
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Family Time

I came out of the hospital wearing the hood Jason gave me as I walked towards the car that was waiting for me . Jason disembarked the car with two mam accompanying him. My hand and foot moved instinctively as I blocked one of the man's punch and kick. He smirked as he said,

'Not bad, you're really fun can you be my sparring partner?'.

'Ley of the kid Alex, I thought we agreed that his mine!',the other man shouted.

'Are you jealous because commander Jason gave him the hood that you badly wanted or Jason gav-',The man pushed Alex away before he could finish his sentence.

'The name's Magma kid',he said.

'I'm Mike-'

'I don't want to know you're name until I see if you are worthy inofe to join this agency ....',he paused.

'In other words show me what you are capable of',he said.

'Unsheath you're katana and I'll show you what I'm capable of',I replied.

He unsheathed his katana.'Magma....no it's lava',I thought. He threw slashes of lava at me and I blocked and absorbed them.' He's katana can absorbe magic . Let's see if you can absorbe this ',he said as he threw a bigger slash of lava.

'It's to big and fast even if I try to block and absorbe it some of the lava will damage me',I thought. I remembered my battle with that demon and thought ,'I guess you wouldn't want me to loose now.

I did the unexpected by eating the lava, Magma was surprised but I had already landed a punch to his face and broke his nose before he could react . He went crashing intoo Jason's car . I breathed out the smoke from the lava as I said,'I win'.

'His lava magic wasn't as hot as actual lava',I thought.

'Oh no you broke my....',Jason kicked Magma away

'Lamborghini!',he cried as he repaired it.

Magma stood up and pressed his nose.'what's you're name?',he asked.'Mikel',I replied.'I'll remember you till the day I die',he said with a smile.

I expected the agency to look like one of those long looking buildings, but it actually true when they say expect the unexpected. The agency looked like a castle from ancient times. When we entered I was fully ready to be jumped on or have a warm welcome.

But instead they surprised me with by throwing a huge party. Out of shock I ran, they looked surprised and stared at Emia who had also joined the same agency as I. 'Since a young age he was not really the party type',she said instinctively.

I was sitting next to my mother's grave when Jason joined me . 'It surprises me how far you can run ',he said as he took out a cigarette and a lighter.'You smoke?',I asked.

'After I read you're memories I thought , why not',he replied.

'Isn't that an invasion of privacy',I said

'Well I got bored after reading the light novel so I decided to read you're story ',he said

'Why did they throw a party for me? ',I asked

'They were impressed about what you did in the entrance exam so they decided to congratulate you',he replied

'I see'

'Why did you bail on them'

'Well you see I hated my parents,they made me kill people young and old at very young age. They never gave me any of the love a young kid should get as he or she grows up. I hated them,but even though I did not try to run I just kept being thier puppet. This made me question if I'm supposed to be happy ',I said

'You hate them but you still made a grave for them next to you're mother's ',he said. I remained quite.

'The things that you did are in the past , sure you can't forget them and I don't blame you. But you should think about the people that care about you as you're family, don't try to preclude yourself from them or you'll die alone. You're mother would not like that right kid',he said as he threw hid cigarette and walked away.

I later apologised to my teammate and I promised to take them out the following day and do all their chores until they fill like it. They gladly agreed to my request without hesitation.

Magma showed me around the agency. 'This are the rooms ,there's yours it's right next to Jason's ',he said. I heard some noise in his room so I opened the door in suprise. 'Are you okey sir',I said as I rushed in.' Can't you see that I'm busy',he replied.

I automatically closed the door and we walked away like we saw nothing. He showed me the bathrooms and said.' Last but not least , the bathroom. This is were we do business, we only have one shower though so we take turns',he said.

'Whose in there now?',I asked

'Emia', he replied

'I need to talk to her so I'll be going ',I said as I walked in the bathroom .

'But she's still....welcome to the man of culture squid,he saluted.

Emia was bathing as she thought.,'Why did Mikel agree to be our slaves. He seems to be working harder than usual, he's finally growing up huh'

'Emia come play with us in the snow',I said

'I'm royalty I don't pla-',I threw the snowball at her face.

She rushed at me and we started throwing snowballs at each other along with Boru.Emia laughed as she remembered those times.

'Hi',I said as I leaned next to the shower door.

Emia was so startled she tripped and fell face first on the floor. 'Are you okey should I come in' ,I said.' No you perv',she said .' We used to bath together anyways ',I said.

'I was nine!',she shouted.

'Anyway I wanted to apologise for not telling you guys that I had a demon inside me.

'We were going threw Mom's death so I get why you couldn't tell us ',she said

'She's finally mature huh, I guess puberty changes people a lot',I thought with a smile

'How's Boru doing',I asked

'His having the best time of his life. He joined one of the greatest agencies The Stone Avangelical, he technically has almost everything, girls ,money and his on he's way to become captain ',she said

'He's a genius, but I won't let him transcend me',I said

Emia laughed, 'you haven't changed that much '

'You too,I actually thought you'd be stressed about what happened but I'm glad you're doing okey',I said

'You too',she said as she wore her towel and opened the door.

I fell as she opened the door and went under her legs. 'So this are one of the reasons there's corruption in this world ',I said

'Shut up you perv!',she said as she stamped my face through the floors up until the first floor were everybody was chilling. 'You survived for this long my Dude',Magma looked surprised.

Emia kneeled on the ground as she thought,'I feel better now that you've checked on me after everything that happened ',she cried as she remembered everything that happened to her in her childhood and after.

I did all the chores which included; washing clothes, cleaning the agency, feeding the beast, cooking dinner,fixing the floors etc. The following day came and everyone was brimming with excitement, but little did we know that the excitement would turn intoo mixed imotions.