
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · ภาพยนตร์
17 Chs

Chapter 10

The now newly named and surprised Victor stared at the witch's hazy scarlet eyes.

'Did this really happen? I … I can't believe my plan worked so well.'

{It wasn't supposed to, not this fast at least, somethings off ….}

'Why? Isn't love supposed to be impulsive and spontaneous?'

{Yes, but not after such a crucial and terrible moment in somebody's life … wait, no way ...}


{You stay with her and try not to fuck shit up, I need to go check on something.}

'Try not to fuck shit up? Do you really think I was born yesterday ...'

{You are literally two weeks old, may as well call you a toddler.}

'… Please don't.'

All of a sudden, the haze in Wanda's eyes cleared, and she quickly let go of my head, an ashamed expression making Its way on her bright red face.

"Sorry! I am sorry! ... I-I don't know what came over me ..."

Just as I opened my mouth to respond, the island that had been rising up until that point ... suddenly dropped.

'Ah … so Ultron's plan really worked.'

You see, all that bullshit about needing to physically pull a lever so that the island would fall down was … just a stall for time.

'Time in which the island's altitude became higher and higher.'

The construct that enabled the island to fly, was programmed so that it would automatically fall, when Ultron's final body became nonfunctional or when it reached a certain altitude.

'A pretty clever plan actually... still not as good as mine of course.'

I looked at Wanda, and she looked away, not daring to gaze back into my monstrous eyes.



"shouldn't we regroup with the others?"

"Oh, uhm … yeah, we should go..."

But, before she could get out of the small range of my arms, I grabbed her hand and, whilst staring at the ground, spoke in a soft voice:

"It's fine...uhm, I kind of liked it actually..."


'He … liked it? Maybe I should …'

{NO! Don't even think about it, he is just a little boy you … you pedophile!} declared her rational mind.

'But, didn't he say that I am his only source of comfort? Don't I have a responsibility to bear? Isn't it my fault that he's forever changed by my magic?'

{No! … well maybe … But still! That doesn't mean you get the right to think about … that stuff.}

'He, he is the only resemblance of my being still alive in this reality, and you have the balls to tell me, to not care for him?'


'... fuck you.'

{Wait, I didn't mean it like that, Wanda don't shut me ou-}

The witch then slowly lowered down to his eye level, gently grabbed his chin and raised it so that she could look directly into those abnormal eyes, and spoke in a quiet and certain voice:

"... I, I liked it as well … but don't tell anybody about this, ok? This will be our little secret, and secrets are not meant to be told, Victor." She said, her hand tightening around mine, and her eyes shaping into a captivating hue of scarlet red.

At this, I nodded my head, but she seemed unconvinced.

"Promise me."


"Promise me that you won't tell." She said, her face gravitating closer.

The hunter, for the first time in his life, felt true fear.

'I … I can't, it would be a lie to tell her that, and I can't fucking lie! … god dammit instincts, where are you when I need you the most.'

"I am sorry Wanda, but I can't..."

"... Why?" she said with a weak voice, her eyes becoming a now dark and petrifying red.

"... Because I cannot lie, and promising you that would constitute as one."

"You … you can't lie?"

"More like compelled to tell the truth, actually … that's the cost of my shapeshifting."

"Oh, I see … alright then." She said, her expression becoming soft, and her terrifying gaze retuning back to a kind and tender one.

Then, she lifted me of the ground and into her warm embrace, my chest pressing against hers, and my head resting on one of her shoulders.

"... Why are you carrying me?"

"Well, you can only get to this part of the hovercraft by flight, and even with your invisibility and all that monstrous power that you have, I am pretty sure you can't fly," she said, with a smirk finding it's palace on her lovely face.

"Well … think again."

The hunter then disappeared from her embrace, only to appear on her shoulder as a stygian black and agile raven.

"What do you think?"

"...once all of this is over, you better be prepared to show me every single form you can take."

"Uh, sure, duty noted."

{hey, I'm back.}

'What took you so long!?'

{Something amazing, but before I tell you, what happened? You seemed distressed.}

'Oh, well … our plan worked really well, Wanda likes us now, a lot'


'... she knows of my flaw'

{… for one moment, for one singular fucking moment I leave you alone, and you … you, ugh, I'm so done with you.}

'... Sorry.'

{Well then, whilst I try to salvage this blunder of yours, do you want to hear the good or bad news?}

'Hit me with the bad ones first.'

{Your emotional state, from now on it relies on Wanda's presence.}

'What does that mean?'

{It means that, in essence, being away from her for a long period can and will lead to madness.}

'Fuck …'

{and now, do you want to hear the good news?}

'...Sure, even if I don't think it will matter all that much, considering I'm basically stuck to her from now on...'

{Well, It's nothing much, just that … you're a wizard, Harry.}

'...Say what now?'

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Elden_Beastcreators' thoughts