
Lightning Devil Fruit In Marvel!

The Main character "stumbles" upon the Goro Goro No Mi fruit and eats it granting him the Abilities to Create, Control and Transform into Lightning at his Will right as the events of The Age of Ultron are coming to a close with the decisive battle between the Avenger's and Ultron heating up.

Karate_master_b · ภาพยนตร์
22 Chs

Chapter 3 10,000 Volts

My eyes blurry as I looked towards the voice trying to make out who it belonged to.

Illuminated by the light from above I caught sight of an older man, with a white moustach, slicked back white hair with a little black patch on the front, and Orange tinted sunglasses.

He looked at me on the ground bleeding with a gentle smile as he held something in one of his palms.

It's looked like a pear yet it had weird blue patterns all over it.

I wanted to reply to man, Hope rising within me, or maybe this was an illusion my mind made up, or maybe this is an angel here to take me away.

I didn't know and quite frankly my mind was to buzzed to think to deeply on it.

The man in rather simple clothing unfitting of our surroundings he put the object down besides my head.

"As long as you take a bite from that fruit with your own willpower through the pain, you will get to live, you will get to be healed completly" The man said as he put that object down by my head.

My eyes glancing at the fruit for a second before I turned to look at the man but it was like he had just dissapered.

Eyes immediately widening it alternated between the fruit and where the man had stood previously.

Without any Adrenaline I moved my arm, reaching out to the fruit.

My fingers weakly reaching out to grab hold of the fruit.

My quivering finge getting closer and closer by the second and just when it was about to make contact with the fruit, My finger went numb almost like it had been electrocuted.

At the same time it felt as if a barrage of new Knowledge appeared in my mind.

Lightning devil fruit, Haki, Elementalization, everything appeared.

The chance to be healed completely being opened up to me if I ate this fruit.

Filled with a new found sense of determination I moved my palm forward and grabbed a tight hold of it through the pain of it.

It felt like hundreds of needles poking my legs constantly even at the slightest of movement, I wanted to scream in pain but I held on.

Perhaps this was the delusions of a dying mind, but If this was real, there was no way I could pass it up.

Dragging the fruit closer to my mouth I extended my head out and bit a small piece of the fruit.

My mouth was Immediately filled with the most unbearable taste imaginable as the juices of the bite I had taken flowed through my tounge and into my throat.

I felt the immediate urge to spit it out yet I held it in as this was a part of the information I was given.

It said that taste although unbearable by any living being the power given for bearing through this test would be the rewards of power beyond One's logical comprehension.

I chewed it slowly to make sure I can truly get it.

I didn't have anything to loose at this moment anyways.

So I chose to believe this Information.

It was all far to elaborate anyways.

I didnt know what I was getting into, I may have just made a contract with the devil for all I know but that didnt matter as long as I lived there would always be an oppportunity to take advantage of in situations.

Death was a simple The End without anything ahead.

The second I swallowed the last bit juice of the bite I ffelt y entire perception shift and the pain vanished all I heard were a few snaps as if my body was reversing in time.

Slowly standing up I felt waves of shock engulfing my mind.

It felt like nothing had happened to my body.

It was as if It had always been in the perfect condition it was right now.

Looking at the fruit, it was completely grey lacking the bluishness.

After the shock passed then came unbridled excitement, This power I was given was far to overpowered.

Making the conscious decision I wanted to Elementlaize.

It was such a unbelievable thing that I had to experience it personally.

Invulnerability to everything?

Thats was just an Insane thought.

I could survive a Nuclear explosion without a scratch on me.

Willing my mind I felt the weight on my body completely vanished aswell as my vision dissapere.

I flet the connection to the surrounding lightning particles on a much deeper level.

It felt as if I was the main mind connected to a bunch sub minds without will all ready to be controlled by a single thought of mine.

To see I needed to train my observation Haki.

Along with this, techniques used by my predecesors from another world who had taken this fruit to a whole new level of destruction filled my mind aswell.

My body quickly delementalizing as I felt the approaching limit for how long I can stay elementalized quickly approaching.

That sense of weightlessness immediately vanished as I felt a crushing burden on my body causing me to fall to the ground barely able to lift myself up.

The deep connection with the lightning felt as if it had been blocked by a layer of fog.

My vision quickly returning as I looked around.

My lack of control in my elemental form was lacking to say the least I thought to myself as I looked at the charred ground all around me.

Gashed of black char spread like a shattered glass in all directions ranging atleast up to a 5 meters.

Glancing at the fruit that seemed to have been flung quite a distance away.

I Controlled the lightning around me, I siphoned the sliver of lightning within all these particles around me to bring it infront of me and gather into a ball.

I watched as a small palms sized lightning ball began gathering infront of me.

It's lightning blue colours mixed with a hint of silver as it perfectly harmonised together in a stable manner.

A almost perfect sphere.

Information about it quickly filling my mind.

[10,000 Volts] I thought in my mind about this technique as I launched the ball of Lightning towards the fruit.

It flew almost instantly and made contact with the the fruit charring it directly into ashes, The rocks under the fruit was blasted aswell flying in every direction as a small crater was left behind.

The deep rumbling sound soon resounded about 10 seconds later aswell throughout the cave.

My breath quivering a little as I controlled myself.

I could not let my self get drunk on this power as that almost always end badly for a person.

I should control this power instead of it controlling me I thought as I controlled my wild thoughts in my mind filter the opportunities I could take with these powers.

I analyzed the [10,000 Volts] technique to divert my mind a little and I discovered that If I were to use a simple bolt although the destructiveness would be slightly reduced I would be able to exert 10 times as many Volts.

It also took longer to accumulate than lightning but that could be fixed by training.

The Advantage of the lightning ball if thrown at a living being would also be the heat generated by heat and due to it moving slower than a bolt of lightning, The heat would last enough time to cause major damage.

Letting out a deep breath my eyes moved to the opening in the cave.

A technique one of my predecesors had used as a beginner popped up in my mind as a substitute for flying.

Closing my eyes I tried to follow the technique of this person.

Soon two blocks of lightning appeared on the grounds about a minute or two later.

With trust in the past I stepped on them and felt as if I was standing on solid ground.

Controlling the lightning under my feet I used it to rise in the air.

It was a slow process but I was getting the hang of it and a little more advance version of this technique appeared in my mind nind after I looked for it.

It allowed me to directly fly at speeds of about 100 kmph.

It was a beginner technique however as once you managed to reach a certain stage of mastery in Observation haki you could directly elementalize and move at the speed of lightning roughly around 434,522 kmph which is considered gentle speeds for lightning.

Sorry bit of an Info dump

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts