
Ch 22: Destruction

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'Well, that was thankfully quick compared to all the others I have done so far today; not even a single person was involved, just the pumps and that one abandoned plant. Not like it really matters. It's time to go see the Tipani.' I then teleport into the sky and a good bit in the distance as I morph into a Storm glider and swiftly head over to the Tipani clan.

'I see this trip taking a while if I just fly.' I start rapidly teleporting as far as my reach takes me at a time, quickly resulting in me flying above the Tipani clan Hometree.

'I love it when I can speed stuff up, but I only need to make a small hunting trip before I meet them. Sense two new things, and they are both quite small, so I don't know if it will truly be worth it.' as I begin to ponder if I should hunt the two new things I sense and just say, sure, as I dive towards the ground and quickly find them and eat them in quick succession.

[DNA Absorption]

Cuirass Crab DNA Atlas Beetle DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Expected, honestly; after all, they were quite small.' I teleport from where I'm to in front of the Hometree's entrance and morph into my Na'vi form as I walk into the tree.

"hello Tsahìk, I have come to your clan as I have several others to give my greetings and say that I will be handling the sky people in the surrounding areas so they will no longer be bothering the people," I say with a respectful voice to the Tsahìk, as she was one of few to want Na'vi and Human interaction.

"We accept your greetings, lost child, and would like to say that we thank you for wishing to remove the sky people from our territory as they have come and made this their home in ways that we are not very fond of, and we look forward to hearing that you have achieved what you have said." The Tsahìk says with slight sadness that I will be removing the RDA as she believes that there could be good interaction but knows that this is better for her clan and the surrounding clans of the planet.

"I will be taking my leave than Tsahìk and would like to say that your sadness is understood, but it is for the better of the clans and Eywa," I say with a tone of conviction and assurance to the Tsahìk before I teleport above the Hometree as I have done many others.

'It's time to remove the rest of the RDA on this side of the continent, then I need to head back towards the Anurai clan as I need to deal with the RDA over there and do some hunting, unlike last time, ' I say as I soar over the forest and quickly dive towards an RDA outpost.

After landing on the outpost, I quickly shift into my normal form and start racing havoc. I quickly see that this is the only outpost that I can sense across the entire area of the Tipani clan's territory.

'it looks like someone else got to them all before I did, which is something I can go with and means I can just head to the Anurai clan and deal with the RDA over there.' as I then cover the slag I usually leave in ice and then teleport above the Anuria clan's home and morph into a Storm Glider.

'Now, let's make my last hunting trip before I the next world I hop to.' as I start to quickly fly around the plains and eat whatever I come across that looks even a semblance of new to add to my inner world.

[DNA Absorption]

Goliath Bat DNA Pachyderm DNA Porcupine DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'not a bad hunting trip, though. Why is one of them named exactly the same as an animal on Earth? Did someone just get lazy or something.' as I look at the name in the DNA Absorption list and decide just to shrug it off and go on to deal with the RDA in the area.

'there seems to be a couple, but not all that many.' as I look over the several RDA bases and start to dive towards one of them, quickly morphing into my normal form as I near the ground and smash my head against one of the building's side quickly knocking it over before melting it all to slag and freezing it in ice.

After giving the ice-covered slag one more look, I quickly start to teleport to anywhere I sense an RDA base or outpost, quickly disposing of it and making it nothing but ice-covered slag.

'Well, I believe it's time to deal with Hell's Gate now and show Quaritch and Selfridge that being here wasn't their smartest decision, especially with what they planned on doing to Omatikaya Clan Hometree.' I then teleport above the Omatikaya Clan Hometree and morph into a Great Leonopteryx before quickly flying towards Hell's Gate.

'Now, before we get there, how about we accept this quest reward.' I open the System to the side of my vision and open up my quest tab.



1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge



1: Talk to the ten clans

2: Meet Eywa


1: Psionic Mutation

2: Blessing of a God


[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People (complete)


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash

'Still, it's a very big screen, though. I feel like I'm about to get a headache from this.' I click on the two quest rewards and feel my entire body get covered in a quick blue sheen before disappearing. I feel the range and effectiveness of my telepathy and telekinesis increase while my head starts to hurt heavily, and my eyes blur slightly. I start to see random things across the planet before it all stops and reins itself in.

'I have clairvoyance now. Yes, I finally have the last piece of the puzzle.' I quickly land in the forest a few miles away from Hell's Gate, not caring. I opened up the Merging function and quickly put Telekinesis, Telepathy, Telepathic Queue, Psychic Immunity, and Clairvoyance in it. I then feel my mind practically explode with energy and information as the mutations merge into Psionics as a whole.

As I feel like my mind slowly starts returning to normal, my eyes snap to the Merging function, and I see the description of Psionics.

