
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
68 Chs

Lunchtime munchies

We're heading out of the school when we're introduced to each other.

"Hey, I'm Alexis," the girl speaks up. She seems pretty cool, I kind of want to hang out with her more.

"I'm Mark," his voice is really soft. "How has your first day been so far?"

"Pretty good," I reply, "nothing I can't handle." More lies.

"That's good," Alexis replies for him. "Whatcha plannin' on getting? You know, at the gas station?"

"I don't know, I haven't been there yet. I have no clue what there is."

"You should try one of their bean burritos, they're to die for."

"Alexis, you always eat bean burritos," Laureen says.

"Is there a problem with that?" she questions.

"That's all you ever eat."

"Not true," she defends herself, then pauses, "yesterday for breakfast I had a breakfast burrito..." Laureen giggles that pretty, youthful laugh.

We get to the gas station and go inside. I look around a bit at the food with Laureen.

This isn't right. She's paying for me and she's been so nice. Maybe one day I will find a way to repay her. Give her a nice little gift, like a necklace or jacket.

I decide to grab a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos and a Monster. I should really eat healthier.

"Ooo, Hot Cheetos, good choice," Laureen playfully glances.

"And a Monster," Alexis appears out of nowhere, "you have some great taste."

"This is just my normal, unhealthy diet," I say, making Laureen expose her youthful laugh.

"Anyways, let's checkout now and head back," Mark chimes in. Where are these people coming from?!

We checkout and head back to the school, still talking as normal. Nothing really important is said, but we snack on the way even though the school isn't far. However, one thing does pop up...

"Hey Grace, I have a question for you," Alexis asks. "and it's kinda important.