

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 414

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 414

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

The man stopped thinking and followed the boy's fingers and turned to look.

Looking at this, he was completely stunned.

stone novel

Directly above the city, a black spaceship with a diameter of several kilometers is hovering quietly. ·The shape of the spaceship is pure and strange. Different from the aesthetics of any country and nation on the planet of jade, the eyes are full of futuristic and technological sense.

This picture that only existed in the sci-fi insect shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was no wonder that the man wanted to hold it.

The boy was quite excited and jumped up in place.

"Bao Zhou spacecraft! It turns out that there really is an alien father in this world, and the descriptions in the sci-fi bug shadow are all true!"…

The man opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it to his son. … Looking forward from his position, you can clearly see that because of the appearance of the spaceship, the entire city in the distance has begun to riot.

The traffic stopped and countless people came out of the room and the car. Everyone was picking up their heads and looking up at the black spaceship above their heads. Countless people took out the camera of the king machine and pointed it at the sky. The exclamations and exclamations that were erupting in the middle… "Quick! Father, let's go back! That's an alien's treasure spaceship!"

The boy grabbed the man's jade and was about to pull him down the mountain.

The man was dragged away reluctantly by the boy's little hand.

For some reason he always had an inexplicable feeling of unease in Rarity.

_ Maybe because of the shape of this alien spaceship?

It does look like the car of the alien villain in the movie.

…wait for Albert. "

The man suddenly stopped, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and said solemnly, "Let me call your mother first."

…"Hurry up, father, I still want to see the first side of the alien."

The boy urged his eyes to keep anus in the direction of the alien ship.

The man picked up the phone and just turned it on.

Just then… "Boom!"

The city in the distance resounded with the roar of the giant lady.

The man's hand holding the phone trembled, and then the expressions of both he and the boy were frozen.

I saw the black spaceship in the sky in the distance. A thick scarlet beam of light emanated from the bottom of the hull. It swept through the tall buildings in the city like butter cut by a laser knife.

Rapid collapse and melting…

The entire city fell into chaos in an instant.

Countless people fled everywhere, almost like the end of the world.

And the black spaceship hovering over the city is the death god Om from the starry sky. An invisible wave emanates from the black spaceship.

In an instant, I don't know how much it spreads out.

The king machine in the man's hand suddenly lit up, but what he saw when he looked down was not the phone number of his expected wife.

It's a screen that jumps out of its own accord.

At the same time, a huge virtual human figure hundreds of meters high was projected over the city in the distance.

The phone screen and the virtual human figure above the city are almost in sync.

It was a burly man with a height of nearly three meters and a black battle suit.

The big man's hair is blue, there is a scar on his left eye, and his face is fierce and gives a deep sense of oppression. The fierce Taihan who is hundreds of meters high in the air narrows his eyes slightly, like a god overlooking the mortals below him. The voice of the voice was broadcast through the electronic communication equipment in each person's hand, and echoed clearly over the city, … "Dear inhabitants of the blue planet, when we first met, my name is …, Evil Halberd. …

Next, I want to tell you something…"

The man and the boy stared blankly at the virtual humanoid man hundreds of meters high, looked down at their son and muttered, "Damn, Albert. This is the invader from the Virgin, "…

-A_ The sound is as crisp as crystals colliding.

It also represents new life.

_A crystal life broke out of Shicai's crystal planet.

This crystal life has a chubby body, a slender neck like a snake, a slender head, and a pair of small wings.

The entire body is carved from crystal, which is crystal clear, and you can see the colorful blood flowing out and the vigorous beating crystal heart.

Gives a breathtaking beauty

"Crystal Dragon"

Lu Sheng looked at this legendary creature completely created by his own hands, and had a huge sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"So funny"

Lu Sheng couldn't help but admire, "This is the creator's game!"

… "It's also a practice."

Yang Zhou added with a smile.

…"Do you practice cultivation?"

Lu Sheng blinked.

_It is indeed a practice.

His understanding of the Tao of Wang He and Duan Yifeng has reached an unprecedented level.

Although there are many of them that he simply cannot understand at this stage.

(8th grade to 5th grade, the span in between is really Mrs. Mrs.) But these things that Lu Sheng can't comprehend yet, are quietly absorbed and branded into his body by him in a subtle way in the "creation game".

_It's like making a fixed deposit.

When the time is up, it can be used naturally. The crystal dragon is lying on the crystal planet and gnawing on the crystal above.

Lu Sheng teased with one finger and had a lot of fun.

At this time, he suddenly heard a strong voice.

Looking up, I was surprised to find that the battle between Wang He and Duan Yifeng's Divine Realm had entered the white-hot stage.

The Golden Crow and Crystal Life each suffered heavy casualties and laid out the starry sky.

Countless stars in the Wanghe Sun God Realm began to swell! The color has also changed from the original golden red to red, and the temperature has also increased wildly.

This increase in energy was fed back to the golden crows, and the golden crows began to grow larger and more fierce, and the flames on the feathers also soared. Lu Sheng's eyes lit up.

… "This is… a red giant?"

… "Then the evolution direction further down is supernova, neutron star? Or black hole?"…

Lu Sheng seemed to grasp something at this moment.

From Wang He's way, he saw the combination of myth and reality, both true and illusory, as magnificent and gorgeous as a nebula.

Then look at Duan Yifeng.

Duan Yifeng's Crystal Realm also transformed.

Those crystal beings began to lose their crystal shells and turned into the streamers of Taoist priests, converging into tides, and sweeping in the direction of the Sun God Realm.

"Completely abandon the physical body and the energy of the treasure universe to become one, to prove immortality with God?"

Lu Sheng was dazzled. Seeing the violent collision between the two top-level gods, there were also countless insights and inspirations in his mind. Countless gorgeous pictures were reflected in his eyes, and he had to accept it every minute and every second. An immeasurable amount of information.

These messages quickly filled his martial arts foundation.

The incomparably solid foundation was laid, which was prepared for the construction of the tower of the fifteenth level, the sixteenth level of the heart, or even higher.

Lu Sheng was fascinated by the sight of the whole person entering an inexplicable state.

All his attention was on the God's Domain Taizhan in front of him, but his two hands were working quickly in front of him.

…for flowers…

Stars and crystal planets were fabricated by him, and his movements became faster and more skilled.

_Handy, occasionally there are more and more stars and crystal planets in the star field created by him, the golden crow roams, and the crystal life roars and grows, and the scale even begins to approach Wang He's Sun God Realm and Duan The crystal domain of Yifeng.

This star field…

Unconsciously, it seems to have become the third god domain in the void of this chessboard.

Even Lu Sheng himself didn't find it. On the side of the chessboard, Yang Zhou quietly looked at the tomb.

_He fixed his eyes on Lu Sheng, his eyes were gentle, both relieved and emotional.


… beams of scarlet energy are released from the black ship.

The high-rise buildings in the city that were swept by the beam like under the scythe of the god of death fell down like straw.

There are deep, huge charred gullies left on the streets.

A strong white warrior suddenly roared wildly, his feet stomped on the ground and stepped on two deep pits of Nuotai, the whole person was like a cannonball. Generally fly high in the sky and lasing away in the direction of the spacecraft.