

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 437

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 437

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 436 Don't pretend to be a showdown, I am the Super Saiyan Prince of Vegeta (3)

When Lu Sheng opened the door, Lu Dahai, Zheng Yufen, and Lu Qinghe were sitting around the dining table to eat.

"I am back."

Lu Sheng greeted him with a natural expression that was as if he had returned home from school when he was in school.

The three of them held tableware and chopsticks in their hands, and watched him come over until they pulled out a chair by the dining table and sat down.

Only suddenly came back to God.

"I'm going to cook two more dishes!"

Zheng Yufen stood up and walked to the kitchen.

However, Lu Sheng grabbed him and pressed him back to his seat.

"Okay Mom, these two dishes are enough."

"Then I'll get you the bowls and chopsticks."

"No, I'll do it myself."

Lu Sheng made a random move, and a pair of bowls and chopsticks suddenly appeared in front of him.

With a natural look on his face, he grabbed the chopsticks, picked up a few pieces of meat and stuffed them into his mouth.

Lu Qinghe, who was next to him, saw his eyes go straight, swallowed hard, and muttered, "This shouldn't be martial arts, it's magic."

Lu Dahai and Zheng Yufen also looked complicated.

"Little Saint"

Lu Dahai considered his tone for a while, and asked Lu Sheng seriously: "Tell the truth to your parents, the military god mentioned on the TV before…is that you?"

All three pairs of eyes of the family stared at Lu Sheng.

The moment has finally come.

Lu Sheng thought in his heart that he couldn't escape. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Yes."

"sizzle one by one"

Suddenly there was a sound of gasping for breath on the dining table.

Lu Dahai and Zheng Yufen didn't know what expressions they had.

He looked at him with a look as if he had known him for the first time in twenty-one years.

Lu Qinghe also looked stunned, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't say a word.

Lu Sheng simply put down the bowls and chopsticks, looked at the three with a serious look, and said, "As of now, I can't hide some things from you."

The emotions of the three of Lu Dahai were obviously made nervous by Lu Sheng.


"I am the Super Saiyan Prince of Star Vegeta. When I was three years old, my hometown suffered a great disaster and was invaded by foreign enemies.

In order to take refuge, I came to this planet in an aircraft.

Select you as my family.

Now, my martial arts talent has been fully awakened, and I am about to return to my home planet to rebuild Planet Vegeta and regain the glory of being a Super Saiyan.

But it still takes a little money to build a spaceship. If you give me 5,000 yuan each, and when my revenge succeeds, I can make you the captain of this planet. "


After Lu Sheng finished speaking, there were three more confused faces on the dinner table.

"Just kidding with you."

Lu Sheng shook his head helplessly, tapped the table lightly with chopsticks, and said, "Father, mother, is it important that I am a military god?

I'm not all your sons, so I'm not sitting right in front of you now? "

Lu Dahai and Zheng Yufen's expressions gradually became complicated from bewilderment, and then suddenly looked away.

"Little Saint is right."

Lu Dahai nodded and said, "Whether it's a military god or not, it's not the seed of our old Lu family, or the son of my Lu Dahai?"

As he spoke, he suddenly became excited, his bronze-colored face flushed slightly, and he said in high spirits: "Wife, help me get the wine out, I'm going to have a good drink today…"

Zheng Yufen got up and went to get wine for Lu Dahai, while her younger sister Lu Qinghe was already flying into the sky.

"Oh my God!"

Lu Qinghe approached Lu Sheng, wishing he could put a magnifying glass on his face to look at it.

A look of disbelief.

"Brother! Are you really my brother?!

My brother turned out to be a military god! The world's first martial artist? Someone who is more powerful than the ninth-level Martial Saint? "

Lu Sheng naturally ripped Lu Qinghe's head away from him, and then went to pour wine for his father Lu Dahai.

It's true that he hasn't had a good meal with his family for a long time.

I just took this opportunity to have a good drink with Lu Dahai.

The meal has been eaten from noon to evening.

All the Lu family drank, even Lu Qinghe.

Lu Sheng drank the most, followed by Lu Qinghe, then Lu Dahai, and mother Zheng Yufen only drank one cup.

In the end, only Lu Dahai was drunk.

He was helped by his mother Zheng Yufen back to the room to rest, and when he was drunk, he kept repeating in his mouth: "My son is the God of War, and my son is the Saint of Wu…

Wife, our old Lu family's ancestral grave is on fire!

On fire! …"


When Lu Qinghe drank too much, it was as if he had been beaten with blood. He rushed directly into the underground martial arts training room, saying that he would practice all night tonight, and strive to become a grand master in three years, a great sect in five years, and a martial sage in ten years…

Lu Sheng didn't say anything and let her go.

Sweat and get rid of alcohol.

