

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive Six

"home sweet home!"

Is what I exclaimed after I inhaled the air and stared at the sky full of real stars and not fake ones like those of kittnev

"Man its good to be back"

I added after appreciating everything earth had to offer. Who would've thought that one day I'd be this grateful to be an earthling. And yeah I was at that vending machine where I was before I arrived at kittnev and yes everything's the same as that day except its night and am carrying a pot full of dishes I made with miles, well he technically made them but I did a little and I'd love to take the credit for it since he's not here.

For now that doesn't matter. What matters is Taylor, I gotta head straight at his place ASAP. And went to the station and took a bus to Taylor's. I arrived in fifteen and it didn't look like he's home since everything's a mess so I decided to tidy up for him. I mean a month ago I wouldn't do this but what can I say

"kittnev taught me dependency"

Weird that its past midnight and Taylor's still not home. Maybe he's off somewhere , 'I should've called him after all' I thought but

"I want this to be a,surprise so I guess I'll come back tomorrow"

I said and made my way to the exit(the door) of his room but I heard a sound do I decided to stick around and hid behind the curtains. So he came to his room and he was undressing so I thought its time for THE surprise but I heard another voice from downstairs calling him

" Taylor! need a drink?"

I know that voice, its Yvonne I guess they were out hanging knowing Yvonne she might've been worried about Taylor so she might've been keeping him company.

"Sure bring it up!"

Taylor said . I mean I know they're close but Taylor doesn't let girls in his room even if its Yvonne

"Coming in!" Yvonne warned before she walked in Taylor's room


Taylor permitted it and his half naked which is shocking I never knew they got that comfy around Yvonne.

"Okay so I was thinking ...maybe you could stay over for the night...I mean its late .."

Taylor suggested. Clearly I can see he is seducing Yvonne and we both know she won't say no cause she likes him. As much as I'd love to believe its a joke I really can't clearly they have a thing. And for how long? before I left or after? None of that matters right now

"Well this girlfriend here will accept your invitation"

Yvonne said, and thanks to that now am certain they're dating

"Well thank you"

Taylor said flirting with her and kissed her on the lips, that was definitely not a peck

"By the way Taylor...you cleaned up today aye?" Yvonne asked Taylor

"I guess I did..? I mean I don't remember doing it though" he replied uncertain, of course he'd be uncertain because am the one who cleaned it

"Well am sure Kim would b proud of you!"

Yvonne complemented him, its like am out if the picture for good. I mean it only took less than a month for them to believe am dead. I wish I'd shout out from this side of the window and tell Taylor am still Alive but no girlfriend would do that after everything she saw, all I did was weep silently and waited until they left his room and I took off the couple's bracelet that Taylor and I bought and left it on his drawer and left through the window, thanks to my training at kittnev am practically a ninja and no one would see me coming.

So I walked aimlessly I mean I don't even know how to get to our house, never used a bus to get there so am practically homeless right now and messed up to see the guy I've been working my ass off to see , he's been comforted with someone else , it feels like the earth is crying

"I'd kill to have miles here...he's the only one with a perfect smile"

I said wishing I'd come back sooner, i mean I wish what I saw would be a lie but this tight pain in my chest is real am so lost I don't know what to do, I thought but he showed up, this time I actually think he's a guardian angel

"Miles..?" I called uncertain cause he was too bright for my teary eyes

"Yes Kim..I hope you don't mind that I decided to be a big brother for once .." he replied gently

"But ...never mind..am just so relieved to see you cause am lost" I said tearing up

"Yeah..?" he replied not sure of what he should say, of course he wouldn't understand even if I told him what happened , he knows nothing about romantic relationships

"You know what...just hug me..you know that much.."I asked desperately

"Yeah yeah...I mean am sorry I didn't do that earlier "

he said concerned and hugged me gently and believe or not I felt so loved and so safe he's like a really good huger but my pain never went away though, he just provided a shoulder for me to cry on and not be alone

"With you here I don't wanna cry...its embarrassing how excited I was to be back here for Taylor..." I complained

"I know...just rest it out okay..I'll take you home.." he said before I passed out

I guess it was the overly excitement and disappointment that got me passed out. But I did get one thing out of it, for the one month that I've been with Miles he's never lost the relaxed aura and always carefree behavior hence he's never been mad at anything even if he had I've never witnessed his seriously pissed off face and concerned but I did witness before I passed out this night and he gave me a peck on my forehead, which is not new but relaxing.

