
Little Fiancee

"Go back to your room beauty, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, you don't want this, then it fine go and catch your beauty sleep while I deal with the rest hmm" Vladimir said to her. She blink once then twice before climbing up the stairs leaving the crowds of people who are there for her engagement in total confusion. The reporters began taking pictures ready for a hot topic for tomorrow news. He pull open his first two button and said to James his PA. "Make sure no one leaves here with a picture of what happen"

Cassie_Berry_9014 · วัยรุ่น
41 Chs

Weird dream

Mrs Shanks ran into the hospital seeking the nurse at the receptionist .

"Where's my daughter where's Ivanie??"

Mrs Shanks asked panicking, she was called by the school that ivanie was sent to the hospital.

"Um ma'am please sign a..."

"Vlad??" Mrs Shanks call as soon as she sighted him in the lobby.

She ran towards him almost tripping on her slip on.

"Mrs Shanks??" Vlad look behind her not seeing Mr Shanks.

"Where's Ivanie, where's my daughter please tell me she's fine" she pulled on Vlad mudded cloth while looking past him.

"She's being treated, nothing is confirm yet" Vlad replied.

Mrs Shanks rubbed her palm together feeling out of breath like she couldn't breathe, Vlad noticed this and grab hold of her in a rush.

"What wrong?" Vlad asked.

"She's asthmatic, get a inhaler quick" a nurse walking by said rushing to handle the situation, the other nurse who was around rush to get a inhaler from the pharmacy and back.

Mrs shanks was attended to in time before things got out of hand.

She was pulled back to rest her back on the bench in the waiting area.

"She would be fine just make sure to keep a eye on her" The nurse told Vlad handing the inhaler to him before walking away.

Vlad sigh, he is handling too much in one day, how come Mr Shanks isn't available after is daughter has been admitted.


The school bus drove back to town dropping every student at the school gate while their parents or chauffeur came to pick them up.

Jace drove Jaennie home his driver dropping her at the location she mentioned.

She got down the car and turn to look at Jace whose mind was blankly staring ahead.

"Ivanie" Jaennie said, Jace turned sharply to look at her his brow raising in question.

"She would be fine don't worry okay" Jaennie tried reassuring him not knowing what else to say, he has been looking depressed the entire morning.

Jace smiled at her and nodded.

"Go home now, you should also rest and not get yourself worked up" Jaennie nodded.

The driver start the engine again and drove Jace home.


Ivanie woke up her eyes blinking unsteadily trying to adjust to the room bright light.

She sigh looking around the place, her head swinging back and forth due tomorrow a massive head of moving her head.

Ivanie laid back on the bed not sure if it was okay to move.


The door strung open and some she recognized as her mom made her way in.

"Mom?" Ivanie called her voice scratchy.

Mrs shanks look up to see her lovely daughter looking at her, she rushed up to her.

"Ivanie dear oh God, you are awake ohhh my child" Mrs Shanks sigh in relieve pulling Ivanie intruding strand of hair away from her face.

"What happened? I....I..... Can't recall well" Ivanie said.

"You were found at the bottom of a cliff, the doctor said your fall was badly and you probably won't wake up anytime soon, but thank God I can't express how happy I am to see you awake." Mrs shanks said.

The doctor came in to see Ivanie awake, he was quick to do a double check up on Ivanie to be sure there was no issues.

"Is she fine now doctor?" Mrs shanks asked.

"Of course just a little sprain but it all well, she would heal within a few weeks if her medications are taken properly and regularly so don't worry too much and look into your health also Mrs Shanks "

The doctor excused himself and Ivanie turn to look at her mom.

"What wrong mom were you hurt?" Ivanie asked worriedly.

Mrs Shanks smiled trying to dissuade the question.

"Am okay dear nothing to worry about, you should be concer about yourself, how could you not be careful look at yourself " Mrs shanks said scolding her.

Ivanie look down to see her leg wrapped in a blue POP which was nothing but a dirt to her beauty, how was she going to go to school looking like that.

"I hope I would be able to walk in this?" Ivanie said asking no one in particular but her mother did her the honors of replying.

"Of course not you'd be taking your medications at home while letting your leg heal.

"What are you talking about am sure it not that serious I can stand in it" Ivanie said getting up her feet before her mother protested.

"What are you doing you....." Ivanie leg sway almost falling face first to the floor.

Before she could land on her face and injure her sprained leg some more, she was pulled off her feet and carried like a princess into a very strong arm which wrapped her against him like she was a new born.

Her eyes was widely open looking at Vlad who brought her back to the bed and tuck her in.

"You shouldn't be moving around unless you plan on spending an entire here in this ward" Vlad told her.

Ivanie blinked once and twice speechless at his nonchalant way of carrying her like she weighs nothing, why wasn't she offended by his sudden intrusiveness.

"I would go get some few drugs the doctor prescribe earlier" Mrs Shanks said.

"No let me get it" Vlad offer but Mrs Shanks wasn't having it because the next minute she shook her head vigorously.

"No I should get it I have other things to get on my way" Mrs shanks said.

Ivanie was looking at Vlad as soon as her mother stepped out. Vlad turn to her and said.

"Why didn't you inform me you weren't familiar with the way, I could have dropped you off" Vlad said trying not to look angry he knew how much he boiling inside.

"I thought I was familiar with it, I didn't know it was very confusing" Ivanie said.

Then you should have gone back to the greenhouse instead why must you be stubborn and do silly things everytime" Vlad said.

Ivanie bite her lips getting annoyed at his continuous scolding.

"Why are you getting mad?" Ivanie asked pouting as she received scolding from Vlad for the first time.

Vlad rein back his annoyance and told her.

"Do you know how worried everyone was, am be quiet but you won't be let off the hook easily" Vlad told her.

Ivanie smiled and noticed how tired Vlad was looking.

"Vlad? Why do you look so worn out haven't you slept for days?" Ivanie ask seeing how his shoulder were dropping.

"Of course not, am just hungry" he told her adjusting her duvet again, he rested his hands on the bed puting her in-between him.

Ivanie was able to get a clear view of his tired face.



"I had a weird dream" she told him and he nodded a go ahead to her.

"In my dream we were at a very sad place, I don't know why it looked sad but everyone was mourning and was dressed in black. I looked little and was carried in your arms but why were you there? You look younger too, the boy looked like you." Ivanie said.

Vlad face was plain neutral he said nothing.

"He did?" Vlad said urging her to continue.

" Hmm hmm you were sad, very sad and you had me in your arms asleep but I don't remember who we were there for. But your eyes were red very red" Ivanie said.

"It was strange I have never met you before until now, why does the dream look so real, the weirdest of them all was this strange unfamiliar voice but yet it sounded familiar. He kept calling me his little koala but his face........ Ivanie closed her eyes trying to recall but her memory seem foggy. I can't recall how he looks" Ivanie said looking into space.

She looked serious her face twisted in a frown and Vlad stare right at her looking as her face contour in concentration and confusion.