
Limitless Wave

Life has always been rough for Darius his life will take an unprecedented turn when he will experience many things first hand, going against the high chances of failure in the challenges he will face

LinearDestiny · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Four guys were in an alleyway, one of them wearing baggy clothes peeking out in the street watching people go by, he looked at a car specifically making it's way through the traffic, he glanced down at his wrist "Quick, we have only another minute before they pass by here!" He looked up again the car parked on the side of the road.

Another guy inside the alley sat on his butt his face had a blueish hue to it, this tint also bounced on his backpack besides him, he held a tablet and kept typing without pause connected to it a cable reaching down into a manhole "Im already on it" he said in a anxious tone.

"Argh come on man hurry" said a big guy wearing a suit that outlined his strong looking physique.

"Almost there" he answered.

"Let the kid do his thing boys." A man with a fedora on his head sitting with his legs crossed said.

The big guy grunted and walked up besides the guy monitoring the situation outside the alleyway "This better work we've worked for too many months now for it to not pay off".

"Shhh" answered then looked at the kid holding the tablet "You meant, he worked for many months, right?" The two looked at each other no words were said, they smiled.

"Done" he said, he detached the tablet from the cable and began closing the manhole with it's cover. The man sitting stood up "Aight boys, time to roll".

The two at the front of the alleyway walked back towards the sitting man, while the guy wearing baggy clothes began to rummage through his pockets he pulled out 3 masks handing one to the big guy one to the guy who just stood and putting the last one on his face.

"Where's mine?" the guy said while stuffing his tablet in his backpack.

"There is none for you, pal, but worry not since you can't dirty your hands, we will." said the man hiding his eyes under his fedora.

"Wait, what? White masks!"

He stumbled backwards on the floor.

"You, You! You guys are part of the new mafia group everybody's talking about in the colony!"

The burly man said "Oh you know us?" he got closer and his fist shined lighting the alleyway, as it came down on it's opponent's face.

"Aaaaahhhh" he put himself in a fetal position, trying his best to cover his head.

Darkness befell the alley once more, just as another shine lit the surroundings.

The man wearing a fedora caught the shining fist in his palm unfazed he said "Alright, let the kid go, he already got what he deserved for calling us criminals."

"Tsk, but he still saw our faces" the burly man shook his shoulder

"Do you think the authorities will believe whatever he's saying without an implant?"

The burly man shrugged and grunted.

The man wearing a fedora began to walk towards the exit of the alley leading the other two behind him "No, hard feelings pal, it's just business" he said as he left the alley.

Left on the floor he screamed at the top of his lungs looking at the empty sky outside of this living habitat there was nothing to see but the dark swell of space, adorned by a few white dots here and there.

"Argh, fuu~.." he slowly got up spitting blood on the floor as the adrenaline's effects stopped his cracked lip and his left cheek began burning.

He kicked his rucksack "Dammit, if i just had an implant".

He walked out of the alley with small steps, unbeknownst to all of them a man from few floors above the floor had watched the whole scene unfold. "This will fetch some good money" he said to himself.

He walked to the train station he rummaged through his rucksack to pull out a badge:

A logo on the middle of the top of the card with the CTS initials under it a picture

[Name:Darius Last Name:Blake ]

In the displays under the doors the usual annoying animated AI windows began to blabber "Thank you for riding with us." while making also gestures.

People in the cab along with him began, making furtive glances at him, his lip was still bleeding, that made many people wonder what happened to him to get into a fight. he pulled a shirt out of his backpack and put on his mouth, but part of his clothes were already stained by now.

The train left the station levitating making very little noise.

From the nicer looking building as the train got closer to the end of the line, stop after stop, the buildings switched from being skyscrapers with big gardens and green parks, as the scenery to a very dense urban environment with nothing but apartment buildings.

Looking at the changing scenery Darius sighed. He always dreamed of a better life but he knew his wish was a naive one, climbing the social ladder was a privilege, only for those with an implant and knew how to use it to achieve those supernatural feats . "From the moment I have been born my life was already ruined" he sighed once more.

"Next stop, Bright residential area. Next stop Bright residential area." said an AI animated in the few displays present in the cabin.

"Thank you for ridin..."

He walked towards his apartment building, in front of it as usual there was a police car parked, but oddly this time there were no policeman in it.

He got in front of a camera behind the main door pointed towards outside, the door slid open. He took an elevator to the 32nd floor, he walked out and walked along the long alleyway took a right turn and things quickly got hairy.

The police was standing in front of his house's door talking with his mother!

He knew that if he ran that would incriminate him instantly, not like he had anywhere to run to anyways. As he walked down the alleyway his face began blushing and sweat started to stain his already blood stained clothes.

As his mother saw him down the corridor she shouted "Darius, come here"

He got closer "Ahh, shut it, you old hag".

"Say what? You ungrateful piece of shit! What have you done? Look at your face bruised up"

"Ma'am is this your son? We need to bring him with us for an ongoing investigation"

"Take him, i don't want to have anything to do with this scum"

"You call me, scum? Look at you old hag, projecting your addiction's insecurities on me. Fine you don't want to see me any longer fine i renege my family bond with you. "

"Sir, please calm down"

"Fuck you little shit you were never grateful, disappear from my sight,NOW,GO LEAVE!" she screamed at the top of her lungs before her legs gave way and she fell to the floor weeping.

Darius turned around and walked away with one agent while the other agent offered help to the woman laying on the floor.

Walking out of the apartment building, he turned to glance at it one last time, he turned around spat on the ground.

"Please drop your bag on the ground, turn around and put your hands behind your back" He complied with the officer's orders.

Handcuffed as he walked to the squad car the cop opened the backseat door, but he didn't step in right away. "So this is it, huh? What a shitty way to end up rotting in prison." The officer pushed his head down and forced him to sit inside the squad car. He then slammed the door and sat in the driver seat and drove away.

In the mean time the other officer, walked out of the apartment building looking around he couldn't find the squad car.