

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 436

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 436

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 435: The First Community of Azure Star! (2)

Inside the Blue Reef.

Schiller, the law enforcer of the White Mist Star District, is sitting on a large and comfortable space chair, tasting a glass of precious wine produced by a high-end garden star.

Schiller is in a good mood.

The first is that the four star regions involved in the case were finally arrested and punished, which was a concern of the Law Enforcement Department.

The second is that he did almost nothing on this trip, and the operation ended successfully.

Not only that, Farr, the law enforcer in the sub-Jupiter region, is also willing to take the initiative to give one-third of the credit to them.

The only condition is that they need to take two people from the law enforcement department and the resource department to go back and cooperate to make an action record.

Is this also a condition?

"Is Farr transformed? He is so generous.

Remember the last time, he would fight with the law enforcement department of the Hetar sector for a credit."

Schiller took a sip of the wine and quickly forgot about it: "What the heck, isn't it okay to take credit for nothing, why should you care so much…"

Schiller has always been an informal, casual person.

At this time, someone from the Law Enforcement Department came in and quickly reported: "Sir, the Yamuxing District said that the video of this operation will be handed over to us in a while."

"Not a single video?"


"What the hell is Farr doing?"

Schiller frowned slightly.

In this roundup, all the members of the Red Eye Star Thief Group were executed.

This result was what Farr told him, but he didn't see it with his own eyes.

Therefore, as one of the participants in the action, it is necessary to review the video of the action process.

But now, the Yamuxing District actually said that it would take some time before the video was uploaded.

This is a little strange.

But Schiller 14 struggled on this issue for a while before giving up.

"Forget it, anyway, the person who closed the case in this operation is him. If anything goes wrong, he is solely responsible for it, and it has nothing to do with me…"

Schiller lay back comfortably in the chair.

The people next to him continued to report.

"My lord, a mid-level police officer named Zhao Lin has applied to see you, saying that he has something extremely important to report!"

"Oh~ what about others?"

"As an eyewitness, I was taken by Farr law enforcement to make a transcript, and I can't contact him now."

"Then wait for him to come back."

"Also, Senator Noriko Ming invites you to attend his daughter's birthday banquet"


"Just tomorrow night."

"This is a big deal! Order the Blue Reef to speed up!"


+++. +

"It will take a few days to clean the battlefield, you can go back to your home planet first.

When you are almost ready, just use this to contact me. "

Farr gave Lu Sheng a communicator with a shape similar to that of a mouse. It looked much more advanced than the one Lan Chen gave him last time, with a maximum coverage of 500 light-years. The most important thing is

The signal transmission speed is very fast, and the signal can be almost synchronized within 500 light years.

Unlike the one Lan Chen gave him, it took several days for the other party to receive a message.

Kui Lanchen also said that he had time to chat with him.

How can we talk about this? If there is anything wrong, the day lily will be cold when Lan Chen comes over.

It's like the invasion of the Red Eye Star Thief Group this time.

Lu Sheng secretly complained about Lan Chen in his heart, then thanked Farr, and then turned back to Azure Star.

Farr stood in the position of the beautiful swan neck of the huge Shiratori, watching Lu Sheng's disappearing figure until he completely disappeared from sight.

A subordinate came up beside him.

Farr commanded in a low voice: "Turn on all the monitoring systems of the spacecraft, keep an eye on the A28462 azure star, observe Lu Sheng's whereabouts 24 hours a day, and we cannot let him escape our sight for one second.

Also, if there is any change in the White Mist Star District, please tell me immediately. "


Lu Sheng passed through the atmosphere.

When passing through the stratosphere, I came across a large passenger plane full of passengers.

He used his mental power to hide himself and approached the plane.

Maintaining a flight speed similar to that of an airplane, sticking to a window outside the airplane, I saw a beautiful woman in her twenties wearing a white shirt reading a fashion magazine inside.

Lu Sheng now fully understands what it is like to be a superman.

After going around the plane twice, Lu Sheng felt that it was boring and continued down.

He radiated his spiritual power and enveloped the entire azure star.

Azure Star as a whole is still in a relatively peaceful and quiet state.

The disasters caused by the previous disasters have also been quickly healed under a series of positive post-disaster reconstruction policies in various countries.

This evil halberd invasion caused hundreds of billions of losses and tens of thousands of casualties to the Dragon Kingdom.

But it was also the occurrence of this incident that made the martial arts of the entire Dragon Kingdom or the entire world reach an unprecedented height.

Celestial people's enthusiasm for martial arts practice has almost caught up with the period when martial arts were just beginning to flourish.

It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, Azure Star will usher in a blowout growth of martial arts powerhouses.

Can't say good or bad.

The burden on Lu Sheng's shoulders was still heavy. He did not forget that he also shouldered the responsibility of finding a new life planet for all the people of the blue planet.

