

Since the beginning of time, all beings were born with limits, be it physically spiritually or psychologically, all living things have had limits. The universe has a limit it cannot cross, the void has a limit it cannot exceed, light has a limit to its speed, reality has a limit, Space and time have limits. Even the creators of the universe understood this very important principle and acted accordingly. However in a world filled with divine beings who exist to uphold the natural law, what will happen to a young half god with the ability to continually transcend his own limits.

David_555 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Family Ties II

Royal Palace, Princes' chambers.

Astylos sat within a tub of ice cold water and soap, completely relaxed, while a satisfied expression hung on his face.

After a few minutes, a confused expression appeared on his face, before he sighed deeply, squeezed the water out of his hair and walked out of the tub.

Calling his body athletic would be the underestimation of the eon. His body was riddled with pure and lean muscle-not too huge, but in the right proportions and in the right places, as if carved by the goddess of lust herself.

His manhood was, well, it would even put Zeus himself to shame. Picking up a black towel, he wrapped it around his waist and walked out of the bathroom to his own personal chamber.

He was going to meet his mother for answers. Like his grandfather said, misunderstandings should be cleared out before it's too late. He was going to talk to her, hence he had to dress himself for her.

Walking into his wardrobe, he picked up a golden brown robe, which had been gathering dust in his wardrobe for almost 3 years now. Dusting it slightly, he unwrapped the towel around his waist and put on the robe swiftly.

He also put on a pair of sandals since he wanted to look the part.

Running his palms through his hair, he sighed and shook his head. There was nothing he could do about his hair since it was naturally spiky so he had to let it be. After a few moments of admiring himself, he turned around, took a deep breath and walked out.


Upon reaching the his mothers chamber, he stood outside the huge entrance, on the balcony, while wiping off the beads of sweat off his forehead.

The guards standing at the entrance couldn't help but look at each other in surprise. Every one knew about the infamous and unorthodox third Prince of Thebes, but seeing him all dressed up today, looking like a well mannered and handsome young man, their opinions couldn't help but shift a little.

Astylos on the other hand felt like a kid who had been caught stealing by his mom. He was both nervous and terrified, going to meet his mother to talk. It would probably be the first mother son conversation he would have ever since his father left.

Taking a deep breath, he took a leap of faith, and walked into the Queens chambers, as the guards allowed him in.

He took slow and steady steps, while sweat dropped down his shirt like crazy. He wasn't even nervous when he had fought the beast in Edenia. Slowly and steadily, he made his way in the inner chambers and forced out a smile.

However, upon entering, he halted his steps, as his eyes landed on the sorrowful figure before him.

She didn't look like the proud queen she normally was, but a poor mother.

Her body was sprawled on the floor, and she held a goblet of wine in her hand, as tears streamed down her beautiful face.

"Hercules... you...bastard. How..could...you leave ...me ..alone..." She spoke in between sniffs, before she downed a swig.

"You...promised...to be here for me...you promised...to take care ...of me...how could you leave me to raise four children ...all by myself!!" She angrily roared and threw away the goblet before buried her face in her arms.

Astylos stood behind her, not knowing what to do nor say, as he watched his mother bawl her eyes out.

"You know...your son...Astylos...he's grown...to become... a fine...young man...just like you...but he-he hates me. I've been so...hard on him.." She said and cried , while Astylos' felt a pang of pain in his heart.

He turned around with unable to reach out to her, however, his grandfathers words resounded in his heart once more. Immediately, he turned back around and reached out to her.

"Mother..." He said, as she raised her head and turned around. "A-Astylos, my son." She staggered but fell trying to walk to him, but he caught her in his arms and embraced her.

"Astylos" "Mother." Both mother and son cried out in each other's embrace.


After a few minutes, both of them sat down, with Astylos still in his mother's embrace, like a little child.

"I'm sorry." After a brief moment of silence, Megara spoke and looked at him, while he sighed deeply. "It's alright mother. Let's put the past behind us." He enjoyed the cozy embrace of his mother and snuggled closer to her, while she embraced him even more.

"Mother, I have to tell you something." After a while, he separated from her and spoke. "Tell me son." She said with a smile.

"I have joined the Spartan army.." He said.

"I know that already son. And I accept it. " She smiled and caressed his hair.

"The soldiers of Athens have waged war on Sparta and all its allies, including Thebes. I will be joining the Spartan army in the war." He said, with a serious expression, and Megara was short for words for a moment.

"Sigh." She heaved a long and deep sigh, before she looked at him and held his hands. "Make sure you win, and come back home safely." She looked him in the eye and said with seriously, as he nodded and smiled.

"I love you mother.." He said and hugged her again. "I love you too my son.." She smiled and caressed his hair.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Although I'm pretty sure most of you did not expect it to go this way. Anyway, sit back and relax folks cos we're in for a long journey. Keep on donating more to keep me energized to write more chapters.