
Limitless Wave

Life has always been rough for Darius his life will take an unprecedented turn when he will experience many things first hand, going against the high chances of failure in the challenges he will face

LinearDestiny · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


One hour earlier than Darius' arrest.

The three guys walked in sync in the middle of the road, cars quickly came to a halt, their drivers mashing their horns at these people's idiocy.

"Alright boys you know what to do" said a the fedora wearing man.

They began running towards the stopped traffic, the bodies of the two guys lit in a white hue, while the fedora wearing man lit in a purple hue instead, running at the speed of a car, they kept running within the rows of traffic till they jumped up in the air arching all 3 towards the same spot.

A truck.

Inside two police cars near the truck, the officers quickly tried to get out of their cars, but the cars were locked and wouldn't unlock, They tried to break the car doors but the vehicle's shields were activated not letting them physically harm them, essentially being stuck they could only radio to other police officers.

Screeching and clanging noises of all the broken parts of the truck flew everywhere bouncing against the cars near it this loud noise left people's ears ringing.

The three quickly began rummaging through the truck remains, while other people exited their cars to get a better view, some shocked confused.

One man wearing a military uniform, stepped out of his car, a vein popped on his forehead "Fucking hell why can't i just go to work in peace"

His body glowed in a blue hue, he quickly gained speed, only to stop himself in front of the destroyed truck. He looked at the three white mask wearing guys, "So it's you losers who decided to ruin my morning, huh? "

The burly man looked towards him following up with "The fuck you want, get lost before i kill you" he cracked his fingers walking towards him.

The fedora man ignored him, as he rummaged through the debris to then find a silver suitcase he picked it up and said "Found it, cut loose"

"It's your lucky day" said the brawny guy before turning around.

The brawny guy and baggy clothed guy enveloped themselves in white glows along their bodies. White the fedora wearing man glowed in purple.

The three of them ran in three different directions.

"Not on my watch" said the military guy he ran after the baggy clothed guy, he was able to quickly catch up.


As he pulled him from his clothes, ripping them as he fell to the floor, he slid across it only to crash on a stationary car, his brain tissues littering the floor, a bloody mess, traumatizing the people within their vehicles.

"The fuck, how are you this weak, Tsk" as he looked at the remains of clothes on the ground and that mangled mess of flesh, he looked down on his boots now stained with blood. "For fuck sake i just shined them this morning".

The burly guy turned around hearing the previous noise only to find the military guy, quickly gaining ground on him, He tried his best to weave through the traffic, loosing him in the pack of cars. After a while he couldn't see him anymore. He turned his head to look behind him he was no longer being followed "Easy" he thought to himself.

He turned his head to look forward only to cringe.

He quickly came to a halt.

"It's not your lucky day, tho" said the military man. Putting himself in a combat stance, his bent knees made his clothes bulge. He gestured at the burly guy with his hand in a hook motion.

The burly's guy body shone in white stronger than ever as he swung his fist towards the military man's face.

The military man's face and neck glowed in a faint blue hue. He didn't dodge he let the punch land directly in his face.

The burly guy smiled he thought "this idiot was so confident yet couldn't even dodge this" only to discover that the military guy didn't move.

The burly man did a double take backwards dumb founded. Only to discover a devilish smile previously hiding under his big fist.

"Let me give you a taste of a real punch" He walked forward with no glow on his body this time, as he precicely punched his opponents in the body.


The burly guy, woobled and fell to the floor disoriented he tried to get up, but couldn't coordinate.

The military man climbed on top of a car, when he looked far out he could see a purple blur weaving through traffic, then slowing down. It disappeared the fedora wearing man got inside a car on the side of the street, it melded along the traffic.

He turned around to look at the guy on the floor, who was almost out of it. He shrugged as he looked at him

"Well, you need to come with me to the popo"

Just as he was about to pick him up from the sky fell two power armors, with a POLICE stamped on their chest.

"BACK UP NOW, LAY ON THE GROUND AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK" said one of the policemen keeping his distance. Both police officers held a martial stance facing the military guy.

The military guy complied, he knew that not complying would only bring him further trouble.

Not much later when he was in cuffs a squad car came to pick him and the other guy up.

One hour later the military wearing uniform sat in the jail cell as the police just wouldn't even listen to him "I guess it's part of their proceedure, well the central AI should sort this out without much trouble".

He looked at the cell in front of his, he noticed a kid looking at the roof laying on the floor.

As he looked more closely he could see a gray stains on the floor besides the guys head.

"Wassup kid why u in here?"

Ignored he kept asking

" Ground to ground, do you read?"


"Shut up will you! Arghh!" he said while still laying on the floor.

"You want to know why? It's because i got betrayed. now shut up"

"Betrayed, huh? That sucks, how old are you?"

"Am i in the interrogation room? shut up will ya"

" Well thing is you look young i might be able to help you out"

"yeah sure get me out of this jail cell, then maybe i might answer you"

"Mhh~, Hey did you ever wanted to be in the military?"

"What a silly question who wouldn't in this day and age?" Said Darius.

"Hell im here because i tried to increase my chance of getting in, but now there's no longer any chance of that ever happening."

He stood up "why are you in instead?"

Now that he looked at him he saw that he was wearing a military uniform

"Hey did you get in because you cosplayed and acted like the real deal or something?"

"Nah i got in because i did something worse than what I'am about to do to these bars to somebody also taking into count that I'm not going to be trialed anyways" His body glowed with a blue hue as he put his hands on the bars he bent them enough for him to walk out of his cell.

"Whaat? You, You are an enhancer?" Said Darius.

He sat in front of him "As you can see this is my rank" he pointed at a ball over his right side of the chest with the words SC on it" my current assignment is recruiting 'talent' or maybe i should say losers who would otherwise add no value to society"

And this badge is my name he pointed at the left side of his chest.