
Ch 21: The Culling

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'Now that is a nice little collection right there. When I get back, my inner world will flourish more than it already was, and at this rate, all sorts of species will intermingle and give me some nice new things.' as I then start to fly towards the home of the Kame'tire clan.

'let's get this done as quickly as I did with the Aranahe clan if possible. After all, I'm getting curious about what I can do on a battlefield.' I land in front of the Kame'tire clan home while morphing into my Na'vi form as I walk through the wood-like home toward the seated Tsahìk.

"Hello, Tsahìk; I have come to give greetings and say that I will be taking care of the Sky people in the surrounding area in due time but would also like to say that I might be buying some of the medicine and herbs that your clan has to offer," I say to the still seated Tsahìk as she looks me over as I witness a glimpse in her eye as I sky people, causing me to wonder what the RDA indeed did on this continent to leave such an impact on two of the clans I have met here.

"Lost child, we happily accept your greetings and would like to say that you may take any herb and medicine that catches your eye if it may aid you with your culling of the sky people on our lands," the Tsahìk says in a sad but convicted voice.

"Well, if that is true, I will quickly look at a couple of things before I leave for the Upper Plains and meet the Zeswa clan." I then start to turn away from the Tsahìk and towards where I sense a small marketplace, quickly heading in that general direction.

'I don't even know why I am heading over there. I can already sense everything within the stalls and see nothing of momentary use. I can already assume it to be growing in my inner world, as whenever a biome has been formed, it has been the direct copy of the one the species it inhabited then improved to give a more comfortable home for the animals.' as I stop and turn from the marketplace and teleport outside and quickly head towards the Upper plains.

As I fly towards the Upper Plains, I shift into a Storm Glider to fit more in the area I will be arriving in. Due to my immense speed, I quickly arrived at the Upper Plains, where I started doing what I had done near other clans: roaming around the Upper Plains and hunting for anything new.

[DNA Absorption]

Zakru DNA Arrow Deer DNA Soundblast Colossus DNA Bladehead DNA Cloaked Panther DNA Tiger Crickets DNA Buoyfish DNA Great Western Tetrapteron DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'It's not bad again. I now have most of the known species on the planet, excluding a few I won't eat and a couple that are pretty useless to eat, ' I say as I start to fly away from my area and head toward the Zeswa clan.

'Let's say hi now and then deal with some of the RDA on this continent.' as I dive towards the Zeswa clan's current home and land in front of one of the larger tents while quickly morphing into my Na'vi form as I start walking through the town of tents towards where I can sense the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk being.

'I feel like making a bit of an entrance this time, but that can wait for the future when I deal with the RDA.' As I walk into the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk's tent, I see them seated with two Na'vi giving what seems like a report as they quickly leave and see me enter.

"Well, I have come to say my greetings, but it seems like I interrupted something between you and your clan," I say with an apologizing tone laced with curiosity about what they were discussing.

"It is fine, lost child. They were just finishing up what they came to do, so what has called for you to come here besides just saying hello." the Olo'eyktan asks as he leans forward slightly to see how I will respond.

"Well, besides me saying hello, I was going to be saying I will soon be dealing with the sky people and would like for you to be informed and not try to intervene, as you and your clan would just end up getting hurt," I say in a confident and slightly tired voice as I respond to his question and see the Tsahìk's ears perking slightly.

"Well, if that is the case, lost child, we will not keep you here. We will stay out of the conflict between you and the sky people and wish you the best of luck with their culling." the Olo'eyktan says with a slight grin growing on his face as he hears my words and finally imagines the sky people out of his clan's territory.

"I then say my goodbyes and say that I might return in the future, though the possibility of such a thing is improbable, so goodbye." as I then teleport a couple of miles above their tent and soar into the distance. 

'now, let's start a good old culling.' I teleport above an RDA base of what looks like an Extractor plant and, quickly morph into my normal form and land on top of it.

'now let's act like I'm Eywa's envoy for this.' I shake my body slightly to fully adjust to being back in my normal form outside of just my inner world while letting a couple of electric bolts off from my back as they strike along the plant.

"For what you have done to this planet, you shall all perish before Eywa's might and rejoice before her holy majesty," I say with an unnaturally deep voice compared to my usual that seems incredibly close to the talking of a raging demon. as my body starts to heat up all around me, showing massive pillars of flames occasional sprouting from my back and then quickly falling by pillars of ice, which quickly melt to steam.

"Shall she forgive you for what you have done?" I shake my body one more time, causing several strikes of electricity to come off my body to hit the planet, but making sure the electricity doesn't trip any generators or take a camera out so that my appearance is completely captured for the RDA to see.

As I feel like the cameras have long enough to scan my appearance, I back up slightly from the power plant and then bathe it in flames, causing everything to melt into a slag mess quickly. I then cover it in ice to create a picture of beauty with the still red slag and the loud screaming of the humans in the base.

'That is one. Now, let's get the rest.' I started teleporting across the Upper Plains and quickly destroyed all the outposts and mining operations I came across to ensure the RDA got the message. As with each one I take down, I make sure the camera gets a good look at me before the entire base is turned to slag and then a piece of art made of ice.