"Look back at Farr and ask him how much it costs to buy a living planet?"

Lu Sheng thought to himself.

In addition, the prestige of the Dragon Kingdom's "God of War" also reached a peak among the people of the entire Azure Star.

Countless people regard him as a "god". In the city where he killed the halberd, a cultural square and a museum belonging to the military god are also under construction.

At this time, Lu Sheng received the belief in him from countless people who chanted the name of "God of War" all the time.

This belief makes Azure Star's heaven and earth extremely "friendly" to him. With the same power, Lu Sheng can play a three-point or even five-point effect on Azure Star.

"Unfortunately, the upper limit of Azure Star is too low"

If this belief can spread in the stars, it will be of great help to him.

"There is still a gap between my current martial arts and the real eleventh-level powerhouse, which is almost equivalent to a quasi-eleventh.

Spiritual power has reached eleventh level.

The mastery of the rules is stronger than the general level 11, at least stronger than the Law Enforcer Farr. "

Taken together, Lu Sheng's combat power is considered to be at the eleventh level.

And his real martial arts realm is only ninth level!


But considering that Lu Sheng has several 15th-level Dao on his shoulders, it is natural to have such combat power.


"In a short period of time, my realm upper limit may be stuck at level eleven."

Before the Dao of Wang He and Duan Yifeng was completely absorbed and digested, the Dao after level 11 would not be open to Lu Sheng again.

The only direction that Lu Sheng can improve seems to be to continue to increase the number of immortal cells.

Then nine Jin ten, ten Jin eleven.

"There is also the martial arts law. The other three fifteen-level Dao that I deduced from my teacher's round of chess must be implemented one by one as soon as possible."

Lu Sheng has already planned to enter the dream space in the past two days to find the martial arts related to wind (wood), water and earth.

If you can find the ready-made level 15, you can build the foundation first, and slowly push it up by yourself.

"The ninth level, tenth level and eleventh level are actually similar to the previous levels of martial arts, but they are different in nature."

After fighting with Law Enforcer Farr, Lu Shengming learned a lot.

"If you compare martial arts practitioners to guns, before the ninth level of martial arts, the bullets of this gun are astral gas, physical strength… martial arts are the caliber of the gun.

After the ninth level, the bullet becomes the power of heaven and earth, that is, natural cosmic energy.

What determines the caliber of the gun has also become a rule

The principle is similar, but it has undergone a series of upgrades from the inside to the outside.

Lu Sheng's current situation is this.

The caliber of his gun is top-notch, and the bullet is still the same, but the amount of gunpowder is sufficient, and the power of the shot is still very strong.

So he can wrestle with the eleventh-level warrior head-on.

"In the eyes of those in Farr, it becomes a manifestation of the physique of extraordinary life.

After listening to them talk about it for so long, I don't know what level my stellar supreme body can rank in the physique of extraordinary life."

There are a few words that Farr has mentioned.

783 "Starry Sky Combat Strength" and "One-time Breakthrough Level Combat Strength".

The former is easy to understand, while the latter makes Lu Sheng quite interested.

Why does Farr think he has a breakthrough level combat power?

What is the standard of one-time breaking level combat power?

Since there is one time limit violation, is there another time limit violation, three times, four times…

"Go back to the dream space to check if there is any similar information…"

Before he knew it, Lu Sheng had returned to his home in Huafu Community, Baihe City.

Gently and cleverly landed on the door of his own house, revealing his figure.

Lu Sheng didn't go in in a hurry, but his eyes fell on a cleaner who was cleaning the driveway not far away.

The cleaner was probably in his fifties, and looked unremarkable on the outside.

But inside…

But he is an out-and-out eighth-level martial arts master!

Lu Sheng's spirit spread to the entire community, only to discover that there are at least 40 martial arts masters and more than 20 martial arts masters in the entire community.

There are even two ninth-level Martial Saints!

As for the identities of these people.

Not residents, but community property, security guards, cleaners

Good guy, this is not the first community of Azure Star? !

"Is it specially arranged by the senior officials of the Dragon Country?"

Lu Sheng shook his head and didn't care too much.

He walked towards his yard.

It happened that the old professor next door was watering the flowers in the yard. Seeing Lu Sheng, the old professor's eyes lit up and stopped to greet him.

"Yo, Wu Quxing is back!"

"Professor Sun is in good health."

Lu Sheng smiled and nodded, and greeted the old professor.

And just not far from him.

The cleaner who swept the driveway before was standing there with excitement on his face, his hands holding the broom trembling slightly.

He whispered to himself incoherently: "God of war! Come back…

It's not in vain that the old man has been working as a cleaner for more than half a month here.

It can be considered that I have seen the military god in person…"