

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 266

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 266

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

266. The Strongest Recruit in History, Ten Thousand Massacres, Killing Qi 3

"Tiger scorpion? A-level general star team?"

Lu Sheng sat on the roof of an abandoned armored vehicle, with the red crystal dragon pattern on his feet, tearing a piece of steaming exotic animal meat in his hand.

While eating, he casually looked at the few people in front of him.

"Are you here for reinforcements?"

The four members of the Tiger Scorpion Squad sat neatly on four stools made of cement stone slabs, and looked up at Lu Sheng from a top-down angle, but they didn't feel any discomfort.

Instead, it feels natural.

"Yes, I received the order from the military to encircle and suppress alien beasts… There are probably no less than ten generals and star teams like us who have received missions. We are the earliest…"

Zhan Hongyu answered honestly.

When speaking, his eyes glanced to the side of the defense line unconsciously.

Every time he glanced, his eyelids twitched violently.

No matter how many times she watched it, the blood-colored portal built by the long wall of flesh still made her feel…


Unparalleled huge shock.

And it's such a shocking scene, which is completely created by the person in front of him.

Zhan Hongyu sat in this place, and could clearly smell the strong bloody smell emanating from the other party's body.

The skin exposed to the air also felt a tingling sensation like a needle stick from time to time.

Although Lu Sheng just sat in front of her casually and communicated with her lightly, but a casual look, a tearing action…

It will make Zhan Hongyu startled and her scalp tingles.

In front of this battlefield "ten thousand massacres", her grandmaster force field is useless.

No matter what, he has to be a sect-level powerhouse, an eighth-level general.

But an eighth-level general who looks so young and possesses such terrifying strength…

Zhan Hongyu rummaged through the memories in his mind, but couldn't find a person who met the standard.

"So, the military will soon send someone to build this defense line?"

Lu Sheng tore off a piece of alien meat and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it into two or three pieces with his teeth like a guillotine, then swallowed it whole.

Don't say it, it's down these days.

The cooking skills of the big-headed soldiers he had rescued before had improved, and the cooked food tasted better than what Lu Sheng ate in the 1182 Division Colonel's cafeteria.

"It should have been waiting for our side to complete the clearing, and then sending troops to guard it. The estimated time is one to one and a half months.

but now…."

Zhan Hongyu glanced at the cracks in the burrow that were littered with corpses in the distance, and was about to be "squeezed dry", and said, "Because my lord has already cleaned up the alien beasts in this line of defense.

I will communicate the situation on the spot. After the military department has reviewed it, a division will come to station within two to three days. "

"it is good."

Lu Sheng nodded.

In this way, his days of guarding one pass alone are finally coming to an end.

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng relaxed, stood up, and slowly stretched his body.

During this period of continuous fighting, his physique has been sharpened from the original fairness and warmth to a sharp and sharp texture.

The simple action of stretching the muscles and bones, fell into the eyes of the tiger and scorpion team, and there was a feeling of swords, spears, swords and halberds colliding with each other.

A murderous spirit!

Zhan Hongyu stared at Lu Sheng for a long time, her eyes always tingling, she wanted to bow her head, but she still couldn't help but ask cautiously, "Dare to ask your lord, what is your identity…?"

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

It seems that he dragged the Tiger Scorpion team and questioned him for a long time, but he didn't really say who he was.

After thinking about it, Lu Sheng replied, "I am a recruit under Major General Yu Feiyi's 1182 Division. It's been less than half a month since I joined the army…"

A few people in the tiger scorpion team were stunned, and the bald man inside forced a smile: "Sir, are you joking?"

Lu Sheng glanced at him casually and said lightly, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

The bald man suddenly stopped talking.

The others were the same, but they looked at each other with horrified expressions, and they all saw the shocking waves from their respective eyes.


Less than half a month into the army?

After finishing the task, one person forcibly defended the entire front? !

Several people in the tiger scorpion team were shocked by the news, and they didn't know what words to use to express their true thoughts for a while.

After a while, Zhan Hongyu suddenly reacted and said quickly: "Then, do you want to go back to the military region with us? With your strength, you can easily be rated as a general star, and various benefits are better than ordinary division soldiers. too much…"

Zhan Hongyu looked at Lu Sheng expectantly.

If it is true as Lu Sheng said, he is a recruit who has just joined the army, then now is the best time to build relationships and hug thighs.

A strong young man who can accomplish such a feat.

Zhan Hongyu can also predict with his heel, how bright a new star will be born in the Eastern Military Region in time.

"I'm afraid it's the eighth light in the east, standing in front of me now…"

Zhan Hongyu couldn't contain his inner excitement.

Lu Sheng was also a little moved by Zhan Hongyu's words.