'that is one area done. Now, let's head back to the clouded forest and wipe the RDA out there as well. Maybe if I'm lucky, I will be done with the RDA across the planet before night.' as I teleport in front of a small mining operation and, lock eyes with a camera, and start to swap the color of my eyes through the entire spectrum of the rainbow before turning my eyes to the humans that have already dropped to their knees as this time I shower them in electricity as I watch the circuits in there head get fried and fall forward looking like a very crisp person.

'Sad and very easy though, I guess it is to be expected. Now let's clear this forest out.' my already terrifying face grows a very malicious smile as I teleport along the entire Clouded Forest and eradicate any RDA base I come across and make sure no human is left alive within the forest as I hunt down any that manage to get out of my range.

'This is quite fun in a cat-and-mouse kind of way, though I guess I'm just being a bit sadistic in that manner.' I carry an RDA scientist up towards me with my telekinesis and look right into his eyes before I eat him.

'Well, it's time to head to the Kinglor Forest, where I already saw a bunch of activity when I flew over it last time, but now I'm here to eradicate them all.' I sense as I teleport next to the closest RDA base.

"This will show that you will finally be meeting your reckoning before me as I send you towards our goddess," I say in fake Fanaticalism as I quickly melt down the entire outpost. After speaking to the camera, I freeze it like I have the others to show what I have down.

'Now, let's finish this for this continent, at least.' I teleport across the Kinglor forest, wiping out the last remaining bases and making no one escape while taking an extra bit of time on the large Drill base and Ore processor to show that I was just toying with them at this point as I then freeze it all before I leave.

'Well, those two were the last ones I had to deal with, so I guess it's time to go deal with the rest of the RDA across the planet, so let's begin.' I teleport above the Hulanta clan Hometree as if it were the easiest thing to do.

'Much easier since I have been here, but unlike last time, I will actually remember to hunt the area.' as I morph into a banshee and go on a quick hunting spree around the swamp.

[DNA Absorption]

Luna Tetrapteron DNA Dodiapede DNA Chelydra DNA Grody Gruellers DNA Stilted Hexapede DNA Wetland Viperlizard DNA Wind Scorpion DNA Sniper Lizards DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'wow, apparently, the wetlands had much more to offer me than I thought. That small snack aside, it's time to get back to business. After all, I don't exactly want the RDA to think I'm done for the day.' I teleport out of this side of the wetlands and in front of the RDA's forward base into the wetlands as I start to circle around it a bit to see what weak points I can abuse.

'Wait, why am I stalking around it? That doesn't even matter. My scales are bulletproof, and the only sensitive area is my; wait, I don't even think I have a sensitive area. But that's the wrong stuff to be focusing on. Let's get to business.' I jump out of the swamp's tree line and morph into my normal form, happily watching all the workers' faces shift as they see me.

"You think I wouldn't get to you even though I was on the other side of the globe? The anger of Eywa doesn't stop no matter where you hide." I say in growing rage that I excellently fake as I ram my head into one of the buildings, and while I did it, I made sure to cover at least half the base in ice as I made contact.

"You will all learn that what acts you have committed on this planet will be your undoing," I yell with what follows to be a loud, ear-shattering roar as I watch some cranes break in half and fall due to the sudden cooling of my ice.

I then start to run through the area while constantly covering my feet, expelling flames that melt anything they have touched as I run over several seasons. I cover everything I leave behind in momentary fire before super-chilling it to the materials that need to be frozen solid.

After what would seem like hours to anyone watching the chaos unfold, I ran through the giant base, leaving nothing behind but molten slag that quickly got frozen into ice to show permanence for the acts done. I was done in a short ten minutes, leaving behind only a small frozen wasteland that showed nothing but slag and corpses under the ice.

'well, that was nice and fun, though the smell of slag is starting to get annoying, so I really need to speed up this process and then go visit the Tipani.' I teleport to the Highlands and quickly fly towards the RDA base within the area of the Rey'tanu clan.

'it seems just to be a couple of water plants to suck out all the water out of the surrounding oasis, which means I shouldn't use fire. That way, I don't evaporate any of the water.' I teleported in front of the first water pump and sent a large jolt of electricity to short-circuit it as I encased it in ice and even added some ice crystals into the oasis.

'Now, I will repeat that process about ten more times, and then I can go to meet the Tipani clan.' I start to teleport across the Highlands, jolt the water pumps, release the water in them, and then encase it in ice.

'Well, that was thankfully quick compared to all the others I have done so far today; not even a single person was involved, just the pumps and that one abandoned plant. Not like it really matters. It's time to go see the Tipani.' I then teleport into the sky and a good bit in the distance as I morph into a Storm glider and swiftly head over to the Tipani clan.


{ A/N Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter as usual, with me ending most of the interactions with the clans, leaving behind only one more than just helping the Omatikaya Clan with their RDA problem. Then we are heading to the next world, so I hope everyone votes soon; otherwise, they won't end up being a part of our lovely democracy.

But this chapter's note will be short so that I will put the usual below.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Lost Child, Apocalypse Levithan +3

Length: 179m (587ft)

DNA Assimilated: 98




1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge



1: Talk to the ten clans ( 90% / 100% )

2: Meet Eywa (complete)


1: Psionic Mutation

2: Blessing of a God

[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People (complete)


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash