is near, find one's way to a dying individual, become aware of how close someone is to dying, and potentially predict when an event will certainly result in death. Also have an increased awareness of the lives of those one has a strong connection with.

Intermediate-Night Empowerment: Gain strength and energy at night, but lose strength and energy during the day.

Intermediate-Sacred Vocalist: Speak to and understand all nocturnal animals and Hellhounds.

Advanced-Umbravision: See perfectly in complete darkness and take no eye damage from being in complete darkness for extended periods of time.

Intermediate-Fear Empowerment: Gain additional strength, energy, and courage through the fear and intimidation of others, making it pair well with Intimidation Aura.

Intermediate-Intimidation Aura: Surround oneself with an intimidating aura in order to make others fearful or anxious.

Beginner-Mistiokinesis: Summon and manipulate the Mist, or the magical barrier separating the mortal and mythological realms, as well as be able to vanish into it. Also be able to temporarily craft seemingly very real, physical objects from it, known as Mistforms.

Advanced- Somnokinesis: Control and manipulate sleep and waking.

Intermediate- Umbrakinesis: Summon and manipulate shadows and darkness, and also be able to Shadow Travel, or move long distances by travelling through shadows.

Beginner- Cryokinesis: Summon and manipulate ice and frost.

Beginner- Umbrashifting: Turn all or part of one's body into shadows.

Unawakened- Voidwalking: Open a pocket dimension of shadows that can be manipulated at will and cause one's shadow to become animated without the use of Living Shade, but only be able to exit where one entered.

Unawakened- Haven: Turn one's home, temporary or otherwise, into a protected space where oneself and one's chosen family can't be harmed and guests must be invited in. Also can cause any harmful intent aimed at a protected individual to be turned back on the aggressor and force their expulsion from the home.

Awakened Magic

Intermediate Occlumency: Mind defense magic can stop Albus Dumbledore for one second before he looks into your mind

Wandless Wingardim leviosa: Intermediate

Gifts of Lorien



Gift of Hestia

Hearth eyes- Can see the warmth that is in a person and take it from them temporarily (kind of like getting hit with a genjutsu except just a feeling of hopelessness and being alone.)


Lamina Magia Noctibus- The blade of magic (turns into a watch)

The skin of the Amphibeana- Helps healing/Ward of disease/illness/poison(looks like a trench coat can change the style.)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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