
Limitless Fate

The jujutsu sorcerers are labeled as the laughing stock of magi due to being able to only have one innate technique spell allowed to them. Unlike the mages who could learn any spell that could fall into their affinity or origin, the jujutsu sorcerers at most could do simply neutral spells. However, his birth changed everything and the balance of power shifted.

Hans_Shonagon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 14

Martha soon revealed that there was a second Gilles de Rais as well and this one had bulging eyes and a attire that looked like he came straight out of a tentacle hentai. However, I was having more thoughts about other things regarding getting the Six Eyes to recognise other types and certain attacks. Also to potentially use the Six Eyes to reconfigure the filter in order to prevent any weird attacks. Only thing that was impossible to avoid would be anti-magecraft types. Other types should be possible to build a filter around using the analytical powers of the Six Eyes. 

Everything else could be handled and finding applications of other techniques is always fun. It's like a sugar rush. For example, while taking a break, I thought about using the principles of Falling Blossom Emotion as the basis to improve on Infinity. By using the way that the technique responds to sure-hit attacks. Using Red as a way to repel the attack by diverging the Infinity at the point where the attack reaches the convergence of Infinity. In other words, any potential attack could be met with a Red. Of course, thinking of other ways to use Jujutsu was simply a way for me to pass time and enjoy the process of it. 

It was soon time to finish off the last part of the mission. However, I would not be doing it. I left it to Fujimaru and the servants he came with. He needed to grow as to not be in the way as much. By having stronger allies, I could remove some restraints from my arsenal. 

In that time, I decided to rayshift back as the others would handle it. Maid Alter and Okita returned to their own rooms while I stayed up all night trying to learn how to make an empty barrier. Those things were useful in as many applications as an onion peel. 

I was relaxing and focusing on the empty barrier as the small hexagon shaped panels slowly came to life. I had seen it once, performed by the old coot Tengen. But trying it is much harder, but nothing is impossible for a genius like me-

"Master, your scheduled lessons on teaching a Simple Domain are due in 15 minutes." 

I completely forgot that I suggested teaching the group how to perform a Simple Domain in order to protect themselves or help dodge or avoid attacks during combat. Especially useful for different types of applications so long as you were proficient in changing the conditions of said Barrier. In fact, most jujutsu sorcerer's will be unable to change and set conditions of the simple domain. 90% of the ones who do use simple domain, at most, will be using it to neutralise a domain or reality marble. However, for the others, as long as you had sufficient knowledge, the right binding vows, you could even mimic certain techniques or create a small field to your advantage. 

I made my way to the training room before seeing the majority of the staff there for the lesson as well. I sighed, "So I'm teaching everyone here right?" Da Vinci shrugged her shoulders as I got ready to teach in the most simple way possible. Fujimaru stood at the centre as the rest of the servants who were interested had come to watch and hopefully learn as well. 

I cleared my throat before making one thing clear, "Most of you will not be able to perform a simple domain. It's difficult to do and you won't have the catalyst of being inside a lethal domain either." 

Everyone paid attention as I started going over the basics and the history of how it was created. "A simple domain does not actually neutralise the sure-hit technique of a domain the way you think. It instead affects the barrier of the domain and that causes the sure-hit effect to be neutralised. So what you want to do is just spread a neutral barrier around you." 

I quickly created a simple domain as they watched as the area around me was saturated with magical energy. "This is a simple domain in it's neutral conditionless form. Just spread a domain around you and this doesn't require closing a barrier so you should be able to with enough talent." 

Cu immediately got the hang of it as he flaunted to the other servants who in turn started competing against each other to see who would learn faster. A small spark appeared near Fujimaru's feet as he tried desperately to emulate. Da Vinci was a genius and naturally that carried over to learning a simple domain as well. 

Cu who had already got the hang of it decided to see if there was anything else he could do. 

"Oi Satoru! Anything else this thing can do? You said you can change conditions as well right?" I nodded before beckoning him to come fight. The simple domain spread around me as he came at me with full force. However in that instant, the moment he crossed into the domain, my hand had grabbed him and flipped him onto the floor. 

"Like it? By using binding vows and a decent knowledge of how to change the conditions anyone can do it. I set the conditions to be an instant grab and flip motion targeting the wrist, the moment someone enters the simple domain. However, the binding vow for this was that I was not allowed to move from the spot and that I could not change the action until it had been completed." 

Cu nodded as he got up and started practising. "But be warned, changing it like this does have risks. Similar to Naobito Zenin who holds the cursed technique of projection sorcery." Marie and Mozart had long given up while Kiyohime was helping Fujimaru get the hang of simple domain. Da Vinci questioned "Projection sorcery? Like gradation air?" I laughed and chuckled, no. It's completely different. 

"Give me a moment, I need to think how to go about it." 

While I could most likely imitate the 24fps rule for myself. But the trick would be trying to apply the rule to the other person. Right, I could probably imitate it well enough though without truly using projection sorcery. 

"Cu, want to have a go?" 

Cu grinned as he asked "So what are the rules to this one?" I expanded the domain as large as I could, encompassing both of us. 

"Projection sorcery uses the 24fps rule. While Naobito can cause someone to abide by the rule by touch, I'll use the simple domain. Everyone inside the simple domain must abide by the fps rule. 24 fps will be a time frame for you to decided your actions per frame, the actions can not be changed. I can not freeze someone inside a frame but I can cause the binding vow to stun instead for a second. In other words Noabito could cause 24 frames of unknown actions for his opponent but I can't. That's unique to him. Meaning, that everyone within the simple domain will have full control of the 24fps actions. Meaning that it's a game of prediction and the moment you do not follow through with your actions in order to avoid a hit, you will be stunned for another 24 frames meaning a second." 

Cu blew a fuse while Da Vinci realised the full extent of Naobit's ability. She exclaimed, "That would mean that his innate sense of timing for frames and intelligence to pull off all of that is insane." I nodded before quipping back, "He's the fastest sorcerer not counting me." 

The instant Cu stepped into the simple domain everything became a blur. It was a fight to see who could predict and react faster. Also a game of chicken and taking hits. Not taking a hit by avoiding and changing your actions would result in a stun. I took of my shades as I prepared to have a fun sparring match. 

The speed remained constant as there were 24 actions per frame as we continued to either avoid each other entirely or miss each other due to wrong predictions. However, unlucky for Lancer, he was going up against someone with the Six Eyes. An instance could become a full minute within the processing speed. A full few moves were exchanged as Lancer started sweating. 

"Satoru, how do does the Naobit dude even fight like this? It's so stuffy, it's like being forced to wear a fat suit." I grinned, for someone like Cu, this would be hell. Speed was Cu's main weapon and the 24fps essentially forced him to be the same speed as the opponent. 

"You've had enough?" Cu raised both hands up as I dismissed the domain. "Honestly, I don't like fighting like that either, while it's cool and would be funny to see the old coot complain that his technique was replicated with a simple domain. It's annoying, very annoying." 

"So, you guys ready for a test run? I'll make a closed domain without the sure-hit effect. Try affect the barrier of my domain."

"Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void"