[ Psionics ]

[The ability to use several psychic skills to the user's advantage to the point where you can sense half of the minds across the world. Even those of animals, no matter how developed the mind is, are able to control your telekinesis in the future, even to control molecules and their makeup. At the same time, this also lets you see several things around half of the planet, tying with your telepathy and even giving empathy.]

'Holy Mother of Christ, I have it now, and thanks to how well they tangle together, I even got something new with everything boosted to the heavens.' My eyes kept scanning over the skill to ensure I didn't miss any details.

'Well, this is going to be very fun to test out. After all, the test site is right before me.' My eyes turn to Hell's Gate in the distance. I quickly teleport inside the base, giving it a look around and spreading my telepathy and new empathy across the base to sense every person within it. I also spread out my senses and shrink down the radius to fit within its fencing perfectly.

'You dare make a base this big on Eywa's land and corrupt it with your metal and sinful existence.' I yell into the minds of everyone in Hell's Gate while also slamming fabricated feelings of rage and hate into all of their minds.

'I shall show you Eywa's grace and bring this base sinful existence to rubble before her eyes and for all to see.' I yell once more as I use my telekinesis, this time to grab several trees outside the perimeter of the base and rip them out of the ground, taking all the branches off of them while sharpening their ends into a point to make them look like giant spears.

While I then send a wave of telekinesis to all of the doctors and scientists through the base and teleport them out, along with all of those who regretted what they did to the Na'vi and disliked everything that happened here.

"Eywa has forgiven you fifty-seven and will be allowed to live in her grace, but know that you shall all be killed if you do anything to harm her again." I say with a religious voice to the fifty-seven in front of me and see Grace and Jake in the small crowd, making me happy that Grace hasn't been shot yet.

'Shall you all rejoice before her might.' all yell through all of their minds as I send the giant spears through the base, causing several hundred deaths and minor explosions. I then grab several airships and smash them together with my telekinesis as I meld them into a giant ball of metal and oil. I cast it down like a huge meteor calling for death, and before it hits the base, I cast it aflame and watch a giant explosion envelope all of Hell's gates while I protect those near my feet and the scimod within the base.

'All that witness this remember that if you dare hurt those who reside shall die to Eywa's might and shall know nothing but death before her.' I yell to those who watched the event as I wrap my telekinesis around Hell's Gate and use it to start compacting the base together, causing there just to be a block of metal the size of a Thanator's head to reside after compacting it all down.

'It's actually quite fun to act like a holy envoy and do whatever I want. It really just lets me cut loose.' I look down and see and sense the horror of those around my legs as they watched what I did to Hell's Gate.

"Jake Sully and Grace Augustine, you too have been pardoned of your existence, and we look forward to you becoming Na'vi in the future. Now leave." I say to the two before I yell at them all, bringing several small airships to them so they can leave and perform the ritual of becoming one with their avatars.

'I also believe it is time for me to go meet Eywa again now and see what she says of this. After all, she should approve.' I then teleport to the tree of souls and wrap my body around the tree before entering her domain.

"Welcome back, Lost child. It seems you have kept quite busy and have done what we have kindly asked." Eywa says as she walks towards me in my now human form.

"Yes, I have. After all, I started to grow bored and wanted to head elsewhere, and I believe that would have sent a good enough message to them not to return." I respond by taking a quick look down at my hands and sighing before looking at the brown-skinned Na'vi.

"You still seem to be confused by your looks, Lost Child, but I guess that makes sense. However, get back to the proper topic. You have done well, especially with how you destroyed their main base and have been using my name to show yourself as my champion before melting everything to slag and covering it in ice." Eywa says in an appreciative voice at how I went about dealing with the RDA.

"I assumed you would have liked how I did it. After all, it shows them that this planet truly does have a god and one that is very old and wise, more so than their own civilization." I say with an evident tone of respect towards the goddess.

"While that is true, you could have done it in other ways, but I am thankful you didn't, so you have my thanks. I hope you enjoy my blessing, lost child, and I will let you be on your way. Here is another gift that you may enjoy." Eywa says as she hands me an egg with whatever God knows is in it, along with one of her little Woodsprites on it, before she sends me out of her domain.

'She didn't even let me say thank you, though, and I guess that makes sense. She has heard it from thousands of others, and this also makes a good way to see if I can put still living things in my inventory.' as I then put the two things in my inventory seamlessly as I then get a prompt to see what the egg is and see that it is a Tulkun egg with a prompt on the bottom of it that says that Eywa specially made into an egg as whales obviously don't lay eggs.


{ A/N Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, especially with this being the last of Pandora, with the next chapter of him getting some new memories and quest rewards before he heads to whatever won the vote.

Also, I hope you guys liked how I made him go around destroying Hell's Gate and saving some of the people in there while also making it where Grace lives, as she shouldn't have died, in my view.

Though that aside, I will be putting the usual below and hope you all enjoyed it and make sure you left your votes on the next quick world.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Eywa's Champion, Lost Child +4

Length: 200m (656ft)

DNA Assimilated: 103




1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge


[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash