Garou in Lookism. Personality is sort of different. It's more up-to-date with his current personality in the ONE webcomic..... I suck at writing so don't expect anything good... I don't own anything, all stuff belongs to original authors. As for the cover. I dunno. The cover does not belong to me....
Sorta amplified Daniel's cringe. Whoops.
"Wait!" Daniel reached out, stumbling forth as he tried to grab Crystal's arm.
Garou growled in annoyance. His friend really was impetuous. As Daniel leaped out, attempting to grab the girl, the pinstriped unfashionable man made his move, wrenching the wimp back.
"That's enough." The man propped up his sunglasses, which glinted in the sun as they stood there at a standstill in the middle of the parking lot.
"I'M SORRY!" Slapping away the man's arm, Daniel bowed down, obviously extremely hurt by that remark. Garou watched on in surprise…. Now, this was different. Leaning against the side of a black SUV, he watched the whole scene unfold. "I shouldn't have done that! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I disrespected you!!!!!! I don't wanna be like those people!"
The wimp was almost in tears at this moment before he took in a large breath, continuing on with clearer eyes: "I wanna be like my friend! He is the coolest guy I've ever met! Really! Doesn't care who you are, our what you do! The only thing that matters to him I just want to be something!"
Daniel ranted on, and Garou and the other two watched on. Garou in particular was cringing a little as Daniel shoveled on the praise. He was keeling over the side of a van, wheezing. He really shouldn't but his friend… Was really too much.
A good kid. Kind-hearted and strong. But cringe. And sort of dumb at times.
Crystal was speechless, and there was some genuine pity in her heart as she watched the teen before her cry out.
"Really. Personally, I feel bad, but my orders say otherwise. Nothing personal kid." Unfashionable sunglasses, or the White Ghost struck out like a leopard, leg arcing viciously towards Daniel's face.
Kick met with block as Garou stood between the two, easily blocking the strike.
"Hm. I'll handle this wimp," Garou smirked a bit. He was actually very touched by Daniel's words. Probably the only two people who had reciprocated the same were that Bald bastard and the ugly brat….
"G-garou!!!!" Daniel was in tears, eyes watering and filled with thanks, the older silver-haired teen sighing.
"Who the hell are you? I definitely haven't gotten slower…." The unfashionable sunglasses wearer said, inspecting his leg. This guy before him….. Was definitely different from the rest of them. He blocked the kick with ease.
"You aren't any small fry either…" Garou said, nodding. But then again, he could probably steamroll sunglasses with a single punch. First, it was the other narcissist sunglasses, and now this sunglasses wearer.
Crystal stared on, her beautiful face expressing much surprise. Two people in a single day that could match up with Gun…. She had never seen that happen before!
"Name?" Gun spoke, propping up his sunglasses as he crouched down.
"You first," Garou said a toothy grin across his face.
"Park Jon Gun." Gun removed his glasses, revealing his eyes. Garou blinked for a second, not much phased. A long scar stretched across his face, and his eyes were an unnatural black, almost like ink. Parting his yellow sleeves revealed many bestial tattoos.
"Garou. Nice to meet you, White Ghost…." A fierce aura seemed to cloud Garou as the two stood off, both tense.
Gun made the first move, his fist shooting forth at a blistering speed, making contact with Garou's face.
As the fist smashed into his cheek, Garou's head snapped to the side. The silver-teen didn't even flinch, cracking his knuckles as he reciprocated with a punch of his own.
*Crack!* A flash of light could be seen as Gun was pulverized in the face, sending the man back a step.
"Interesting…." Gun winded up his arm smiling, and Garou touched his cheek, shrugging.
Their fists met, clashing at inhuman speeds as Daniel and Crystal watched in shock. It was a matchup unlike anything else.
At least, that was what the two saw. Gun, viciously hammered down blows upon Garou, but on the other hand, while the wolf-like teen was gritting his teeth and smiling, he was really just going easy on this guy.
"To think someone like you existed! A dark horse!" Gun cackled, jumping to the side, his bloodied fist filled with power as it slammed into Garou's palm.
"Eh." Garou smashed into the pinstriped man, sending him reeling back into a concrete pole.
Gun spat out some blood, wiping his lips. "I've never heard of you…. Garou. From Japan? Strange."
"You wouldn't have heard of me, White Ghost….. Most of your connections are to the Yakuza, and they are falling out of grace at the moment." Garou snapped his fingers, whistling. A bruise throbbed across his cheek, though it did not hurt in the slightest.
"Remind me of that kid I faced. Draken, was it? Pretty tough." Taking his glasses out of his pocket, he carefully placed them back atop his nose bridge, and waved. "Good fight, but Crystal here is my priority. Her dad is paying me."
"Nice to meet you? Just don't mess with the wimp here. He has zero self-confidence." Garou turned back too, and they parted ways. It was anti-climatic, but both parties knew that it would stretch on too long otherwise. Well, that was what Gun thought.
If he knew what Garou was capable of….. Then…..
Walking over, the silver-haired teen hoisted Daniel to his feet smirking.
Daniel attempted to hug Garou, to no avail, as the taller teen grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him back. "Tank you!!!!" The wimp yelled, bowing down once more.
"Dude, I'll say, that you have some guts. That is some character development." Garou grabbed Daniel by the face and dragged him away.
Few Minutes Later….
"Everything was settled," Garou spoke to Vasco, who seemed a little concerned.
"Are you sure? Should I get some ice? " Being the nice guy he was, the tattooed semi-wimp looked concerned as he stared at the bruise upon Garou's face.
"I'm good." Patting Vasco on the shoulder, Garou smirked, humming as he walked off. In truth, the bruise was all for show. With his training and strength, he could control his body to a degree unlike any other. A perk of breaking past his limits.
Wanted to give the man a little self-esteem. Garou respected him as a fighter. Came with his hot-bloodiness and warrior spirit….
"Hey, Garou~" Suddenly, a somewhat flirty female voice came from behind him.
"Oh, bother…." Garou sighed, feeling a pair of dainty fingers grab the top of his silver hair.
Behind him, Mary Kim, in all her glory, came knocking. Dressed in a tight-fitting white shirt matched with a pair of black leggings, her breasts jiggled about as she began to poke Garou's hair with great interest. Not that the silver-haired teen was going to complain… But was his hair so interesting?
Well, his hair did somewhat break the laws of physics in some sense as his hair seemed to spike up at two points for no apparent reason. Hair gel? Not needed.
Still, he couldn't understand this enigma of a person.