
Limitless Fate

The jujutsu sorcerers are labeled as the laughing stock of magi due to being able to only have one innate technique spell allowed to them. Unlike the mages who could learn any spell that could fall into their affinity or origin, the jujutsu sorcerers at most could do simply neutral spells. However, his birth changed everything and the balance of power shifted.

Hans_Shonagon · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

Immediately the Six Eyes had detected the situation long before Jeanne had. But, it was tiring. It was horribly tiring. I was tired mentally. Jeanne already long made it out of the forest. The dragon had arrived and along with the dragon, a few more servant energy signatures.

I could save them all, I could leave them. I had the power, yet with all that power I couldn't save a close friend. All because of my own damned decision not to kill him on the spot due to lack of concrete evidence. Yet despite closing my eyes to the world around me, I still see them. The stares of disappointment from the group. Jeanne's face of despair, Fujimaru and Mash's disappointment, the face of doubt from Romani. 

And yet, why do I hear you? You aren't even here. 

The small whisper and a gentle laughter but stern. 

~Being thoughtful is a good quality to have.~

~You shouldn't do that Satoru.~

"Tch, shit. Really rubbed off on me." 

In an instant I made my way out of the forest being careful not to make contact with any of the group lest they either become paste or get knocked into the distance. Trees ripped and fell as the subtle attractive force of Blue tugged strongly. 

In the distance a horde of wyverns and a fat dragon was present in the distance. It'd be better to just drag them and face them on ground level. But first I need to scare them from attack for an instant. 

"Cursed Technique Maximum Output: Blue" 

Simultaneous manifestations of Blue materialised as I dragged them down from the sky as they fell onto the earth. I sent a message to Romani to relay to the others, I was going to go for the kill. 

Immediately five servants surrounded me. However, it is laughable. "Romani, I've located the grail." Jeanne Alter flinched. I grinned before pointing right at her, "She is the grail itself, a wish made upon the grail and sustained by the grail." 

The servants turned to stare at their master. I take note that they are still out of range so taking care of this should be easy enough. 

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void"

The domain barrier instantly spread out and encroached upon space as the flashes of incomplete information from the sure-hit was enabled. The silence of the domain stilled in the air, yet despite all that, they were hearing numerous sounds, seeing numerous things. Information continued to force its way through their minds, slowly overloading the brain and the soul. I would need one person to lead the way as the main culprit was still hiding somewhere. 

Jeanne would have to go. In an instant her head was crushed to a pulp by Blue. The two evil alignments would have to go. And that thing would go as well. Instantly a mix of Blue's and Red's either crushed their bodies or blasted them away. Only one remained. 

"Well well, lucky aren't ya?" I placed my hand on her head as the overload of information stopped. The domain was dismissed as the wyverns continued to stay stunned due to the overload. It would take at least a day for the servant to reawake. Now, to take on the wyverns, however luckily we had unexpected back up arrive in the form of more servants. In an instant many wyverns were dispatched and cleaned up. I held the grail that had once become Jeanne however as I thought, the singularity was still not fixing itself meaning one more thing had to be corrected. 

The servants introduced themselves and the only one I wanted to get along with was Mozart. I mean, com'on. Mozart? Who hasn't heard of that bloody musical genius? If I was a genius in jujutsu curses and combat related then he was a genius but Mozart dude was a musical genius. I totally didn't want to curry favour to get some personal jazz recorded for me.

The second group of servants was a snake, a fellow genius, a queen and a brat with horns. I sighed as I realised I had to look out for more people. Eventually it seemed like the woman had awoken. Honestly it was not who I expected. Jeanne was spouting something about how she was a fellow saint and something about being holy. I snorted at that thought. But she awoke without the madness enhancement so that was something good out of the whole killing Jeanne. Of course, as Fujimaru had contracted temporarily with the rest of the servants, it was naturally up to me, the living near perpetual energy generator! 

Maid was trying her best to cook while Okita was chopping up firewood as a demonstration of her skill. Honestly, they truly live up to the title of servants. It was Saint Martha, yup. I was now officially contracted with a saint. Anastasia would have laughed considering my previous statement during the fight with Diarmuid. 

*Throughout heavens and earth, I alone am the honoured one*

Martha was quite skimpy wearing for a saint. I pointed it out before I received a fist to the head. It hurt like fucking hell. But honestly I had to show respect to a saint that just prays and punches demons to oblivion. Though she gave off the same type of vibe as Principal Yaga I was sure we were going to get along well. If people don't call you strong after you punch and pray a dragon into submission I'd start calling everyone garbage. However, I could see the shock in everyone else who was surprised at the fact that an attack could get through Infinity. 

I pointed to Martha, "I respect the strong." She smiled, "So you're only polite to those you acknowledge huh? How fortunate, I can tell you are also straightforward as well." I smiled "We'll get along nicely, a bit of violence will solve everything." 

Fujimaru seemed confused "So how does that barrier thing work?" Mash took up the explanation for me as I continued to chat with Martha. 

Mash started with the Achilles Paradox however I cut her off when she said it was a barrier. 

"The neutral form of Limitless isn't actually a barrier. It's more of a passive effect of dividing a finite amount of space into an infinite amount of space so the closer an object gets, the slower it goes. As a result it's not a barrier but more of a passive effect. Mash then pointed out, "I remember back then with Team A, you frequently had arguments due to the applications of Limitless." 

I nodded, "Might as well take the time to explain why I work best alone. Quite frankly most of the people here are a burden to me apart from the select few."

I pointed to Martha, Okita and Maid. "I'll explain it in simple terms that aren't entirely accurate but will do, first the neutral form of Limitless, the ability to stop. I dropped my shades onto my hand but they never touched as they remained suspended mid-air. Second, the ability to attract by reinforcing Limitless, the convergence of Limitless, Blue." I pointed my hand at a tree before it crushed the trunk and fell down only to be flung over to Okita as her sword flashed faster than one could blink. Firewood was split in an instant as it was delivered to a pile. 

"Third, the ability to repel by bringing the divergence of Limitless, and instead of creating negative distance it does the opposite creating a void that repels. There's one more non-standard technique but I won't go into that." 

Fujimaru then asked, "So why would you tell us if you'd be risking information falling into the hands of an enemy?" I grinned, "A majority of jujutsu sorcerer's will make a binding vow in the form of an equivalent exchange by revealing how our technique's work in order to strengthen it."

I looked at Martha before asking the thousand dollar question. I took off my shades to observe for changes in magical energy to tell if she was lying. 

"So who's the one pulling the strings and where is he?"