
Little Fiancee

"Go back to your room beauty, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, you don't want this, then it fine go and catch your beauty sleep while I deal with the rest hmm" Vladimir said to her. She blink once then twice before climbing up the stairs leaving the crowds of people who are there for her engagement in total confusion. The reporters began taking pictures ready for a hot topic for tomorrow news. He pull open his first two button and said to James his PA. "Make sure no one leaves here with a picture of what happen"

Cassie_Berry_9014 · Teen
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

What would happen now

The rain pour the day darken Vlad checked his watch as he listen in on the conversation he was having with his client.

"I am sure the moisturizer needs a little....."

Heavy knocks came on the door of Mr Federico mansion, the old man who was just making his way down the stairs signal for James to stay still while he go get the door.

Opening his front door he was met with a set of worried faces looking at him.

"What wrong why are you all here so late?" Mr Federico was saying.

"Is Mr Vlad home?" Jace asked not stopping to hear the rest of Mr Federico sentence.

"Vlad?" Mr Federico asked, and they nodded.

Vlad turn away from his laptop hearing his name, even James who was answering a call from the corner turned sharply.

Soon Jace, Malachi, Britney and Jaennie walked in, Vlad ended his call so as James.

"What wrong?"

"Is Ivanie here with you?" Britney asked looking around.

"Ivanie?" Vlad asked suddenly getting up his feet. She isn't home yet?"

Britney shook her head.

"She was supposed to be home like five hours ago?" Vlad said.

Britney heart dropped hearing that, Jace paced around rubbing his temple, while Malachi sigh worriedly looking down.

"I had important meetings to attend to so she told me she could get back herself " Vlad murmured.

Mr Federico walk up to them.

"There's a possibility she still at the green house or might have lost her way in the woods, we should go search for her. Mr Federico said.

Vlad took his phone on the couch hurriedly and James followed both running out.

"Go back to the hostel and inform the instructors what happened, tell them to get a search team ready" Mr Federico told the girls.

Britney looked scared and devastated, Jaennie only nodded, they both turn to leave, Malachi patted her head saying.

"Hey we would find her" Britney nodded blinking rapidly.

Come with me boys, Mr Federico said after collecting the torch his wife handed him with a raincoat.

He handed them the raincoat and torch going out on a search with Malachi and Jace, while Britney and Jaennie ran back to the Hostel to inform the instructors.




Vlad ran back to the greenhouse to find it empty, the security man who was in charge walk up to Vlad.

"Have you seen the girl I was with earlier?" Vlad said blinking away the rain water that was now drizzling into his eyes.

"Ah yes, she left right after you, what happened isn't she back yet?"

"Shit!!" Vlad mutter and walk pass the security man soon breaking into a run.

"Sir??" The security man called watching as he ran.

"What's going on what has gotten into him?" The security man murmured.

James ran towards the guards man and the man was quick to say.

"I have told the young man..." He was saying.

"Can I get a torch and a rain coat please" James said.



Vlad ran around the thick woods his cloth drench in rain his hair covering his eyes as he ran.

'Goodness this is all my fault I shouldn't have left you on your own' Vlad thought his mind a mess.

He stopped calling out her name.

"Ivanie?? Ivanie?" He look around squinting his eyes to see the rain which was not clear enough because of lack of moon.

James ran up to him and said.

"Sir Vlad we can't find her like this it would take all night, it dark," James said.

Vlad took out his phone to make a call but it was lovely on battery.

"Shit!!" He slam his phone against a tree angrily.

James handed Vlad his phone without saying a word.

Vlad was quick to call a rescue team.

"We are sorry sir but the storm is too strong to fly a helicopter over....."

"Damn it I want to see an Helicopter in the next twenty minutes or else I would make sure you all loose your jobs and you won't be able to get another" Vlad said seethingly.

Vlad turned and walk away.




The locals flooded the woods searching along with the instructors and a few male students.



Malachi and Jace went along with Mr Federico searching around the woods, the old man look around pointing his torch to every direction they went.


The night flowed away and the day brightened the rain was soon to stop only a drizzle fell.

Vlad walk around all worked up his breathing came in pants and his leg swollen in his shoes.

He got to top of the cliff tired it was a dead end and he only needed to take a turn, Vlad turn taking a left he walked down a bit. All of a sudden he came to a stop almost tripping on a damp jacket.

Vlad bend to pick it recognizing the familiar clothe, it was his he gave it to Ivanie yesterday.