When I came too I was in our house and I had a terrible headache as if someone's been pounding my head all night

"Ouch! mg head hearts!"

I complained as I sat on my bed still amazed of how I actually got here.

"Well you cried the whole night ...here drink some water"

its Miles, THE MILES in flesh and blood, I thought he left after I passed out yesterday


I said excited el thought it didn't sound that way cause my voice was bruised due to the crying I did yesterday

"Did you sleep well? any nightmares?"

he asked concerned. But he can't really read the mood man! be ruined my happy to see Miles moment!

"Am fine really! it was all black!" I assured him

"Good cause someone's coming..I thought I should let you know..cause am here.."

He said pointing out his indifference, to top it all he's in full white one might say he's a good ghost? Before I could think what to do with Miles Fiona came in my room, its her routine to clean my room and wake me up every morning, I guess she never stopped even after I disappeared. But today won't be easy, i can see 'the am gonna need an explanation for this' look on his Face

"Am hi ..Fiona.."

I said prepared for what's to come. and lucky for me she ran and hugged me so tight I could feel her heartbeat

"Am so happy that you're okay!"

she said weeping , man she's such a sweet soul.

"I missed you too Fiona"

I said, although I missed Taylor more, which was more pointless.

"So anyways how'd you even get in?" she pulled back and looked at me "I mean forget it ..your fine and that's all that matters!"

she concluded and hugged me tight again and before she could devour me she finally noticed Miles standing beside my bed

"So, am seeing a cute, handsome, innocent looking guy that's definitely not Taylor! I mean how can a human be this magical!" she said after examining him

"Oh him? He's the guy who helped me to get back home.." I said hiding what he really is

"Oh...thank you very much young boy..but seriously though he's a looker!"

Fiona said not hiding her excitement and forced a handshake with him too, poor Miles

"Cmon Fiona ...don't overdo it ...he's not good with people.." I stood up for him

"Well okay..I'll prepare breakfast so you two should come down ...when I say two..I mean the magical boy too"

she winkled at him and left excited. I guess she's one of the people who didn't think I was dead. How fortunate for me.

"So that's Fiona"

Miles inquired so curious as to how other people will be if that's how Fiona is

"Well..yeah.." I replied uncomfortable

"She's more energetic than I thought she'd be"

he commented doubtfully

"Well you gotta admit..your looks are not really ordinary..I mean for a human..so just cut her son slack will you.."

I said as I got off my bed and made my way to the washroom to brush my teeth. Just Miles presence makes me happy , I haven't forgotten what I saw yesterday and part of me wished it was different but I've actually been through life or death situation in kittnev that its made my weak heart a little less weak and I can actually hold back my tears as long as I don't see Taylor. I mean I still don't know how he'd be over me in less than a month though! That's something that we'll have to talk about sooner or later. But right now I have to go and see the other boy , I bet he's couped up somewhere waiting for me.

"Miles you gotta meet someone I had been telling you about.." I said as I came out of the washroom and approached him

"Oh the guy who's not Taylor?"

he asked enthusiastic which was nice! he remembered

"Yeah..HIM" I agreed

"Well I gotta go..can we do this some other time?"

he replied with a small sense of disappointment, I guess he's time's up

"Already? I was hoping you'd stay longer but I guess it can't be helped" I replied disappointed

"Yeah.." he replied caressing my hair

"Well okay..bye and thanks for being here...I totally don't know what I'd do if you hadn't been here yesterday"

I replied looking at him on the face and added a smile, damn Fiona was right! he's a beauty

"Am glad I could take care of you even out of kittnev it made me feel humane " he said proudly

"You should go now.."

I insisted cause it was getting a little awkward for the me who's human

"Okay...make sure to eat enough food..you lost a lot of energy yesterday" he added

"Okay I will"

I concluded and hugged him, its the first time I felt so small around him, he hugs me like am something so delicate. To top it all he's super tall, Taylor was taller than me but he's definitely taller than him, I could tell when I hug him.


His last words and jumped out the window and left, he didn't site anything though, that's when I knew the command thingy wasn't necessary, damn those kittnevs , they had fun toying with me. But I had fun, now that am back for Taylor , what should I do? Cause he's basically not mine anymore and the thought that I'll have to break up with him doesn't sink in! I prefer not thinking about Taylor for now and deal with HIM first. Cause I didn't say it so much but I miss HIM a lot too.
