

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 415

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 415

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 414 It's your turn. Next, ask Lu Sheng to start his performance (3)

Cumberland's eyes swept across the dark, bottomless ravines on the city floor, his face a little ugly.

Energy weapons from higher civilizations.

With such power, even as a Martial Saint, he did not dare to face it.

"Break the spaceship and kill the people inside!"

Cumberland quickly laid out a course of action.

As the Martial Saint of the Lion Kingdom, a god-like existence in the world, he is always high above and enjoys the respect and worship of hundreds of millions of people.

In a crisis like this, it is time for him to stand up.

Cumberland thought, eyes as sharp as the sword in his hand.

His 1,000-meter-high body moved quickly, without being clumsy or bloated at all, on the contrary, it gave a feeling of incomparable flexibility.

Cumberland's 1000-meter-high Dharma body is about the size of an ordinary person in front of a black spaceship with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

The scarlet beam fell, and Cumberland shuttled through it, none of which could hit him.

Even if there are occasional rubbings, it's just the body of the Dharma being damaged, and something that can be restored with a single thought is nothing at all.

Cumberland quickly reached under the ship.

There is an invisible energy barrier outside the spaceship, Cumberland's eyes are like eagles, and the white light long sword in his hand stabs out.

"Silver Crown Star!"

The long sword turned into a stream of light, and a large number of "August 47" of heaven and earth were guided to the tip of the sword.

The top of the sword is dazzling, as if a cold star is embedded.

The power is condensed to the extreme point!

It is also the stunt that Cumberland is famous for.


The tip of the sword pierced above the invisible energy barrier, as if it had stabbed an impregnable wall.

The invisible ripples opened in circles, but the cold star on the tip of the sword could never break through.

Continued to be consumed…

until it goes out.

Cumberland's eyes widened, a little shocked as he looked at the invisible energy barrier in front of him.

His attack with almost all his strength could not even pierce the energy barrier of this spaceship? !

"On this planet, my martial arts strength can surpass that of technology.

But for the scientific and technological products of the higher civilization, it is not enough…"

There was a sudden sense of frustration in Cumberland's heart.

"Ha ha…"

There was a chuckle in the sky.

Cumberland looked up and saw the giant avatar made of light.

The big man with blue hair and scars, his image is much shorter than his current body.

At this time, he was holding his chest with his arms and looking at himself with a smile, with undisguised contempt and ridicule on his face.

Cumberland looked down at the big blue-haired man with a scar, and said coldly, "So, people with higher civilizations only rely on technology to bully others, and they hide in the protective cover of the aircraft as a tortoise?"

The blue-haired man with scars narrowed his eyes slightly, and put his arms around his chest.

"You want me out?"

"Why, don't you dare?"

Cumberland sneered.

The aggressive method he used.

As long as the pilot of the spaceship is forced out, he will have a chance to resolve this crisis.

Otherwise, if the other party keeps shrinking into the spaceship,

He had no chance at all.

"as you wish."

The blue-haired scarred man said calmly.

Then, the virtual human figure above the city disappeared.

Cumberland looked up and saw a hatch quietly opened under the black spaceship overhead.

A burly body more than three meters high descended from it.


Cumberland's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously grasped the long sword in his hand.

He was ready to launch an offensive as soon as the big alien left the spaceship's shelter.

Finally, the blue-haired man completely walked out of the spaceship.

But Cumberland has yet to act.

I saw the big man take a deep breath.

His chest is like a super suction fan, and the air around him is almost evacuated directly by him, and he can clearly see the white airflow entering his nose and mouth.


The endless power of heaven and earth gathers together.

Massive energy blips.

A super invincible and huge Dharma rose from the ground.

Breathe through Cumberland's heights.

One kilometer…

two kilometers…

Three kilometers…

Five kilometers…

A dharma giant with a height of more than 8,000 meters appeared in front of everyone.

It is already close to the troposphere, as if you can touch the blue sky when you raise your hand.

(The quality of the law is based on the height of the initial law, and it can be gradually increased in the future)

Suddenly, a huge city.

Countless people opened their eyes wide and subconsciously raised their hands to cover their mouths, all stunned.

Cumberland was also stunned.

His body is thousands of meters of Dharma, standing under this Dharma, just like a toy.

Before Cumberland could react.

A big hand that covered the sky roared down from the sky.

He grabbed his entire body in his hand and brought it to the front.

Cumberland was so close to the huge, vicious face that was several kilometers in size. He heard the blue-haired scarred man speak angrily, "Now I'm out. What do you want? Ant"

After speaking, the blue-haired man with scars turned his face downwards and said with a grinning smile, "I'll say it again here.

