

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 259

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 259

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

259. The long night attack, the gun that pierces the darkness! 4

This is an abandoned residential area.

It was built to look like a makeshift trench.

More than a dozen armored vehicles and tanks blocked the gap in the gate of the community.

Tongues of flame and flames were sprayed from the machine guns and barrels, trying to clean up the waves of alien beasts coming up in front of them.

Lights and firelights illuminated the battlefield as bright as day.

Occasionally, alien beasts that escaped the bombardment of gunpowder leaked into the defense line, and high-level soldiers with cold weapons would immediately surround them and strangle them.

"Damn, why are there so many?!"

A tall, burly middle-aged man stood on the roof of a residential building somewhere, looking at the anxious battlefield below, his face sinking like water.

He was blind in one eye and was heavily bandaged.

His right hand was also in a plaster cast and hung on his chest.

The state of the whole person is not very good, but the temperament is still as majestic as a mountain that can never be knocked down.

A man in a school official's uniform hurried up.

The middle-aged man turned his head and asked in a deep voice:

"When will the reinforcements arrive?"

The visitor smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to come in a short time.

Just in time for a double-SS burrow riot, many generals took over the suppression mission.

It will take at least two or three days to free up manpower, and the most important openings in the west will definitely be aided immediately."

"Okay, I know."

The middle-aged man nodded and said nothing.

He just picked up a bottle of spirits with a red star printed on it, put it in his mouth and took a few sips.

Officers above the Grandmaster rank are allowed to drink alcohol on the battlefield, as long as it is not excessive.

Because of the strong physique of the Grandmaster-level warrior, the blood and blood are running a little, and the alcohol will be scattered, and it will not affect the thinking and judgment, and sometimes it can even make people more sober.


The 770g tank underneath fired a shell.

The cannonball drew a clear trajectory in the night sky, and after falling into the alien herd in the distance, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, silently, without even a single wave.

The eyes of the one-eyed man on the roof flickered violently, and he stood up suddenly.

Generally speaking, when such a situation occurs, it represents only one possibility…

Seventh-level alien beast.

Because only the twisting force field carried by the seventh-level alien beast will make the hot weapon completely ineffective.

Sure enough, in the darkness, four groups of blue ghost fires quietly emerged.

The crowded alien beasts separated to both sides, and a terrifying alien beast with a length of more than six meters and a height of more than three meters slowly walked out of the darkness.

This is a monster that looks like a cheetah.

But the whole body is covered with small snake scales, and the tail is like a scorpion, raised high.

With two heads, the dark blue ghost fire before is the four eyes on the two heads.

"Two-headed leopard."

The one-eyed man took a deep breath and reached out to grab a double-sided axe at his feet.

Without saying anything, he jumped off the roof.


He fell outside the defense line of the community, and his feet shook the ground with large cracks.

He shook his right hand, the plaster on his right hand was broken, and the whole person was completely stretched out.

"Come on, I'm just about to drink a lot of meat!"

The one-eyed man didn't talk nonsense, grabbed the double-sided alloy battle axe and rushed towards the double-headed shadow leopard.

A rich white qi burst out from his body, illuminating the darkness around him.

The powerful aura that belonged to the master radiated out, the blood boiled, and the wolf smoke rose steeply.

One person and one beast are fighting together, and there are terrifying air waves that burst out from time to time, spreading…

The battle is still going on, but everyone will subconsciously look at the position of the central chapter.

The situation there was clearly more important than theirs.



A figure flew out from the center of the battle group, the white qi drifted like rags, and the body slammed into the wall of an armored vehicle, sinking deep into it.

The sound of machine guns and artillery fire intertwined on the battlefield suddenly stopped, and everyone's eyes turned around.


The one-eyed man opened his mouth and coughed out a mouthful of blood. He looked down at the huge claw marks on his chest that could be seen deep in the bone. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Two ends…"

Eight groups of blue ghost fires appeared, and two double-headed shadow leopards paced out of the darkness.

All are seven.

It's just that one of them looks more petite, and it's probably the mother's.


The one-eyed man scolded, struggling to get up from the pit of the armored vehicle, clutching his chest, and looking around for the weapon he dropped.

He suddenly raised his head and scolded the surroundings, "Still stunned?

The alien beasts are licking your heavenly cover, and you still don't know how to fire? ! "

The sound of artillery fire sounded again, and a dozen figures holding cold weapons crossed the high wall and landed around the one-eyed man, protecting him in the middle.

"Master's seat!"

Someone with red eyes, handed over the one-eyed man's axe.

The one-eyed man took it and said nonchalantly, "What are you afraid of, let's fight first, if you can't fight, then withdraw…"

As he said that, the qi in his body surged up again.

Several people looked solemn, did not speak, and silently followed around the one-eyed man.

