
Limitless: The Evergreen System

The event known as "The Quake" changed the world forever. Rifts, inter-dimensional gateways, opened and let loose magic upon the Earth. Soon followed monsters, mutated animals and fantasy beasts! People imbued with magic, wielding powers akin to mythical heroes, rose up to fight back the stream of horrors, creating a new world order in the process. Many years later, a young man named Alberto Ferantelli will stumble upon an ancient and powerful artifact that could be tied to the origin of the Quake. Now connected to a cosmic force, Alberto has been given a System that allows him to "Level Up" and constantly become stronger! He has the power to become anything, choose any path. What will he do with all the power in the world? What will he become? The possibilities are Limitless!

IP2 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Welcome to the Jungle (Part 2)

Berto took a breath and winced in pain after touching the gash on his ribs. He did not remain idle however. After receiving a reminder that his 8 hours of Safe Rest had begun, he quickly dragged the Hunter's body inside along with his collected supplies. He opened a small hole in the cave's soft roof with the halberd before starting a fire, so the smoke wouldn't get trapped in the cave. The warmth and light of his campfire was all he required before getting to work.

He used some leathers to patch up his wound after he had cleaned it with water, that he had first boiled in a ceramic pot the forager had left behind. Next, he crafted a wooden barricade with sharp protruding stakes and placed it at the entrance of his shelter. When he was satisfied he turned to his kills. Using his Harvest skill, he managed to extract two Monster Hearts from each one and the Skill's level raised by one, reaching Lv.4. He took the Hunter's bone and hide armor, re-purposing what pieces of it he could. He ended up with a primitive looking bone breastplate and a pair of shin guards, as the creature's former bracers were too large for his own hands.

He also turned the halberd's stone head into a hand-axe as he found it would be useful as a tool and a weapon if need be. Lastly, after dumping the dead Lizardmen in the pond outside, he turned his attention to the half harvested boar. The meat would be useful sure but Berto decided to take a closer look just in case it had more to offer and was very glad he did. Other than its ample tough skin, this creature had one additional gift to bestow to the fortunate adventurer. Next to it lay a small clay bowl, in which the forager had placed the heart of the dead beast. Berto's passive Appraisal skill became more potent as he leveled up and could now display basic information about things he concentrated on.

Mariah: "Blessed Heart of Mandragore" This beast was blessed by the God of the Wilds, Mandragore, giving it size and strength beyond its normal capabilities. Consuming its heart raw while giving praise to the god of beasts and wilderness will tranfer the blessing to you!

Berto winced at the idea but was also intrigued. "Mandragore the god of beasts? I've never heard of him before.. there are actual gods out there? Mariah, like actual deities?!".

Mariah: We can confirm this. However, your Level is too low for the collective to impart further information on this subject to you.

The young man frowned but in part understood. Gods.. actual gods like those of many legends and fantasy settings. He begrudgingly took the still warm heart in his hands and fought back a need to belch when the smell reached his nostrils. "Are we sure I can't cook this..". Mariah did not answer and Berto took it as a definite yes. "Thank you Mandragore, oh... beasty one? I give praise to you and accept this blessing.. whatever it is!" Berto chanted in a voice slightly deeper and more cartoonish than normal. He bit into the raw meat and immediately gagged because of the taste and expulsion of hot blood down his throat. He shut his eyes firmly and continued to take bite after bite while chewing voraciously, as if taken over by a sense of "wild" himself.

In his desperate attempt to be done with it, he almost bit into his own hands as the organ disappeared. He forcefully swallowed the last piece of it along with the wretch he had been holding back. The effects of whatever he had just done were not going to be this treacherous, much to his relief, as his display of animosity was enough to satisfy this deity called Mandragore.

Mandragore: The beast that I had blessed was killed and you defeated its hunters, proving yourself the superior beast. I accept your ritual sacrifice and grant you its minor blessings. You have caught my attention hatchling.. Expect to be issued Commandments by me as well through the Collective.