Vlad turn looking around, Ivanie must be close by be thought turning to search for her his blood pumping fastly.

"Ivanie?? Ivanie"

Vlad close to the cliff hoping to catch a sign of her, but there was nothing but the echo of his voice.

"Ivan... Vlad walk forward

his eyes scanned below the cliff, he step back looking down at the stream, as he was about giving up his eyes caught sight of a hand peeking out from under a shade of rocks covered in tiny scratches.

Vlad saw the bracelet Ivanie had wore yesterday on the person wrist.

"Ivanie" his voice came out low, he bend a little to get a better view of who was down there.


Vlad voiced out loud seeing as she was motionless.

Up in the sky sounds of helicopter flew across, Vlad look up seeing this he shouted out.

"Stop the damn helicopter stop over here"

The sound coming from the helicopter was too loud they couldn't hear him.

"Damnit!!" Vlad mutter low annoyed, he turn on the GPS on James phone and threw it to the ground. He turn the other way around and find his way down below.


James handed them Vlad phone after having it powered by a power bank, the rescue team got ready to start the search suiting up.

They connected Vlad phone to their system searching the signal in the area.

"I can't get a connection in the area the signal is poor" one of the rescue team said.

The leader lips curled, with them was Mr Federico, Malachi, Jace and James, the instructor and the teachers in charge of the outing.

"I received a signal sir, it pointing to the south" the operator said, soon the got on their way searching.


Vlad got to the bottom of the cliff and indeed it was Ivanie, passed out. Her skin was chalky white, he got close to her touching her pulse, her breathing was low but he was thankful she was still alive.

'This all your fault Vlad, if only you didn't listen to her. She could have died, she could have been drowned by the rain'

Vlad pulled her from where she laid. Her clothes all soaked dripping with water her skin folding from being soaked in the water for too long.

The forehead sustaining a injury which was no longer bleeding but was rather swollen due to the contact of water continuously.

Vlad took her palm into his and tried warming them up by blowing his hot breathe on it, he was cold himself, soaked in the rain all night.

He can't compare his pain to Ivanie she was in the rain through out the entire night, she must have slipped off the hill and had a lot of fractures and scratch.

He could see the line of it on her Palm and hand.

Ivanie laid stiffly in Vlad's arms he look down at her wondering how he was going to bring her to the top, he is short of hand.

Ivanie lips were moisturize with dryness.

As Vlad was about gathering Ivanie in his arms he heard his name.

"Sir Vlad??"

James called from above, he look down to see Vlad raised head and in his arms was Ivanie.

"Oh Goodness!" James exclaimed.

"We will get you both out of there" the team leader said, soon enough there began their work taking Ivanie out first before Vlad.


The students were all outside the hostel praying silent that all was well.

Britney was the most scared, blaming her self for what had happened.

"It all my fault if I had let her be and not forced her to be here maybe..... She hiccuped.... Maybe Ivanie wouldn't have gotten into trouble, she would be at home having a nice day" Britney said almost in tears.

Malachi took her into a hug Patting her back to ease her devastation.

"Nothing is predictable Britney, nothing good comes out of blaming your self just be positive Ivanie would be fine."

Jace spaced out sorting out his own troubled mind.

'it was my fault too, if I hadn't scolded her back then, maybe she wouldn't have made plans to go to the greenhouse " Jace thought.

Jaennie place her palm on his arms looking up at him, he is quite taller than her.

"Don't be guilty you did nothing wrong, It just happened that Ivanie went missing nothing is certain yet" Jaennie told him.

A student ran into the hostel. His step quick looking like he was about to spill some top News.

"Guys Ivanie has been found, she....."

He hadn't finish his sentence when Jace, Malachi, Britney and Jaennie went bolting out followed by the rest of the students.

They came out the gate to see the rescue team carrying a stretcher where Ivanie was clipped in.

She was covered up in a thick duvet with a oxygen being delivered to her by the rescue team. They hurriedly took her to the helicopter ready to take off to the nearest hospital in town.

Vlad got in with them but James stayed behind.

Britney began to cry her tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What going on?" She asked the rest who were still in a state of shock.

"Let go back home I want to see Ivanie " Britney wailed going in to start packing her things.

"We can't Britney Ivan has been rushed to the hospital not taken home", Jaennie told her.

"Will she be fine?" Britney asked.

Jace swallowed not sure how to respond to that, he is panicking himself.