

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 267

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 267

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

267. Entering the military area, will be certified as a star! 4

Aside from Lu Sheng's incomparably powerful strength and talent.

The appearance is also absolutely one in a million.

Although the martial arts practice to the back, the physique is constantly changing, the life magnetic field is strengthened, the temperament is beyond ordinary people, and the appearance will not be ugly.

But it is rare to see someone as outstanding as Lu Sheng.

If Lu Sheng really liked it, Zhan Hongyu would wake up laughing from a dream.

During the conversation, the five people on the opposite side approached.

The clothes are similar to those of Zhan Hongyu, wearing high-level combat uniforms, alloy boots under their feet, and their own cold weapons on their bodies or in their hands.

The leader was a tall, well-built young man in his thirties.

Bronze complexion, sword eyebrows and star eyes, quite handsome.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt frivolous and arrogant.

"Hongyu, why did you come out?"

The handsome young man strode up to meet him, his eyes swept over the people on their side at will, stopped on Lu Sheng for a while, and finally landed on Zhan Hongyu.

Zhan Hongyu frowned when she saw him, and did not speak to him, but turned her head to look at Lu Sheng.

"grown ups…"

He seemed to be waiting for Lu Sheng's instructions.

"My lord? What lord?"

Zhan Hongyu's words made the handsome young man frown, looking at Lu Sheng again.

Seeing this, his face changed abruptly.

Lu Sheng held a long spear in his hand, but his posture was casual, standing there loosely, but it gave people a sense of sharpness and dazzling.

Lu Sheng glanced at him lightly.

The handsome young man seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood rising from Lu Sheng's back, and ten thousand sharp knives pressed against all the big points on his body.

For a moment, the scalp was numb and horrified.

"Who is your Excellency?"

This time, even if the handsome young man was slow in his response, he could sense something was wrong.

Even with a few team members behind him, the eyes that looked at Lu Sheng were full of shock and awe.

Some people even subconsciously grasped the cold weapon around their waist.

Lu Sheng ignored them and said to Zhan Hongyu, "Say hello and leave."


Zhan Hongyu said coldly to the handsome young man and his party: "Liantianci, we have something important to do, so we don't have time to chat with you. Let's go."

"Red jade!"

The handsome young man was a little anxious, and subconsciously took two steps forward and wanted to stop Zhan Hongyu.

At this time, Lu Sheng raised his arm slightly.

This action is like a switch.



The aura of Lantianci's entire group exploded, and the rich white qi and the grandmaster force field lit up like the headlights of a car.

All of them had nervous expressions, staring at Lu Sheng as if facing an enemy, as if he would suddenly burst into flames in the next second.

"Don't be nervous, I just wanted to scratch the itch…"

Lu Sheng looked at Lantian with a calm face, and then turned to Zhan Hongyu and the others: "Let's go."

"Yes, my lord."

The group looked at the Lantianci team with strange eyes and quickly left.

The complexion that the blue sky gave to the few people was blue and red, which was extremely ugly.

"Captain, what is the origin of that guy? Even Zhan Hongyu calls him Lord?"

As soon as people walked away, some people couldn't help but ask questions.

The blue sky gave his face sinking like water, and slowly shook his head.

"Whoever he is, it has nothing to do with us… let's continue the mission."


A group of people quickly entered the ruins of the city and repeated what the Zhan Hongyu team had done before.

"Strange, from the wilderness area to now, can't see a single beast?

No wonder Zhan Hongyu and the others walked so fast.

Is the mission data wrong? "

Lan Tianci walked in the ruins of the city, with an alloy long knife in his hand cleaning the weeds and shrubs on the road at will.

At this moment, the wireless headset in the ear suddenly came out with a trembling sound.

"Team… Captain, come over here…"

Lan Tianci was startled in his heart, subconsciously thinking that something was wrong, and he moved quickly under his feet.

"Hold on, I'll be there soon!"

Lantian Cifeng usually rushed to the coordinate point reported by the "accident" team members.

From far away, he saw the man standing in one place, motionless.

"what happened?"

Lan Tianci stepped over dozens of meters and landed next to the man, frowning: "Stupid?"

The man didn't speak, just stared straight at somewhere and stretched out his fingers.

Lan Tianci looked suspiciously in the direction of his finger.

In an instant, the whole person seemed to be pierced by a sharp arrow, hit hard, and nailed to the ground.

His eyes widened and he stared in disbelief at the shocking sight of the long wall of flesh and the huge portal before him.

It went numb from head to toe.

Between the electric light and flint, a figure flashed in Lantian Ci's mind.

It was a tall and straight young man with indifferent eyes.

The mountain of corpses and the sea of blood that Lantianci had seen behind him actually faintly overlapped with the shocking scene in front of him.