Look at yourself now.

Not to mention personal hygiene issues, after more than a week of continuous fighting, the red crystal dragon pattern and the endless knife wheel were both seriously worn out, and their durability was almost lost.

What's more, Lu Sheng's body's desire for energy has almost reached a limit now.

He urgently needs to convert the accumulated merit points into resources, different marrow fluid, etc., to fill the inner "emptiness".

"Then I have to say hello to the teacher first."

Lu Sheng said, took out the communication device in his pocket, and dialed.

During this time, Lu Sheng talked to Yu Feiyi on the phone every day. Although Yu Feiyi complained about him running outside every day and not staying home, there was nothing he could do.

Just repeatedly told him to be careful.

As for which front Lu Sheng was running on during this time, he had no idea at all.

Lu Sheng told Yu Feiyi about the Tiger Scorpion team, and let Zhan Hongyu have a brief chat with Yu Feiyi himself.

The two checked each other's identities, and Yu Feiyi was relieved.

"Okay, then you go back to the military base first.

Your data and information base are all there, you have already entered the file, just go and review it.

You stinky boy, you can't see the shadows when you run out, and now you're going to leave and don't come back to see you again…"

Yu Feiyi laughed and scolded, and said, "But our affairs here are almost over. See you at the base when we come. I'll treat you to a drink."

"Wait for you, Master."

Lu Sheng smiled and cut off the communication.

The Tiger Scorpion team looked at him with extremely complicated eyes.

Really newbie.

This is probably the strongest recruit in the history of the Eastern Military Region…

Several surviving veterans of the 835th Division also walked with Lu Sheng and the others. …

These people have rested for more than a week, and they are responsible for cooking for Lu Sheng every day. They are not in good condition.

Lively, even the old Tao who was about to hang up before can walk like a fly.

After all, they are all fifth- or sixth-level warriors, and their physical fitness is there, and the recovery speed is much faster than that of normal people.

"There will still be alien beasts that continue to run out of the burrow…"

Lu Sheng looked at the messy battlefield, and the flesh and blood portal he built when he was bored, with a hint of reluctance.

He tilted his head to look at Zhan Hongyu, "Does it really matter if we leave like this?"

Zhan Hongyu tried hard not to let herself see the sea of blood and corpses, soothed the waves surging in her heart, and forced herself to calm down: "It's alright, there will be a team of generals coming over, and they will naturally finish the finishing work…

You can't let them run away in vain. "


Lu Sheng nodded and greeted, "Let's go then."

"This side, my lord."

Zhan Hongyu showed Lu Sheng a direction, and then followed Lu Sheng step by step.

Everyone in the Tiger Scorpion team deliberately fell behind Lu Sheng by a tacit understanding, letting him walk in the forefront.

This is a kind of etiquette, which should be respected by the strong in the military.

When crossing the edge of the city again and setting foot in the wilderness.

Whether it is the Tiger Scorpion Squad or the surviving veterans of 835, there is a feeling of being separated from the world.

The former has suffered too much shock and shock, and has not fully recovered.

The latter is the joy of rebirth after catastrophe.

Lu Sheng didn't feel anything, he just felt slightly relieved.

It's like the feeling of a string that has been tensed for a long time and suddenly relaxed.

"When you enter the wilderness, find a safe area, I will contact the military area, and someone will come to meet you…"

Zhan Hongyu explained on the side.

Lu Sheng nodded and walked forward at will.

After a few steps, he stopped and looked straight ahead.

In the wilderness, a group of five people quickly appeared in his field of vision.

0.9 spiritual power swept over, these five people are all strong in qi and blood, and they are clearly master-level powerhouses.

"It's from the Blue Star team."

Zhan Hongyu also saw the figures of the five people, narrowed his eyes and said to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng read a different meaning from Zhan Hongyu's eyes, and he was in a good mood, and asked one more question: "Have there been any festivals?"

"That's not…"

Zhan Hongyu shook his head and said, "It's the captain of their squad… It's very annoying."

A voice came in from behind.

"The leader of the Blue Star Squad has always pursued our leader. Just like flies, we have to follow us every time we go out on a mission, and we can't get rid of it. It's annoying…"

"No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak!"

Zhan Hongyu glanced back angrily, and the latter immediately shrank his head and stopped talking.

Lu Sheng glanced at Zhan Hongyu's concave and convex figure, as well as his handsome appearance. He probably understood.

Zhan Hongyu is also a human being.

Feeling Lu Sheng's gaze on her, not only did she feel embarrassed, she even deliberately took the initiative to straighten her chest.

As if he was afraid that Lu Sheng would not be able to see it.


Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers. grateful.