Within three days, I want all the warriors above the eighth level on your planet to come here to worship me.

And resources, all the valuable resources on your planet.

After three days, if I am not satisfied with what I get.

I will destroy this weak planet! "


The 8,000-meter giant sounded like thunder, and he lifted Cumberland in his hand, squeezing it.

He roared with laughter.

It was like a real demon god from heaven came into the world.

Countless people in the city below were crawling on the ground, only to feel a large shadow spread over their heads, blocking the sky.

Deep despair.



The battle between the two great gods in the chessboard void is drawing to a close.

The gods on both sides have exerted their own radiance to the extreme.

On the side of the Sun God Realm, the burning stars collapsed from the center and collapsed into terrifying black holes.

Countless Golden Crows flew back into the black hole with a neigh.

Black holes approach each other and devour each other…

Soon a super-giant black hole appeared.

The black hole emits an unimaginable terrifying attraction, devouring everything around it.

void, light

The Sun God Realm, which was once prosperous and splendid to the extreme, has now become a collapsed darkness.

the other side.

Duan Yifeng's Crystal Realm no longer exists.

Only pieces of seven-color streamers remained.

These streamers come together to form an unparalleled colorful sword.

Wang He and Duan Yifeng's expressions were tense, and their eyes were shining like stars, all of them staring at the final battle.

Lu Sheng was also watching, and even the movements of his hands stopped.

This is the ultimate collision between the two peak gods.

It is also the final battle between the two great fifteenth-level paths.

All held their breath.


The black hole and the colorful sword collided with a bang.

The ultimate light bloomed, making people unable to stop closing their eyes.

Wait for the light to disappear.

That area has turned into nothingness.

Nothing exists anymore.

Black holes, colorful swords, all disappeared.

Only a large area of shattered aura was left, showing a desolation and dead silence.

Lu Sheng looked at this dead silence and was reminiscing.

Wang He and Duan Yifeng suddenly turned their heads in unison and looked at him fixedly.

The expressions of the two of them were extremely calm, without the slightest nervousness and rivalry on their faces.

It seems unsurprising that this result.

It seems to have been rehearsed countless times.


Just plain.

I want to demonstrate to him.

"It's your turn."

Wang He spoke calmly.

Duan Yifeng also watched him quietly.

Lu Sheng was stunned and looked at Yang Yizhou subconsciously.

He found that Yang Yizhou was also looking at him with a smile, and gave him an encouraging look.

Lu Sheng was silent.

After a moment, his hands moved again.

At this time, the scale of the star field in front of him was already quite large.

This star field is filled with stars and crystal planets.

Lu Sheng previously imitated Wang He's Sun God Domain and Duan Yifeng's Crystal God Domain.

The rubbed stars and crystal planets are all thrown away at random.

So much so that now this star field is in a mess, the three-legged Golden Crow and the crystal life are fighting each other, and some stars and planets have been smashed.

Lu Sheng reached out and tried to clean up this messy star field.

Imagine that Wang He and Duan Yifeng have grouped the two forces separately.

But after he packed up for a while, he suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"Why reorganize? Why not try to make them coexist?"

As soon as this idea came up, Lu Sheng felt that it was feasible.

So Lu Sheng not only did not separate the two forces, but deliberately put some stars and crystal planets together.

His eyes swept across the pair of three-legged Golden Crow and Crystal Life.

Try the 0.8 map to find the pure land of peace from the slain warband.

The forces on both sides are rapidly depleting.

Lu Sheng was not in a hurry, he kept on hand, forging a steady stream of stars and crystal planets, so that the strength of the two forces was maintained at a similar level.

This experiment went on for a long time.

Not only Lu Sheng, Wang He, Duan Yifeng and Yang Yizhou were also watching carefully.

Until Lu Shengdi didn't know how many times he filled the stars and crystal planets, Wang He, who was on the side, finally opened his mouth and said: "Your thinking is not good at all.

My Dao and his Dao are extremely domineering, and I am the only way.

simply cannot coexist.

Only one of the two is eligible to survive. "

"Is that so?"

Lu Shengshuang frowned, but quickly stretched out.

"you're right."

Lu Sheng raised his head, looked at Wang He with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "So, there should be a third force to join in."

When Lu Sheng said these words, both Wang He and Duan Yifeng were stunned.

They looked at each other, as if a brand new window had opened in front of them.

On the other hand, Yang Yizhou, who was sitting opposite Lu Sheng, stroked his white beard with a smile, and a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.