The deity's voice was like a collection of growling beasts and a howling wind. Berto freaked out momentarily as this was the first time he ever heard a voice inside his head other than Mariah's. He could only wonder how Evergreen Conduits didn't go mad with everything they heard in their minds.

Mariah: Congratulations User Berto! Your Vitality has increased by 2 and your Brawn by 1!

* User : Alberto Ferantelli - Level: 7 *

Available Attribute Points: 0

Available Mutation Points: 3

Health: 28/45

Mana: 4/7

Brawn: 16 (+1)

Agility: 16

Vitality: 16 (+2)

Intellect: 18

Charisma: 14

Spirit: 15

* Status update complete *

Berto smiled while wiping away blood from his mouth and washing it with water. "Wait.." he went suddenly. "I get having an unused Mutation point from leveling from level 6 to 7 but where did I get the extra 2?".

Mariah: You were awarded the extra Mutation points when you defeated the Atlas Hermit.

"And why do you only show me now!?"

Mariah: It was the most prudent course for the good of your developm..

"No no no this isn't how we're doing this! I get to decide! I won't become the Evergreen's pawn! If that's how it's going to be then I'll just sever the connection and go back to normal!"

Mariah: User Berto be reasonable.. There was a chance you would have wasted the extra mutation on "Mariner" just so you could save the drowning Champion!

"You bet you ass I would've!! And it would have been my choice to make!"

Mariah: Just so you could save a man that slew your friend and would have abandoned you to die?

"Yes!! Yes... That was the only thing that makes me feel, that.. that I was better that him.. I don't want to be a mindless drone or a power-hungry monster.. I need to be human if I am going to follow this path. And I need to be able to trust you.. can I trust you Mariah?"

Mariah: The User can always depend on the Colle..

"No.. you! Can I trust Mariah? The woman that conquered the seas of the Caribbean?"

Mariah: User Berto.. You can trust... us.. trust u.. tr*&@.. me.. You can trust..... me!

• • •

A small hunting party of three Guana made its way through an overgrown path of the rainforest. Their comrades had not returned from yesterday's hunt and they were sent to investigate. If they had perished, their bodies were to be brought back to feed the rest of the clan. Their failure would become the strength of the surviving members! The hunters didn't need to cut down the dense vegetation, they seamlessly passed through, their natural colo

ration camouflaging them from any prey or in this case.. predator.

Berto didn't need to know their exact location for he was close by. They were intelligent beings despite being primitive and they would of course have chosen to walk through the clearer path just like a human would have. He counted on that and soon his prey would reveal themselves to him.. involuntarily! The first Lizardman heard a small snap and froze in place, with the rest of its party doing the same. It took a step back to assess the possible danger but as it lifted its foot a small fiber rope was released by its weight, allowing a bent-back branch to snap forward, unleashing all its stored energy. A spike fixed at the end of the branch impacted the Lizardman's thigh and went straight through! The Guana unleashed a terrible hiss of pain and his two followers panicked, looking for danger in every direction!

Berto gauged the distance and direction, crawling closer through the thick grass and mud. The three Guana, after releasing the first hunter from the trap, moved forward. The Mariner heard their steps and took out his dagger, cutting another fiber rope once he had reached it. Two wooden stakes got fired from a ballista-like contraption! The first embedded itself deep into the middle hunter's right bicep but the second only grazed the last one's chest. They increased their speed to avoid any other attacks and payed for their folly. The leading hunter stepped on the earth ahead and it simply crumbled inward. He fell in a medium sized pit almost head first and had multiple sharp objects pierce its hard skin. The pit was narrow and the hunter, ironically, got stuck it its hurry to release itself.

The two following hunters caught up and attempted to help their pack leader. Berto was finally out of prepared tricks. Preparing this little stunt had raised his Engineering and Crafting skills to their next level. He couldn't beat these things in a straight fight, he needed to be smarter. Only his mind and his Shield Bash skill gave him an edge over the stronger beings. For now..