Combined with Zhan Hongyu's respect for him, the strange things that my team encountered along the way…

A line of clues quickly connected in Lantian's brain, and finally weaved a terrifying truth.


Lan Tianci's face was pale, and he staggered back a few words, shaking his head constantly.

"Absolutely impossible! .."


"It's almost here."

Zhan Hongyu greeted everyone to stop, and then asked the handsome young man in the team to contact the base with a communicator.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, two military helicopters roared.

Lu Sheng and the Tiger Squad were in the last one, and the surviving veterans of the 835th Division were in another one.

"Thank you sir for saving your life!"

Before boarding the plane, several veterans stood neatly in front of Lu Sheng, gave a solemn military salute, and then bowed.

If there is no Lu Sheng.

Several of them have already been digested in the stomach of the alien beast into feces and excreted from the body.

Where is the possibility of standing here alive and kicking.

Until Lu Sheng boarded the helicopter and whistled away.

You can also see the six people standing straight at the bottom in a military salute, staring at themselves. The thin man standing in the middle is still holding a long alloy knife and a military cap with a shiny cap.

"These people are real warriors."

Lu Shengxin was touched and said something to Zhan Hongyu who was beside him.

Zhan Hongyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded her head, "Yes, it is worth admiring."

However, Lu Sheng couldn't read much resonance in her eyes, and suddenly felt a little moody.

The helicopter roared fast in the air.

Half an hour later, Lu Sheng saw the outline of the military region in sight.

It wasn't the military region he went to when he joined Qiming General.

The Eastern Military Region is just a general term. There are a total of twelve sub-theater regions in the entire eastern region. He is now in the ninth theater.

The helicopter flew into the military area.

Lu Sheng's mental power glanced at the dense military camp below.

This should be the barracks area of ordinary soldiers. Lu Sheng saw many scenes of recruits and veterans training.

The helicopter gradually deepened, the building density in the barracks gradually decreased, and the site became empty.

At this time, Zhan Hongyu from the Tiger Scorpion Squad said, "It's here."

The helicopter fell slowly, and Lu Sheng followed Zhan Hongyu and others down one after another.

What appeared in front of Lu Sheng was an orderly building with a simple and cold style.

Most of the people I saw were people in military uniforms or combat uniforms, and occasionally in casual clothes.

You can see the martial arts masters who are full of energy and blood like a stove, and you can also see some ordinary people, even the elderly and children.

Lu Sheng swept around and found that there are almost all shops here, except that there are slightly fewer people, almost comparable to the central commercial streets of some first-tier cities.

Zhan Hongyu, who was on the side, seemed to see his doubts, and took the initiative to explain: "This is the general star district, many general star will pick up their family and friends to live with them, and slowly develop into this situation.. .

One thing to say, in addition to the inconvenience of living here, in all aspects, the safety is better than 050 in many places. "

Lu Sheng's heart moved.

Zhan Hongyu was right.

Don't look at this as a military area, it is the closest place in the entire Dragon Kingdom to the front line of the burrow, but when it comes to security, there are really few that can compare to this place.

No wonder there are so many ordinary people here, all of whom are Jiang Xing's family.

"If I bring my parents and Lu Qinghe to the military region, I don't have to worry too much about the revenge of Lian Su, the crazy woman… No matter how big the Jidao Martial Arts Center is, a Martial Saint Lady would dare to be in the military camp. Do you buy a murderer?"

The only problem is that I don't know if my parents and Lu Qinghe are willing to come.

"What are the conditions for bringing in family members?"

Lu Sheng asked.

Zhan Hongyu explained in detail: "As long as you are a general-level officer in the army, you can have ten relatives for a seventh-level general. The military will allocate a house to each general, enough for a family to live in. If you are not satisfied, you can also spend extra money to buy it yourself…"

very simple condition.

Lu Sheng's heart relaxed, nodded and said, "Then please take me to certify the qualification of a general. You should know the specific process, right?"


Zhan Hongyu responded quickly, but her expression was hesitant for a while, and she said to Lu Sheng cautiously: "Sir, do you want to…clean it first?"

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then looked down at himself, a rare blushing.

Indeed, if it wasn't for Zhan Hongyu's reminder, he almost forgot.

He is now almost the same as a savage.

Although after the formation of his immortal cells, his physique was extraordinary and holy, out of the world and refined, and he had the demeanor of a "stainless body".

There is very little dirt left on the body.

But hair and clothes can't be spotless.

Lu Sheng was used to smelling it and didn't feel it before, but now his sense of smell has recovered, and when he smelled it carefully, he almost fainted.

Thanks to Zhan Hongyu for being able to follow him and endure this smell for so long.

I can't take it anymore, I have to take a shower immediately!

Lu Sheng said to himself.