
Vol 2 ch 2

But that is not important to us. What is important is 'The Naked Viking'. The frost surrounding him had started to melt due to the close proximity to the fire. A curator and police officer were taking survey of the damage when the ice surrounding 'The Naked Viking' started to rapidly melt. Soon, a pair of green eyes opened which were staring at them.

The curator began to panic and stutter and point at the open green eyes staring at him. He had seen the display everyday and the eyes were not open. He was sure of it.

The police man notices his behavior and looks at the display where the curator is pointing at. He did not notice anything warranting attention.

"Sir, we need to know if you noticed anything suspicious before the theft. Anything during the day or the week leading to it would be helpful. We also need a list of all the staff working. Particularly, ones who had access to the food." The police no the entire city were on a time crunch. Such a valuable and historic piece of art was stolen. They needed to produce results or their reputation would suffer heavily.

"The eyes." The curator was trembling as he pointed his finger towards 'the naked viking' display.

The police looked towards 'the naked viking' eyes. Green eyes stared at him and then they blinked. In shock, he fell back on his butt and back pedaled a little. The ice started to crack.


Loki had felt nothing, for a long time Loki had felt nothing. After the incredible pain, the only thing that he felt was falling forever and forever. He was not sure how much time had passed or if any had passed at all.

Eventually, the feeling of falling stopped and then he had begun to feel cold. So incredibly cold. He had found comfort in the cold. 'Atleast, he could feel something now.' A sluggish part of his brain had told him. And so he slept, he was so exhausted and without any energy. Eventually, he felt that he was being moved from one place to another. Until, he was settles down . Loki had moments of clarity, and then he continued to sleep.

That was until he began to feel something that he had not felt for a long time. He felt warmth for the first time. Loki could not tell after how long he had started to feel warm. He groggily starts to push himself to open his eyes. To move any part of his body. His motion gelt restricted. With difficulty, he managed to open his eyes and through the ice, finds himself staring at an old man dressed in a very strange manor. He could not recognize the mode of clothing from any of the nine realms.

His eyes goes to a man dresses in blue clothes that comes to the curator side. The blue clothes man stares at him for a moment then speaks to the man on his side. The man is trembling with a finger pointed towards him. The blue clothed man stares at him once more and Loki blinks. What, Loki needs to blink as well. The blue clothed man fall on his back panicking. Loki atempts to move again and this time the ice breaks. It was damaged by the fire enough that that it broke apart.

Loki stepped out and looked down. He saw his apparent state of undress and his little Loki distressed him. He covered his private parts with both his hands and had begun to look around for some kind of thing to cover himself up.

"Why the fuck am I naked. You" he pointed at the curator. "Give me some clothes"

However, Loki had lost the ability of Allspeak. An ability that every asgardian had which allows them to communicate with any other race in any other language. They could oly look at Loki in confusion and Loki not having any idea that they could not understand him kept yelling at them.

"What are you perverts, have you been staring at me naked this entire time. Have you no shame. The inhumanity." Loki had a shaking finger pointing at them. Waging it.

A very loud gurgle was heard, Loki looked down. It had come from his stomach. By this time, he had gathered quite a sizeable audience which was staring at him in shock. What would you fucking do if a museum display had come to life and was yelling at you.

Loki finally fainted from hunger.

One of the policewoman stepped forward. She checked Loki's pulse. A look of confusion in her eyes, she looked at the crowd of police and staff that had gathered and finally spoke.

"He's alive."


"This is a special news bulletin regarding Metropolis Museum." One of the announcers said.

"This is Tom and Sandra is present at Metropolis Museum where a priceless painting was stolen. But that is not what this news is about."

"That's right Tom, I am present at the scene where the display known as 'The naked Viking' just came to life puzzling scientists even more. The museum is refusing to comment further."

Sandra began to explain. "The 'Naked Viking Man' came to life during the investigation. He had proceed to yell at everyone. And then had fainted. He has been moved to Metropolis National Hospital."

"Thank you. We have a language expert with us as well. Can you tell us what the boy was saying."

"Of course Tom, First the boy was speaking a very odd dialect of old Norse. I can only roughly translate but first he had demanded clothes and then had proceeded to call everyone perverts for staring at him."


Loki had woken up in an white room. Various beeping machines were near him. Looking down, he sighed in relief as he realized that he was wearing something at least. Loki felt weak at the moment. He was hooked up to some IV's. Loki sensed that they were nourishing his body so he did nothing. It was good to wake up and see things. The nurse at his side began to make some drastic noise and pressed a button.

He was greeted by an old man in white clothes. "Name is Mark Blake" He began to say to loki in broken asgardian. "Your name"

Loki answered "Loki".

The man nodded. "Want anything."

Loki said. "Food".


A few eventful days had passed and Loki had recovered quickly. He was kept under observation for the entire duration. Loki had felt his body and realized that he was not an Asgardian anymore. He had looked at his hand and it seemed that he had deaged to look like a teenager. Technically speaking in asgard, he was a teenager.

He had sensed his chakra and realized that it had increased to that of the level of kyuubi. His chakra control was even below that of a chunnin. He would need to train it, if he needed to ever be able to use his chakra effectively. So much work to do. But first, he had to avenge himself for the humiliation he had just suffered. You don't parade a man naked throughout the world. He had realized that this was midgard. Last time he had looked at this realm, it was about 800 years ago. The middle ages were going on.

Looking outside, it would take the humans maybe just a few centuries to overtake asgard as the leading realm in technology. Midgard was very important to all the nine realms as any realm can be accessed if you conquered Midgard.

Loki had begun learning english at a rapid rate. In a few days, he was able to speak a few broken sentences and then had looked at the structure of the language. He was still kept in the hospital as they did not know what to do with him and under whose jurisdiction he fell. But Loki was feeling vindictive. No one fucking owned him. And no one will ever own him.

There was already a plan forming in his head to secure his place in this world and find a secret place to train.

Loki had begun to laugh evilly. He would use the powers of these humans against them. No one gets away from insulting Loki. His laughter had attracted the attention of the nurses and attending doctors. They sighed as this had become a very usual sight.