
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

True self exploration

Three individuals, each facing distinct circumstances, yet sharing a common origin, now embarking on divergent paths.

After finding nowhere to understand or ask about the golden jade circle, or in the dragon's case, not even noticing it, they moved on to their undigested thoughts, emotions and memories

The Dragon's situation proved relatively lighthearted, as it followed the customary procedure for newborn dragons. Its focus revolved solely around assimilating complex information rather than dealing with emotions. All that was required was a few hours of slumber, and the knowledge would seamlessly integrate into its instinctual thought process. Undeniably, the True Dragon's method of infusing information into eggs was truly miraculous.

On the other hand, the Demon and the Abyssus struggled to cope with their circumstances, though the Abyssus exhibited greater resilience in this regard. Both were currently grappling with the amalgamation of their past experiences, both positive and negative, as they assimilated into their new forms.

The Demon, belonging to a race that heavily emphasized emotions, found himself inundated with a plethora of feelings. The Demon race shared several similarities with humans, including physical appearance and the order of their lives. They even boasted their own Demonic Government. During his demon school years, where cultivation and emotional balance were taught, the Demon experienced the heart-wrenching manipulation of his first crush, a Mara Demon. As he possessed a significant amount of human bloodline, he lacked the true demonic instincts that should have shielded him when he was 13, resulting in a profound heartbreak. Moreover, his parents, a rare source of solace among demons, tragically perished three years ago due to their rebellious demonic totems during an intimate cultivation session, leaving behind a trail of sadness and anguish. To make matters worse, he was enslaved by a Land Demon in the previous year, succumbing to a sense of hopelessness that eventually led him to believe his only escape was death. In an attempt to prove his valor, he drank poison, but in truth, he was merely exhausted and disheartened, perceiving himself as an untalented coward.

For Rakshasa, the Demon who aspired for greatness, absorbing all of this within an hour was an overwhelming task. In stark contrast, the Abyssus found the process much more manageable. Why, one might wonder? Did it not endure the same weight of difficult emotions?


However, throughout the Abyssus' life, marked by incessant hardships devoid of happiness or meaning, its heart had long been tempered by the fires of existence. It embodied a resolute individual, strengthened by the trials of life. As the new soul assimilated its memories, it, too, became a person of unwavering resolve.

Trained to be a Yang Vessel throughout its life, burdened by a significant amount of human bloodline that crippled its cultivation path, and ultimately meeting its demise at the hands of a Yang-Sucker, the Abyssus only grew more determined. The opportunity to revisit its entire life further fortified its mental fortitude and deepened its cold demeanor. Most Abyssus shared this icy personality trait and lacked companionship, much like the protagonist. Their life order lacked any semblance of democracy or peace, even surpassing the less than ideal Demon Life, as exemplified by Hiranya's forced slavery and subsequent death.

However, despite their contrasting journeys, these three individuals were not easily restrained on a single place, on a single WORLD.

They were history's first... Identity Possessors, The Greatest Of SINNERS UNDER THE HEAVENS.