
Lord of the Mysteries - Fate Emperor

Alexander transmigrated into the Lord of the Mysteries, a month before Klein descends from the Origin Castle. With his knowledge of the future and a 'cheat' of unknown origin, he tries to navigate through a world full of mystery and madness.

Outer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
48 Chs


The first thing Alexander noticed when he woke up was an unrecognizable raving inside his brain.

Simultaneously, bits and pieces of memories started to be displayed in front of his eyes.

He saw a boy being born, a kid growing up with the love of his father and a young adult experiencing life.

Returning to the present, what greeted his eyes was a both familiar and unfamiliar ceiling.

With the light of the morning sun illuminating the room, he started to observe his room.

A large sized bedroom, with the only furniture, other than the bed, being a desk, a bookcase and large mirror.

Seeing this sight, he could no longer deny that he had transmigrated.

Most importantly, he had transmigrated to a very familiar world, the world of Lord of the Mysteries.

Although it was said that he transmigrated, it would be more accurate to say that he had been reborn in this world but only now awakened his past life's memories.

Realizing this reality, most people would have panicked, but he instead calmly accepted the situation.

Not only was his past life unremarkable, but this world had extraordinary power.

Coupled with his knowledge of the plot, Alexander expected that even if he couldn't become a powerful Beyonder, living a good enough life was the least he could achieve.

Taking a moment to better integrate with his memories, Alexander learnt that his father was a succesful bank owner.

His mother died during his birth but his father had tried to give him the best possible life.

His past self had finished high school 2 years ago and was currently attending the law school, making him 20 years old.

His boring life changed two days ago however, when his father died due to natural causes.

Having integrated completely with his memory, Alexander noticed that his past self didn't know the existence of the extraordinary world.

Thinking about it, it made sense.

Not everyone is like Klein who will meet an angel while trying to buy groceries.

Getting up from the bed and walking towards the desk, Alexander sat down before picking up a newspaper.

"The date is May 26th, more than a month before Klein's descent."

Just as he was about to pick up a pen and paper to write down his future plans, a silver mist in his vision interrupted his actions.

The silver mist seemed to form out of nothing before condensing into various letters forming different words.

[Fate Simulator]

[Sequence: NULL]

[FatePoints/FP: 100]

[Cost: 20 FP]

[Duration: 1 Month]


Even though only a few words were formed, information regarding the mist filled his brain.

The silver mist could simulate the future at the cost of Fate.

He didn't know yet how he could accumulate Fate, but the silver mist already had 100 Fate stored.

Deciding to give it a try, Alexander focused on the [Simulate] button, before the Fate stored decreased by 20.

[Simulation starting...]

[You have just awakened your past life's memories and realized that you have transmigrated into the Lord of the Mysteries.]

[Although your family left an inheritance large enough for you to spend for decades, you, who knows the future, know that in this world power is everything.]

[You decide to become a Beyonder.]

[Realizing that you can't remember the potion formulas written in the book, you know that you can only choose to join an organization.]

[Disgusted by the evil organizations and fearful of the orthodox churches, you decide to join MI9.]

[Half a month later, through your father's connections, you get in contact with the MI9.]

[They give you an option to become a regular member, or become part of their special team.]

[You, of course choose to join the special team.]

[For the next two weeks, you get shooting and espionage training.]

[What you don't know however, is that for the past two weeks the MI9 had been paying attention to your actions.]

[Confirming that you most likely aren't a spy, they give you the option to become a Sequence 9 Arbiter.]

[30 days after your awakening, you become a Sequence 9 Arbiter.]

[Simulation ends...]

[Choose one of the following options:]

[1. Potion formula of Sequence 9 Arbiter. Cost: 50 FP]

[2. Shooting and espionage experience. Cost: 10 FP]

[3. Location of MI9 try-out hideout. Cost: 5 FP]

Seeing this prompt, Alexander realized that he could choose to gain some things out of the simulation by paying Fate points.

"Although the formula is tempting, I will most likely be able to gain more formulas in the next simulations.", Alexander thought.

With this in mind, he picked the second option and his remaining FP decreased by 10.

Instantly, memories flashed in front of his eyes, the memories were mostly of him practing shooting, coupled with some basic espionage knowledge.

Having integrated the memories, Alexander looked at his first simulation again.

"It seems that the 'me' in the simulation doesn't exactly act as the real me would act."

"With the knowledge I have of the book, I would never choose to join MI9 and become George III's subordinate."

"It seems like me wanting to become a Beyonder as quickly as possible when starting the simulation changed the course of 'my' actions."

Taking a look at the FP left, Alexander decided to try one more time.