

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 260

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 260

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

260. You are crazy, Dong Qingxue! 1

Huge conference hall.

Black Quartz long table by Ming Ke Jianren.

On the table are neatly a dozen large-brimmed hats with dark blue embroidered dress cap badges, and in front of each brimmed hat sits a well-mannered middle-aged man and woman.

The collar flowers and cuffs of their military uniforms are decorated with patterns of oak leaves and cinnamon branches, following the ancient military traditions before the first year of martial arts, and they are symbols of status and power.

A skinny man who was a little younger and had a few fewer stars on his epaulette stood in front of a magnified map, and was introducing the situation in several war zones to the military leaders in the room.

"The riot in the cracks in Cave 2 is a bit serious this time. More than thirteen gaps have been lost. Although the general star was sent to suppress it at the first time, it still inevitably caused some effects…

According to the current form, within seven days, the riot can be completely suppressed.."

An old man in military uniform who looked in his sixties, with a high hairline and a majestic appearance said, "How about the casualties, have you counted them?"

The reporter replied honestly: "So far, the casualties of ordinary soldiers have totaled more than 15,200 people, and the casualties of non-commissioned soldiers have reached 320 casualties. Eight people, one eighth-level general…"

"Eighth-level generals have also fallen?!"

The old man in military uniform frowned.

The reporter hurriedly explained: "When the turmoil occurred in the No. 2 burrow, the fallen eighth-level general was in the deeper part of the burrow, and he couldn't retreat…"

"Which eighth-level general is it?"

"Zheng Weiyi, who was ranked twenty-eighth on the star list before."

The old man in the military uniform nodded and said slowly: "The funeral will be held according to the specifications. Let me know the specific time, and I will be there when the time comes."


"Let's talk about other things, how is the new crack in the burrow?"

The reporter lightly pressed the remote control in his hand, and the map on the huge projection screen was changed.

The military bosses sitting at the long table of the conference all looked up.

"Judging from the current situation, this newly-appeared burrow crack is rated between double-a and triple-a, and it is unlikely to reach s-level…"

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of the people at the long table of the conference were all relaxed, and even the expression of the old man in the military uniform in the center softened a lot.

"As long as it's not S-class, it's okay to say."

The old man in the military uniform stretched out his hand and tapped on the smooth tabletop, and sighed softly, "Our eastern theater's defense line has almost reached its limit, and there will be one or two more S-level burrows…"

The old man didn't continue to talk, and there was no need to talk, everyone on the table knew it.

The reporter continued: "…But since most of the high-end combat power of the star is concentrated in a few double-S-level burrows, the defense line outside this newly-appeared burrow was tight for many sections, especially…"

The reporter marked several red circle key signs on the defense line map, and said solemnly: "These positions are on the verge of collapse at any time. If no more support is sent, the situation will not be optimistic."

The old man in the military uniform stared at the line of defense in front of him and said, "How much power can we deploy at present?"

The reporter shook his head: "Very few, and even if it is ordered now, it will not arrive until tomorrow at the earliest."

"Then plug the most important gap first…"

The old man in military uniform looked around and finally landed on a red circle.

"Priority to reinforcement point A."

"Military seat, the location of point B is equally important."

Someone spoke at the long table.

The old man in military uniform said lightly, "I know."

The line of defense is very intuitive, and the red circles marked A and B are the most obvious.

Both points are similar to pocket pockets on the defensive line and are of equal importance.

"The area after point B is far away from the residential area, and the middle ground is wide. Even if the defense line collapses, it can be slowly cleared and closed in the future.

Point A is different, once point A is broken, alien beasts may invade Uehara City, which is closest to the front line within half a month…"

Many people nodded in agreement, and the person who had questioned before stopped talking.

"Since there is no problem, let's follow this plan."

The old man in the military uniform thought for a while and said, "Which division is guarding point A?"

"The 1058 Division, the division leader, Major General Sun Zhe."

"Then tell Sun Zhe, even if the battle reaches one soldier and one soldier, he will defend his line of defense for me.

The people in the remaining positions have selective defense, and if necessary, they can abandon the formation and evacuate, and transfer to point A. "


The old man in military uniform waved his hand and said lightly, "The meeting is dismissed."


"Have to wait, two days after another, God knows how many days it will take…"

Yu Feiyi let out a sigh of turbidity, walked into the trench, stood beside Lu Sheng and said helplessly.

Yu Feiyi just came out of the office after answering the phone.

Lu Sheng sat on a broken cement board, grasping the gun in one hand and carefully wiping it with a weapon cloth in the other.

"Have other fronts in the military region been tight recently? Can't even send reinforcements to the newly emerging burrow crack defense line?"