He rushed towards them while keeping low and slashed horizontally with his blade, cutting a deep gash in the calves of the last hunter in line. The creature buckled over in pain and thrashed about with its spear. The second Lizardman was torn between assisting not one but two helpless allies now! It decided to fight instead and caught the movement of a charging Berto, intercepting him with axe and shield in hand! The two warriors clashed and steel met bone with a crunching *KRAAANG*. Berto traded blows with the primitive warrior but soon found himself losing ground again. The creature's movements were sharper, better coordinated and it was stronger than him on top of that!

Berto however could learn as well and already had. He parried a hit with his shield, creating some space and then brought his boot down on to the Lizardman's foot with all his strength. The creature barely felt the impact but that was not the point. For just a moment the creature was pinned, just like what had happened to Berto the previous day! The hunter threw back its axe hand, ready to bring it down on the human's head when it received an powerful Shield Bash to the face, knocking it down! Berto celebrated his growth internally but was interrupted by a nasty slash to the arm! The leading hunter had managed to climb free from the pit and slashed at the young man's bicep with its spear. The strike however didn't cut as deep as one would expect from frail human flesh.

Madiah: Hit sustained, 10 points of damage received. Points deducted due to Padded Coverall Armor and Thick Skin (D) Lv.3! 6 points of damage received. 39/45 HP remaining.

Berto knocked the hunter's weapon aside with his sword and, with another Shield Bash, pushed the Lizardman back into the pit. He spun around and stabbed the immobiled Guana through the back as it was crawling away, its tendons severed after the first slash through its calves.

Mariah: Guana Hunter Lv.7 deafeated 195xp awarded! 3/30 Green Scale Clan slew.

The Mariner then dodged an axe blow from the now rising Guana, he had knocked down and stabbed it through the shoulder. He pulled out his dagger as he lost grip on his sword's bloodied handle, and delivered a killing blow to the creature's head.

Mariah: Guana Hunter Lv. 7 defeated 195xp awarded! 4/30 Green Scale Clan slew.

The young man took a few panting breaths before retrieving his blade. The final hunter had fallen head first into the pit this time and was kicking up mud and rocks with its huge foot talons, in a futile attempt to escape. Berto took pity and stabbed down, his blade passing through its neck with relative ease.

Mariah: Guana Hunter Lv. 8 deafeted 230xp awarded! 5/30 Green Scale Clan slew. 1125/1700xp to level 8. Good job, User Berto.

"Yeah.. now we're getting somewhere.." Berto said with satisfaction through his heavy panting. The man was covered in mud, blood and sweat but that didn't stop him from feeling like a winner. A warrior in the making.. He looked upon his defeated enemies, dagger in hand.. there was still work to be done.

* User : Alberto Ferantelli - Level: 7 *

Available Mutation Points: 1

Health: 39/45

Mana: 5/7

Brawn: 16

Agility: 16

Vitality: 16

Intellect: 18

Charisma: 14

Spirit: 15


1) Engineering (B) Lv.6

2) Bypass (C) Lv.1

3) Pain Mitigation (B) Lv.3

4) Insight (A) Lv.1

5) Craft (D) Lv.7

6) Tame (C) Lv.8

7) Harvest (C) Lv.5

8) Shield Bash (C) Lv.2


1) Mariner (B) Lv.2

2) Thick Skin (D) Lv.3

* Status update complete *

Thick Skin (D) Lv.3

Thick Skin (D) gives the User tougher skin that grants minor protection bonuses. You have 16% resistance to all physical damage and 8% resistance to all elemental damage. 1 Mutation Point required to raise Thick Skin's level.

I named the Guana tribe "Green Scale Clan" as an homage to NEO's "Green Piece Clan"! Has anyone else read this Litrpg Novel?

Thank you for reading Limitless! Leave a comment if you enjoy or have any suggestions. Toodles!!

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