A group of people walked towards the two alien beasts step by step under the fire of artillery fire, already holding the heart to die.

"Is there any wine?"

The one-eyed man walking at the front suddenly spoke coldly, and the people behind him looked stunned.

But before they could answer, the one-eyed man shook his head and said, "Forget it…it's not bad."

After that, the pace quickened.

The big axe in his hand burst out with surging qi, held it high, and killed it forward.

The eyes of the two double-headed shadow leopards burst out with cruel rays of light, and their figures disappeared in a flash.

Almost in no particular order, they jumped high and rushed towards the one-eyed man.

The burly body holding the big axe and the two two-headed shadow leopards are about to collide.

The screen freezes.

A violent cracking sound came from a distance.

The roaring flames tear open the night.

(bceb) "Boom!"

A red streamer of flames entwined in an instant, pinning the previous two-headed shadow leopard to the ground.

The other two-headed shadow leopard was startled, roared, and jumped up.

There was a golden light in the night.

The two bodies fell to the ground, the organs scattered on the ground, and the stump twisted wildly.

The one-eyed man and the dozen or so school officials who followed him were all stunned.

I was stunned by this sudden change.

The one-eyed man subconsciously looked at the two-headed shadow leopard that was nailed to the ground in front of him.

He saw a silver spear running through the latter's body, the spear body submerged most of the ground, and there were sporadic flames burning.

In the next breath, a slender and tall figure walked out of the darkness quickly.

He quickly came to the surviving two-headed shadow leopard, and raised his black alloy boots.

"Crack! Kick…"

Like stepping on tofu, the two heads of the two-headed shadow leopard were smashed.

Then he pulled out his spear calmly, and glanced at the one-eyed man at random.

Suddenly disappeared from the field.

The artillery fire suddenly stopped again.

Everyone on the front line was a little dazed, looked dazed, and did not respond.

The one-eyed man stared blankly at the two corpses on the ground, and then looked at the double-sided axe in his hand.

In my heart, I couldn't help but wonder if the one who had just fought against him and the one who died under the young man's hands were the same two-headed shadow leopard of a seventh-level alien beast.

Obviously he fights so hard, but the latter kills as easily as chopping melons and vegetables. . . .

"This is so special… Where the hell is this fierce guy coming out?!"

The one-eyed man looked at the direction in which the mysterious young man disappeared, in a trance, and sighed.


Similar scenes were repeated on all fronts.

Relying on his speed, Lu Sheng ran around the front of the 1182 Division.

His flaming spear that pierced through the night, as well as the golden light of the endless knife wheel, left an indelible impression on countless soldiers who fought hard this night.

It was not until dawn broke that Lu Sheng returned to Yu Feiyi's battle group.

During the night of slaughter, he was covered in thick blood and suffocation.

You can smell it from far away, under the transpiration of qi and blood, it is like a walking hurricane of blood foam.

"How many beasts did your kid kill in one night?!"

When Yu Feiyi saw Lu Sheng, he stared at him with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Twelve? Eighteen?…"

Lu Sheng twisted open a bottle of pure water and poured it into his mouth. He shook his head and said, "Forget it. Anyway, there are quite a lot of level 7 people, but I haven't counted the level 6…"

Yu Feiyi opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

Lu Sheng drank a bottle of water in one breath, spit out a mouthful of air, and said with some regret: "It's a pity that the body can't be brought back, it's cheaper for others…"

This is also impossible.

He ran for a long night, and it was expensive to be fast. Bringing the corpse of a seventh-level alien beast would only slow down the pace.

Although Lu Sheng regretted the corpses of alien beasts that he abandoned on the battlefield, he was even more sorry for the young lives who died on the battlefield.

He couldn't do much, he could only do as much as he could.

Yu Feiyi stared at him for a long time, and finally said slowly: "It's alright, there are black box videos on each front, and when you go back and count your military exploits, you will naturally count all your exploits.

Not a cent less.."

"That couldn't be better."

Lu Sheng's eyes lit up, instantly feeling full of energy.

Yu Feiyi looked at him with non-human eyes, and muttered: "You kid is rescued and rescued, but it is always from the 1182 division, you have to take care of this side first…"

Lu Sheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master. I promise to kill everyone here before going out. Otherwise, you can give me a communication device, and if something goes wrong, I will come back immediately."

Yu Feiyi didn't know what to say.

I just feel that I ordered the decision to continuously add different marrow fluid to the cultivation warehouse that contained the body of the young man…

It was definitely the most wise and decisive decision he had ever made in his life.

Who would have thought that a few cabins of fourth-level different marrow fluid could raise a chaotic dragon?

It must be the creation of Lao Tzu.

Yu Feiyi smacked his mouth and thought to himself.