Lu Sheng walked upstairs slowly and pushed open the door of his room.

Suddenly, my heart moved, I didn't go in, but the whole person disappeared in a flash.

When Lu Sheng appeared again, he was already in another house.

This house is not big, and it looks like eighty or ninety square meters in total.

Three rooms and one living room, each room is as small as a pigeon coop, and there is only one toilet, which often has to be rushed.

And it was here that Lu Sheng lived for eighteen years.

Almost everything that could be used in the house had been removed, and it looked quite empty, with a thin layer of dust on the ground.

Lu Sheng pushed open a room and saw several posters of star martial artists on the wall facing him.

He walked in and sat down in a position in the middle of the room where he had sat cross-legged countless times.

The bright moonlight outside the window shone on him.

In a trance, Lu Sheng seemed to return to the days when he secretly hid in the room every day, practiced the chain body technique, and sweated like rain.

I was really happy then

Life is simple and pure.

Every day, I only need to think about one qi and blood value. As long as the qi and blood value can increase by 0.01, I can reap the happiness and motivation for the whole day.

now what

Lu Sheng didn't know.

He took out his long-unused mobile phone from his pocket and clicked on the chat software.

Still 999+ unread messages.

Lu Sheng looked through the contacts one by one, and found that many friends who used to have good relations seem to not know how to contact them at this moment.

He turned to Lin Ze and thought to himself: During this period of time, we should organize some of the martial arts inheritance and hand it over to the military department and the Longguo government to promote it to the whole people.

Since he is a Martial Ancestor, he should also fulfill some of his responsibilities as a Martial Ancestor.

Turning to He Lingsu, the contact person, I thought that some of the prescriptions and various advanced science and technology in the dream space should also be taken out.

Although Cerulean Star is his home planet, he cannot stay on Cerulean Star all his life.

The best thing is that even if he is not there, Azure Star can have a certain self-protection ability in the universe.

Don't let a powerful enemy like a bad load come, and there is no resistance.

Lu Sheng has seen the natives of low-level civilization planets who have been enslaved on each spaceship of the Red Eye Star Thief Group.

Just like pigs and sheep, they were kept in the bilge of the spacecraft.

If he hadn't killed the Red Eyed Star Thief Group himself, God knows what their next fate will be.

Lu Sheng didn't want to see his home planet compatriots have such a day.

Lu Sheng sat in the room for a long time.

Has been sitting from the bright moonlight to the dawn of the sky.

He also thought a lot about the future of Azure Star.

Also met many people.

After the eleventh-level mental power is enough to cover the entire planet, Lu Sheng wants to meet someone in his memory…

Pretty much just a thought thing.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning fell on Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng raised his head and squinted at the sky outside the window.

suddenly laugh at himself

",~ Really, it's just a trip to the sub-Jupiter region, back and forth for a few months.

How do you make it seem like you want to leave the mother planet completely and go to the universe to wander in the starry sky…"

Lu Sheng shook his head and stood up from the floor.

What the floor was like before he sat down, and what it was like when he stood up.

Not even the dust has changed in the slightest.

Lu Sheng walked out of the room, took one last look at the room, and closed the door quietly.

The whole person dissipated in the house like a bubble.

At the same time, Lu Sheng's figure appeared in front of the breakfast stall at the entrance of the community.

"Ten large meat buns, two fried dough sticks, and a bowl of soy milk."

Lu Sheng greeted the owner of the early stall.

Then I found a random spot in front of the stall and sat down. After waiting for the steamed buns and soy milk to come up, I ate it slowly.

Lu Sheng used to have breakfast here every day.


At this point, people who get up early for school and work, as well as aunts and uncles who go out to buy food and take a walk.

The early stalls are quite lively.

Lu Sheng quickly ate everything he ordered.

Wiping his mouth, he walked up to the busy boss and asked, "How much?"


The boss was so busy that he didn't even bother to look at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng scanned the QR code to pay, and then slowly walked away.

As soon as he left, an aunt who was waiting in front of the early stall to buy buns pointed at his back and said with a puzzled face: "Why does this young man look familiar.

It seems like the son of the old Lu family back then. "

"Which old land?"

"Damn, you don't even know the old Lu family? It's that son who became the champion of Wu…"

The sound rose with the white heat that had been on the booth earlier, and then quickly dissipated.

Lu Sheng has come.

As if it never happened again.

three days later.

At the entrance of Baihe Civil Affairs Bureau, Lu Sheng and Dong Qingxue were sitting on a bench by the street.

Like every pair of men and women who have just completed their marriage registration, they are looking at the red book in their hands.

"Today is destined to be a day to remember!"

Lu Shengxian waved the marriage certificate in his hand and said to Dong Qingxue with a smile,