Lu Sheng replied casually, a pair of thick sword brows slightly wrinkled.

When he was cleaning the gun, he found that there were many gaps and scratches on the gun body, and when he penetrated his mental power, he detected several broken marks.

After all, it's only a quasi-level seven, not a serious level seven.

After several days of fierce battles, more than half of the durability has been lost.

I have to change the gun, at least I have to change the real seven-level gun body.

"The reinforcements have never been interrupted, what is lacking is the high-end combat power of the star.

You know how terrifying the seventh-level alien beasts are, not ordinary warriors…"

Yu Feiyi shook his head suddenly, halfway through his words, and changed his words: "No, you don't know."

Lu Sheng is simply a pervert.

It has been almost five days in a row, and every day, they have been attacking at night, wandering between various fronts.

Go out clean at dusk, and come back with a thick bloody aura at dawn.

So far, even after taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, there is still a trace of blood lingering on his body.

It's like a veteran who has been on the battlefield for four or five years.

But he had only been on the battlefield for less than a week.

God knows how many alien beasts have been killed to cause such an effect.

Yu Feiyi was not surprised by Lu Sheng's strength, but by his physical strength.

Lu Sheng's physical strength seems to be endless. He takes less than two hours of rest every day, but he is still alive and well, and he does not show any signs of fatigue.

It really is a messed up dragon.

"I'm ready to go, Master."

Lu Sheng stood up after wiping the gun, and the blades of the endless knife wheel scattered all over the ground flew around him like butterflies, quietly surrounding him.

Yu Feiyi's eyes were slightly complicated, and he nodded: "Be careful, contact me anytime if you have anything."



Lu Sheng tapped on the wireless communication headset in the auricle, indicating that he understood.

He stood on a high ground in the trenches, holding the red crystal dragon pattern, and stretched his body.

Many people cast their gazes involuntarily.

All full of awe, reverence, admiration. . . .

After five days, Lu Sheng has completely won the respect of the soldiers of the entire 1182 division.

In a sense, at this time, Lu Sheng's status in their minds is even better than that of the teacher Yu Feiyi.

Lu Sheng is like a needle of Ding Hai Shen, as long as he appears on the battlefield, the morale of the entire battle group can immediately skyrocket.

However, Yu Feiyi's defense line has fewer and fewer alien beasts, and rarely sees the seventh-level alien beast again.

Occasionally, Yu Feiyi can easily solve it himself.

According to Yu Feiyi's words, it has almost entered the plateau, and wait for another seven or eight days. When it is completely stabilized, a defensive base can be built and ready to evacuate.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Sheng has been at ease and boldly strolling around recently.


"Go west today…"

The alloy boots under Lu Sheng's feet lightly stepped on the concrete pavement and calmly locked his direction.

In the past few days, he has been running towards the eastern frontier defense line, making shots from time to time, and he is almost familiar with the several divisions of the eastern frontier defense line.

As soon as he appeared on the battle group over there, the red crystal dragon pattern flew out, and the soldiers below immediately burst into cheers, and the prestige was higher than their division commander…

"In a world where force is supreme, individual heroism is more advocated."

Lu Sheng thought to himself and was about to leave.

Suddenly I noticed a familiar figure.

A woman in a battle suit walks on the battlefield, manipulating the six-edged thorns around her to continuously harvest the lives of sporadic beasts.


Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he subconsciously touched the two dense silver pendants in his pocket.

"never mind…"

Lu Sheng felt that after this meeting, Dong Qingxue's attitude towards him was a little indifferent, and he didn't know if it was because he was starting to have a higher status than her.

Just don't bother, let her do it herself.

Lu Sheng's eyes fell on Qin Shaojun, who was sitting in the trench drinking water and resting, and rushed over in a flash.

"Instructor Qin…"

Lu Sheng handed two dense silver pendants to Qin Shaojun, and said casually: "I made a little gift this time, I forgot to give it to you before. Please help me bring it to Instructor Dong…"

Qin Shaojun subconsciously took the dense silver pendant handed over by Lu Sheng, and before he could react, Lu Sheng patted him on the shoulder and disappeared with a "huh".


Qin Shaojun looked in the direction that Lu Sheng was leaving, and blinked, somewhat surprised.

"It's still done by hand, it's hearty enough…"

He was about to turn around and take a good look at the things in his hands, when suddenly…


Another figure appeared in front of him.

"Give it to me, take it!"

Dong Qingxue snatched the secret silver pendant from Qin Shaojun's hand, dropped a word coldly, and turned away.

Qin Shaojun was stunned.

The next second blurted out.

"You are crazy! Dong Qingxue…"