

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Dive Five

Someone ones told me its pointless to count minutes or seconds you spend doing anything be it working or in Kim's case waiting for someone or looking forward to seeing someone cause in the end you there and they're wherever you are , time doesn't really matter. Probably because time stopped flowing for that person who told me its pointless to count, my dad Nevis who to him he only sees me when necessary that is if he misses me and that's different from how my grandfather Kitts thinks because he can see me as often as he pleases and thinks its precious time between family. I mean its how we live unlike other ordinary family time isn't an issue cause we got a lot of it.

Today's Kim's last day at kittnev and she's been looking forward to go back home(earth) except she's too restless trying out different dishes I make her, I bet she gonna miss this place , I think cause the waiting she did has gotten to her head now that she can leave and go back to Taylor. Well to be honest I don't know what this dating is, my grandpa taught me a lot of earth's language but definitely never went into details about dating so I ain't so sure how important it is but I know for Kim , Taylor something so close to the most important person in her life so I plan to support her journey just that on my mission to paving a way for her journey I saw what you'd call an unfortunate event , I saw the guy you'd call Taylor kissing another girl and I most definitely know that's not something he should do it with someone he's not dating , so anyone who's not Kim should be a no I thought. But I can't tell Kim that , I mean I wish am wrong in fact I'll just think I was wrong and allow her to see him while she's still excited to see him again after a month whatever I saw shouldn't matter what matters is that she's finally going back home like she wanted.

I mean I think I'll miss her, I mean she's my first human interaction so of course I'll miss then humanly presence but that's all, her company was fun and now its time to send her off , now why is a girl who's so excited to go back to earth doing mixing up my dishes in a weird way?

"Need help?"

I asked cause I couldn't stand her destroying the dish I made

"Nope! I need to get all of these to fit in this pot , as souvenir I guess" she said as she struggled

"That's like really a lot for a souvenir.."

I said amused at her carelessness

"Well like I said before I don't cook ....since Fiona doesn't let me set foot in her kitchen, so this is a really big thing for me.."

she said admiring her sense of achievement.

"okay..I'll still help"

I made up my mind and helped her fit all the food in that one pot

"So am Miles..won't you miss me? I mean seeing how excited you are to send me off.." she asked and I could tell she's really curious

"Well..am not really excited to send you off...and I'll miss you...this is just something we have to do.." I paused "I mean you must go back to Taylor and I promised I'd help..so am just happy I could fulfill my promise."

I added after an awkward silence

"Well am happy to" she added with a smile

"Good now let's get you out of here"

I said as I helped her carry the pot which is the only package she has.

"Aren't you gonna ask if am gonna miss you"

she asked as we walked down stairs, I mean its like she's investigating my level of earth's language understanding

"Well will you miss me?" I played Along

"of course I will Miles!" she exclaimed

"why would you miss me?"

I asked curious, I mean if you think about it there's nothing to miss about me here cause I technically forced her to stay away from her home

"Excuse me?" she asked dumbfounded

"I mean I have w reason to miss you..I mean I've been alone here I mean apart from my family who are hardly with me...your the first person I've had interaction with and now your leaving, of course I'd miss you...but in your case.."

before I could finish she interrupted me.

"You guys summoned me and forced me to work my way out ..is that it" she concluded on my behalf

"Yep.." I agreed

"So you were thinking I'd have no reason to miss you...honestly I got more than one reason to miss you and this place." she said confidently as we approached the breaching point

"More than one!" I asked excited

" Hush boy, I'll just tell you one for now." she pointed

"Okay..what is it?" I asked still excited

"Because you're cute Miles what else..?" she said and added a smirk , well I guess my cuteness is something to miss, I mean even my dad misses that too many times

"Well its not the first time I've heard that but am happy ..I mean I do feel responsible for your long unwanted stay. " I said to Kim

"Don't worry ..at least I got magic out of it all plus I believe am bad ass thanks to your training" she said satisfied

"oh about that...you can't use magic out of here ...more like you shouldn't use it..no one knows kittnev exits so...its better if it stays that way.." I informed her

"Sure...but I can use alone right?" she bargained

"As long as no one sees it.." I surrendered

"Deal!" she sealed it with a peck on my chick

"I've been meaning to ask you this Kim ...for a really long time.."I wavered

"Sure what do you wanna know.." she got comfy

"How old are you? Am twenty one just to be fair.." I finally got it out of my chest

"Twenty one?!! I actually thought you were younger than me..I mean Miles you don't even know what dating is" she teased

"Don't ..don't do that..we both know that's not the point here .." I hardly defended myself

"okay okay..but seriously though...I thought you were younger cause am eighteen .." she said

"oh a senior then..you soon graduating.?" I inquired

"Yep..soon a university student.." she replied proudly

"School gonna be okay?" I asked concerned

"More than okay...I bet they'd be excited to see me back.." she said as she took the pot off my hand

"Well I sure hope so...time to go"

I paused and prepared to bid her goodbye for real

"Time's up.." she said awkwardly

I mean I've been sensing this weird feeling from Kimberly she seems to be having lingering feelings about something but I don't want to make it more awkward for her so I won't ask

"So how do we do this? I mean how do you send someone like you away?"

I asked to ease her restlessness

"Well...the same thing Kitts and Nevis did when they saw you"

she said, I guess the 'Master' thing hasn't sank in yet for her

"Oh...okay that's easy" I said

"It wasn't supposed to be hard..I mean its just a goodbye to you"

she said awkwardly and I know how to answer to that so I took one step to her and gave a peck on the forehead and she was pretty much nervous and all but

"This won't take long" I said to ease her

"Won't take long?" she asked clueless

I smiled at her and showered her with pecks from her forehead to her nose, chicks and down to the neck and most definitely not the lips like I saw Taylor do it with another female, I was taught better and my grandfather never did that to me neither did my dad so neither will I plus Kim's been holding her breath much

"Am..Kim..You can breath now.." I smirked

"Yeah..ah.." she breathed heavily "Damn you got a lot of ways of surprising me" she added

"You told me its how you bid people like you goodbye.."I teased

"Don't do that Miles" she begged

"okay...off you go" I commanded her

"okay bye corner"

She hugged me goodbye and commanded the pole and it opened and whoop! she was off . But wait how'd she know my other name's corner? Am pretty sure I didn't tell her might be grandpa Kitts. That was the last time I ever saw Kimberley after her mission to kittnev the pole got all foggy and she vanished marking the ME again , alone in the whole garden.

" Wonder who's gonna be summoned next".
